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Everything posted by slim

  1. sure it could be that the packages are to big ! but that what he wrote is for games where the packages arnt bigger than 56k modem can handle !
  2. becouse maybe the packages are to big or u had a to high Latancy with some "fluctuations"? <---don't know if it right written ?!?
  3. ahhhh k thankx now i understand what u ment ;) i thought there are other reasons tooo...
  4. ya i said it can be laggy with all connections ! and i dont mean the speed of the connection i mean only the PING LATANCY not your up or downlod ! and everytime when i play with someone who has a good ping ! but to high video setts then the game wasnt laggy it was constant slow no stop,go,stop,go ... ! but when i play someone with a bad connection Quality NOT speed ! it is laggy and he could have the lowest setts and the fastest PC it doesnt matter the game is laggy then so stop,go stop,go ... ! and sry for ma english :P
  5. ya but u can install the 1.09 patch so i dont understand ... it will be the same if u buy the game and its 1.09 or u buy 1.07 and update it then with the 1.09 patch ... thats what i cant understand ... !
  6. ya i know what the updates were in 1.09 but i mean whats the prob when its 1.07 or so ? u can dl the patch and then it works ....
  7. You already stated the problem, only with the wrong conclusion. When you've played Renegade online, be sure to reboot (for any game actually). Most of the times games/OS will not free the resources used for whatever you played. I've noticed this and when a memory defrag all was okay (reboot would do the same). The connection speed one has, has absolutely nothing to do with the lag one experiances in a game. ACElethal is right, games like EBDF and Renegade do not send that much kbps per second (Although I think it's a bit more then 3 though), but almost any dial up connection is capable of running the game(s). Most people experiance lag (like vilgent stated) due to graphical settings. And if one joins a game with a ping of more then a second, I'd say you're begging for lag. In your case it could very well be that you needed to reboot (or defrag ram) before you started to play EBFD. Not saying that this caused the problem, but I've experianced the same prob. After I defragged ram the problem was gone. I also admit that Windows XP has a much better way of freeing resources after the program has terminated. i dont say the Connection it the reason for lags but it can be ! ya 56k is fast enough but what bring it when u have 56k and ya latancy is to high ? or ya ping is falling, rising, falling ... ??? ya nothing ! the speed must be constant and shouldnt have some "fluctuations"? when the game is only slow but the speed constantly then its the GPU or CPU/RAM but when the game is "laggy" going, stop for a while then again and again and again... thats the connection(all connection.. cable,dsl,56k...) when u have a good ping u could play with 36k or something likethat !
  8. what is the difference between 1.09 or when u have an older version and must update it ? that little work ?
  9. hehe i saw the game in 2 stores here in germany in the small one was the price 30
  10. When u have high details and ya PC isnt fast enough the game will be slow but not laggy ! laggy games are caused by Connection! and yeah u could play with a 56k pretty fine but u have to have a low latancy(low ping) then its good, but when ya ping to high is the game will start to lag ! So u can say its not the PC, cause the game has the same speed the whole time but its very slow and lags r caused by connection how i said ... greetz slim2011
  11. *SKUM*
  12. OK guyz thankz for all i found a new clan so im not searching anymore happy new year 2 @ll and thX and greetz slim2011
  13. hm u cant find bc's nobody wanna play u ? hmmmmm i have an other picture of u, i asked very often some of DRK for playing bc and they played only 1 time ! so now i stopped it because i know that they wont play ... !
  14. OK so nobody is interested ? hm :( bad for me, but ok ... will see what i can do ...
  15. LOL i think u know who i am ! u remember z3r0k3wl or crazy3v1l or fak3d3m0n ???
  16. i know but i need names which can say me something ! for example when all skum players take a new nick and all skum... and u havent played them very often so u dont know who they are ... so the names cant say u something, i wanna names from the player with which they played in the past ...
  17. whos all in ya clan can you say me some names ...
  18. hi guyz im searching a new good clan ;) my old is dead and nobody wanna play there ... so who is interested plz write me slim2011 ...
  19. its doesnt seems like a cheat but like a try !!!
  20. Maybe u should do something about that then ::) i dont have a T1 but i dont lag.... maybe you should have told me you were lagging and then you could restart or something and play again. WAIT!! who are you again? P1ckles? l3m0nz? c0c0nutz?? if i remember right youre c0c0nutz, right? if it was so laggy then why did u play until my rush whooped you ::)?? point is, qm is dead... 95% of the players are no good. Since i've been playing skirmish ive played players 1000x better than those left in qm...Now i try to play the best qm players left and they quit or something. G A Y ehm hadnt we the same prob LOL elite u rnt lagging but the game is really slow, the most 4player games i have are faster then the 2 player game we had ... maybe u should put the videosetts down and the speed will be faster ...
  21. yep thats true the reason why u let them in is that u r one of them !!!
  22. ehm u all forgot that werent all cheaters on this list !!! a lot werent there ...!!!
  23. hm where is the difference between a community full of cheater or a halffull fair players ? or better what do u think is better ???
  24. no by me its on the last side of the manual !!!
  25. @ nathanus i wanted a qm vs u but u have always ducked me that shit, iwanted over 400pts ending this month and why i didnt get them ??? coz ppl like u ducks always(i have nothing against u)!!! but thats boring u search so long for a game and when u get some1 he ducks !!! and im really pissed of this fu**ing multinicker, man why cant we play all fair with 1 nick per month is it so hard or why ???
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