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  1. I'm afraid I'm out!!! I can't play at 11am PST, thats 1am on Sunday for me here. I have a freakin' curfew at 11-12pm. >:( >:( Anyways, there a spot open, I guess that should go to brennq as he has been waitin' so long.
  2. It crossed my mind that since I'm all the way in Asia, I'll probably be online in different times from the rest of you guys. From calculating the times in PST, I'll be online on Saturday from 6-9 am. On Friday, ?!?maybe?!? on 5-10am and 11 pm - 2am. I don't know, if anyone can play at those times but if is not possible for me to play, it is fine with me. I'll play with u guys in deathmatch instead!!!!!!!!
  3. like what Ethan did, should we start posting the sides we are most likely to use. Well,.....here is mine: Ordos or Atredies (mostly likely ORDOS ;D) Subhouses are fremen and ix or guild
  4. I share ur pain ricksam, I can only play on weekends. :'( but still eager to meet a lot of u guys online. ;)
  5. count me in. As long as it is on a weekend.
  6. I started playing EMP again for about 3 months now and its increasing!!!!!!!! ;D ;D Just to inform all, I stopped EMP for about 1 year but ended up playing it again when my game supply dried up. :'( Haven't gotten a game for months, and still satisfied
  7. I have to state that some cable modems can actually preform as bad as 56k modems. >:( 1. The time and day (ex. on weekends, it may be slower as more ppl are using it becuase of other internet games such as WC3, RA2, Renegade, AOEII, etc. faster on weekdays as few ever use the internet, except for business. ;) 2. The quality of the cable modem (some countries have better cable modem's than others. ex. USA has better modems that a poored country like Indonesia or India) :-[
  8. hi, I'm looking for a good clan to join. I'm quite a good ordos player, okay at atredies and bad a harkonnen. :- My fav. side is ordos cause they're fast and best in rushing. ;D I'm not sure if any clans would accept me, cause I can only play on weekends, and when that time comes I played 24/7. I would really like to make more friends and play with others in the net. I know I played with some ppl, ricksam(team game as my teammate), atrdemon(he beat me), and one game with empworm(weird...no worms!!!) IFYOU GUYS DON"T REMEMBER ME, I DON"T BLAME YA CAUSE I'M ALMOST NEVER AROUND.
  9. by the way.... for sub-houses I use Fremen and Ix
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