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Everything posted by Twin-Head

  1. Yes, i remember him too
  2. (OOC: ExS, where did you go?) Sorry guys, but i won't be able to continue this thread any longer...
  3. From now on, all quest points are worth either 100 soldiers with all the best equipment, free, or 10,000 gp.
  4. Twin-Head


    The Ultralisk rolls into a ball, and his caraspace covers him, hopefully thats enough DEFENSE to withstand the grenade
  5. I'll join, I'll be an Evil Wizard.
  6. Ahh, i'm getting sick of waiting, Groqmoore wins! Prize(s): GiftCertificate(3,000 gp) from Megot's Magic Weapons, 2,000 gp, and ranking +1 in the fighting arena +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= Ztraag trips and falls upward. aparently, this is a reverse gravity chamber. Ztraag impales himself on a spike!!!!
  7. Twin-Head


    The Ultralisk swings his mighty blades and ATTACKs the 'Acriku'
  8. Twin-Head


    The Ultralisk jumps forward and swings his blades in a COUNTERATTACK.
  9. The reason the price is so high, is that he also gets magically enhanced when ressurected. He will be stronger, and, he will be able to learn and cast spells, if you want him to...
  10. One of the mages informs the W.U.N.F. about a ressurection mage whom can ressurect for 10,000 gp.
  11. Twin-Head


    Im an Ultralisk, not a hydralisk. Tyuio shows his blades, and sweeps them up in a DEFENDing motion.
  12. The Last Ogre falls over from the heat of the flames. His body explodes, and ogre guts splatter everywhere. The fighting over, the bodies are checked. Each tribe found 20,000 gp, and is awarded 1 quest point. The High Mage Of Dolicot sends a telepathic massege to all spellcasters. Each tribe is to send their best sorceror/sorceress or wizard/witch. The first annual Magic competition is being held at the mage tower in Dolicot. The winner will be allowed to study at the magic achademy, free for a year, and win 10,000 gp. The entry cost is: 50 gp.
  13. Twin-Head


    [hide]Tyuio rips open the EyeBall, splattering blood, and nerve endings all over the wall. He rips out one of his own EyeBalls, also splattering blood and gore everywhere. He takes the EyeBall, and puts it in as his own eye. Now he has all the powers that the EyeBall had. Tyuio prepares for battle[/hide] Theres my fatality scene. Is your above post the announcment for the fight, or not???
  14. The Ogres react by smashing their clubs on everything that they can't see. They slam down on trees, houses, walls, and just about everything else. The bullets continue to pound into the ogre's skulls. 3 of them collapse onto the ground, dead. The Ogre mages cast spells on the remaining and they seem to know exactly where the W.U.N.F. soldiers are. They all three team up on one soldier and swing their clubs strait at the soldier... ================================================ Uhh we'll say that the gold cost is for the warriors only, the mages will get it free.(Because they have enough spells to enchant them theirselves) IT will cost gold, we'll say because you have to implement it in the armor.
  15. Twin-Head


    Tyuio angrily growls, and slams both blades down on the EyeBall trying to kill it in this round. May th Overmind help me if he cares about me!
  16. OOC: Earthnuker, The bag that the knight was carrieing only had an elf carcass in it. The knight was an evil necromancer, but he was killed. The Ogres rampage the town. Arrows fly into one's skull, and he falls over, dead. He crushes 5 gurdians and 10 orc warriors in the process, and only one survives the fall, an orc with crystalline armor( Which By the way costs 3,000 gold to create[for only 1 suit]) A Giant club slams down on an orc High sorceror. The ogre mages launch a firball at the palace. The palace erupts in flames, and the garden catches on fire. One of the W.U.N.F. Scouts is killed, he was hit directly, by the fireball.
  17. Twin-Head


    Tyuio stomps on the ground, frustrated at the outcome of the last "round". He slides on the frictionless part of the ground, and is flying strait towards the Eye. And since this ground is frictionless, its going to be a hard attack to dodge...
  18. (I have a better idea, howabout an ogre attack) The scouts distracted by the orcs, They never noticed the 12 ogres and the 3 ogre mages sneaking up on the base. The first thing that the ogres did was wait. They stood their while the mages cast spells of strength on them. Now each of them is strong enough to crush walls. The Ogre mages combined their power and made the first attack; a fireball. The walls blast open, and the ogres rampage through the city...
  19. Snaekgab, do you know that the orcs were friends with the The people whose town you live in now? The turtle rider group worked for the orcs for a little bit.
  20. Twin-Head


