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Everything posted by Gwizz

  1. With all the storms this winter, it would seem, staying inside playing Railroad Tycoon would be the place to be. My two newest computers got sick and refused to work for over two months. I thought both computers was IDE so I bought convertors and preceded to convert them to SATA. So when a friend looked at the computers, he said they were already set up to be SATA compatible. ------------ I don't remember doing that. --------- Ohhhhh, don't get old. On the positive side, with all of the extra pieces, I might be able to put another computer into the working machines box. I'm also glad to see some RR activity at the Terminal .
  2. Gwizz, did I picked the wrong thread. I do remember brushing over the insert button when I went to submit a reply. Sorry about that. I guess I was on vacation too long. Went to the beach to watch the big waves come in. The storm's waves went too far off the coast too be worth seeing.
  3. Making this map easier was not as easy as I thought it would be. I removed or down sized many citys, etc. I changed the amount of available cargo. I also reduced the passenger business. Few pasengers to fill too many seats in the passenger cars. I used some peaple to make Soil Green When no other cargo was available to haul. I still get too many AI companies trying to start up. They always seems to have full money bags, buying mostly stock. Will I finish this map I don't know.
  4. I think I'll go back to a saved game and see if the same thing happens again. Since almost all of the locomotives were running mostly on Hills track, there might be a connection or not ? Hill had 67 locos in operation, most were Ex AI locos with a few on stand by. Hill had about 20 of his own locos with a few as standby units, about 5 to 7. It was strange for MR HILL to get almost all of his money back. Maybe the AI LOCOS paid enough running on Hills track for a good return on Mr Hills investment. In real life, Mr Hill would control the stock then take over a RR and close the unprofitable rail lines. The extra locos and equipment were used on Hills profitable rail lines. How did the date change? Jeffery you may be correct: I saved over another saved map with too many changes.
  5. When I restarted the game 6 AI railroads restarted. Only 3 had enough funds to build a RR. But the same amount of money I started with returned to me and the start date was the old start date. Some things stayed in the present. (track and locos)
  6. James hill Railroad It can be won. After playing for 7 or 8 years, for some reason time travel went backward to 1938 the original start date. I had foreclosed on 3 Railroads in November 1942 or 43 buying all the stock I was allowed to own and then in January I merged the last 7 RRs. I paused, now owning all track and locomotives, everything on the map. Then I noticed not one owner was worth a million dollars. The lowerest was $ 380.K and the highest was $ 799.K But the gold trigger didn't fire. I'm thinking the trigger is out of order. But the RR museum has two cells of track. I think I accounted for those 2 cells. The big thing is what caused the date to jump back 7 or 8 years,????????????? I wasn't watching the clock. I Didn't expect the date problem. I expect the railroads will start up again, but for now I own everything except the gold in their pockets. Adter dinner, I will run the clock again. I was planning to simplify the map anyway. Too much micro-management as it is.
  7. I've never played Dune 2, Therefore, I would not be of much help to you.
  9. MaglevForever Its' been interesting to read your posts. I like what you are doing. I've continally taken my Hill game back to the editor to make adjustments to the original map. My plan now is to get rid of my cheap, slow locomotives that don't turn a profit. I like using them on branch lines. But they limit profit to much. I've already lowed operating costs of the locomotives by 10% to see how that works. and, my chores need attention as well.
  10. This post is talking to the past, Yea! about 5 year old posts from the past, when 3 identical posts came together then another 3 and so on, on an on. To answer one of the posts; I'll give one possible answer and see how it goes. Dealing with a new problem, for me, of using parts of a number when most triggers only work with whole numbers; Except when trundication is not so important, and when whole numbers are more important. I think this will work. (((gametrackcells) +100) - ((companytrackcells) + 100)) (- 100) = + or - (companytrackcells) The reason: company is buying up all other game cells until all game cells are owned by the one company and wins Gold.
  11. What happened to some of my RRT2 maps. "Take over tycoon" Map edit. Nov. 3 2007
  12. There seems to be a problem with maps sent here getting lost. A while back I tried to open a number of maps. All returned: map is missing or words simular. I also checked only a few maps on the map pages. No player made maps to be found there either. Maybe I'm not pushing the correct button or I have a delete bug. Now the maps seem to have come back. I have not looked very hard to discover what happened.
  13. I can't seem to get much past year one. This time in Dec. Year one, I numbered the nine AI railroads numbering each down from #1 to #9 from the strongest to the weakest. This allowed me to see how each RR performed over time. I had programed all AIs to be less productive adding only a few extra Locos. I started the map forgetting to return my control to Hill's RR. Hill had about 25 locos. Now at the start of year two Hill's RR added about 90 more locos. An odd thing happed. Starting year 2 the game also started 8 more AI RR companies. All together there was now 18 RR companies in the game. I'm tryings to make the map easyer. Boo Hoo.
  14. Yes, the AI railroads can produce cargo out of thin air and make a profit. I enjoy controling more then 50% of an AI's stock. You can take control. buy a locomotive and program the AI to run its trains on you home track and pay you to do so, etc.
  15. I've been re-balancing Hill's railroad Map. It is better now, but still needs more fine tuning. I've lost on the map for 3 plays now. The AI stocks and bonds get out of control and hard to fix when the AIs go against me. So I used the " Slush fund " To keep a positive balance sheet when I'm lossing to keep my testing alive and tried a couple of different play styles. They didn't work very well. On my next play I will only use one cargo per train unless they are needed, such as iron and coal are needed together to make steel, could be hauled together on one train. Now how will I do this without causing the AIs to back haul. I also have too many big cities and industries along the edges of the map . My hub cities need some fine tweeking as well. And of course the triggers are still waiting on me to finish them. I keep adding more events without triggers.
  16. When I start a game I save it with a base title such as: Hall's RR 001 After say 4 months I save again: Hall's RR 004. The 4 means the game time is 4 months old. I can go back in time 4 months to the first save. If I have a major traffic jam, I can go back to my last saved game and un-jam the trains. I then play on, remembering the time of the last save so I can watch to see if my fix worked. The problem I posted happens when I move something that later doesn't fit the spot. Example: I planted a produce farm; then covered most of it with a lake. Only the produce building showed. I then posted a No Trespassing sign. If anyone tried to build on the submerged land the computer went blank and stopped working. Major trap. At that early time the game didn't flood. Now it can. On the Hall's map, I don't know what I did to cause me to lose all of my game wealth during a game save. I was working with large numbers. Early on in poptop's life, I locked up a game when I hit a billion dollar mark. The game lock up so tight I sent it to poptop . I was told I went out of range. They said they never expected anyone to achieve such a big number. They fixed the problem and my map.
  17. Mad Short line RR players got even with Mr Hall. Hall gained a controlling interest in stocks for over 30 million (or was that 30 Billion) worth of track and equipment plus about 50 locomotives from the short lines. I took the map back in time about 4 or 5 times adding or changing something. ( I went back in time again, I found Short line Railroaders hadn't paid the cost of their Railroads. The railroader's IOUs were traded by the judge for Hall's stock.) In game time I went back about 3 years and found I no longer owned my own track and stations. No one did. First time I lost control of my time machine map method. I think I saved over the top of another map and something didn't fit. O'well there was a few more things I wanted to change anyway. ..
  18. That trigger will work. I'm planning to reduce new track cells on Mr. Hill,s RR each year until a planned limit is reached. Since the number of track cells would also increase with the start of each New AI RR, I'll put in some safety percentage limits as well on the AIs track. I have long wondered how I could sell used rail for a percentage of the full price for the track cells I bulldoze.
  19. I've never tried doing that except through the use of an event. Running that many engines would require a lot of micro management.
  20. OK, I think I've picked my map. I'm going to keep most industry chains, produce and like industries from the 1930-50s. I've changed locos used. I've Changed dollar amounts. they still may need adjustments. I've removed some of Mr. Hills trackage. I hand picked who I believe are the best managers and Chairmen for this map. Winning Gold may be hard to achieve, But, not for the players or chairmen, who I believe can win the gold; But because I can't figure out how to script the gold event. The Gold win event is to own all trackage on the map in 20 years. Jeffry, How would you build and script this gold win event. There are 10 AIs that can start up and when you merge one, he can often build another railroad owning a majority of his own stock.
  21. My Mr. Hill's RR map starts as a game played from the past into the present; Not as a new Map made from scratch. Just change the extension from a game extension to a map extension. Then rename and put the maps in the correct folders. On the 8 Cattle Yards, I only missed getting 9 Cattle Yards by one square. It looks like getting a large supply of a cargo at one station is easy to do. I just never tried before. For the map I posted, I only changed the map's title to a game title. Have a pleasent vacation. PS. My AI Railroad leadership people are progressive not me.
  22. That is correct. I took a game, stripped it and I'm using what is left to make a new map. I've done this many times to save time. Did you find the 8 cattle yards? You'll have to place a large station to connect all cattle yards under the one station territory. Sorry you didn't understand. I was testing how I was going to track the dollars on the remake I sent to you. The remake map I'm working on now is a different remake from the one I posted. I did program the possibility of having another 8 cattle yard station.
  23. I found Hill's Map. Now, since I have not used the new board, I'll see if I can still send a map. This is ( NOT ) a finished map. I had stripped many of the triggers and Changed other things. If you play the map, remember there are no win triggers. You do have a lot of dollars to play with for a short while. Play will be for you to buy up all stock away from the IA railroads as they start up. So you can used the AI RR's to feed you RR. You will drop deliver cargo to the ends of your big RR for the GG1's to pick up. Choose your other cargo with care. You have 16 GGI's Your prebuilt railroad is mostly for passenger and mail transport. As the game progresses the use of the ability to build electric powered track will stop. Other events are planed but are not yet part of the game. Hill's RR a station & 8 cattle.GM2
  24. Not sure why my third post stayed hidden. It seems visible now Anyway this is my fourth post on my Hill's Railroad. Jeffery: I looked for the 8 cattle ranches at one station. Its' no longer in this game. I'll look in the waste basket. I normal save 3 to 5 times on top of other saved games I've restarted the main map about 5 times So the game should be one of about 5 maps deleted on a restart. I did find two stations close to each other. Each had 4 cattle ranches and 3 milk plants. Almost as good. Well my glasses came and I don't think I can now see better. they said give them time that my eyes have to adjust. Iv'e got a lot to do this wekend. But I will send you a beta map as soon as I have a good one.
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