    Hello? Did anyone read Lord J's first post? He tells the outcome of the posts, not you...
  21. Oh yea, i forgot his comp is broken, i'll just halt the tournament. Unless everyone else here votes to get on with the tournament anddisqualifie him so we can continue the fights... ================================================ Ztraag heads to the right. Up ahead he sees the knight, he trys to sneak up on him, but the knight notices him. The knight runs up to a shaft with a rope hanging down from the top of it, and he does a back flip to get onto the rope, he is now upside-down on the rope, and he climbs down the rope.... ================================================ The 'Anti-goblin' group finds, The Dwemer's city! ================================================
  22. CHAPTER 2: Magical Explosions The elves magical exploding bombs reigned fire on the WarHawk's battered captain. The elves had set up long-ranged catapaults, and were launching enchanted stones, which did many different things, the Earthquake Stones shattered on the ground, and caused a violent tremor to pass through the ground, killing anything within 100 yards of the impact site. The last bomb they launched, landed in the main army. It exploded, and the icy blast froze the majority of the WarHawk tribe. "Fall back!" The captains shouted to their fierce warriors. A commando group was sent in to kill the rest of the elven spellcasters. The goblin in charge of explosives, Pencot, layed down the Baruba leaves. Then he poured on a mixture of tree sap, and a poisonous liquid. They dropped on a torch, and ran. Ten seconds later, an explosion sounds behind him, the Baruba bomb destroying the elves supply of magical boulders, and releasing their effects at the same time. Fires start and freeze, cannons explode, elves die, it was a glorious sight. The ramaining WarHawk forces killed the defensless elves. The WarHawks prepared for the next battle, and then head for the main fortress. Terjin, the mage, teleported back to the main city to get some war machines and siege engines. This battle was going to be a tough one....
  23. CHAPTER 1: Elf Hunting Tywioe charged forward, his sword gleaming in his green fist. He held his blades proudly, high up in the air. He swung the gleaming slivers of metal toward the elves, and the caught in the jagged, rocky cliff. He pulls the blades out with all his might, and beheads an allie from the momentum of the sword. Tywoie pulled out his bag of enchanted meat, that all goblins carry. The meat explodes, and is useful in a group. When a goblin is killed, the meat explodes if touched. Tywioe threw two pieces of meat, one towards each cliff. A huge explosion sounded throughout the entire valley. The cliff fell down, on top of the elven army. The WarHawk tribe was lead by Tywioe for a reason. He was the smartest goblin ever. The remaining goblin forces split up, and sieged the elves fortress. The strongest of the goblins battled at the main gate, but the defense was too strong. Tywoie grabbed the closest mage and screamed into his face "YOU SEE THAT! WE'RE LOOSING! FIX THAT!" The mage prepares the ingredients for a spell and shouts toward Tywioe, barely audible over the clash of blade against blade,"Got any metal??" Tywioe tossed him a gold coin and smiled. This was probably the spell he used last time. If it worked right, The entire fortress would turn to mud. "FALL BACK!" Tywoie shouts. The goblins run back, wary of his warning. The spellcaster enchants an arrow, and the best archer loads it and firess ay the fortress. Direct Hit! There is an exploding sound as the entire stronghold crumbles to mud." CHARGE!" The goblins bruttaly slaughtered the puny elves. They then looted the entire peremises and found gold, alot of gold. But the biggest find were weapons. Armed with new weapons, the WarHawk tribe starts toward the next elf encampment...... Please post comments below, and i will be continuing the story if people comment, so if you like it, say so, if you don't, then just don't post...
  24. Ohhh, Your not in the tourne? Who was it that is MilkEye, i keeep forgetting. Is it you MadRetoric? Same thing as before, in my last post, but to whoever is MilkEye instead, If MilkEye doesn't post by tommorow, then he is disqualified... ================================================ Kiter walks up to the elf at the front desk and asks her, "When is the next fight? And are there any postions?" The girl replys, " There is a tournament going on right now. After this tournament, there will be normal fights for awhile. There is a point system, it coutys your wins as 2 points, draws as 1 points, and loosing as 0 points. I'm sure if you waited a little while you could be in that. Then you could sign up for the next tournament."
  25. ExSPlug, i notice that you haven't posted on this entire page, if you don't post soon,(By tommorow) about the arena, You will be disqualified and Groqmoore will win, i just want to keep things moving is all, and i don't feel like waiting for 3 weeks...
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