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  1. Nah, it ain't me. And I don't know where all this hostility is coming from, thekdude is quite good under quick match settings.
  2. Navaros, the day you beat me is possibly the day you actually play me!! Just play me in a friendly game if you're too worried about your points.
  3. Navaros, you aren't very good. I have to admit this once and for all. You do not deserve the place you have in the Atredies ladder because you simply refuse to verse any worthy player.
  4. ... time to feel the absolute fury of the ducking family. This should be good considering the family rarely comes out to play.
  5. Nah, he's just kidding you. Generally the ban only lasts like 4 hours.
  6. TENFOR, YOU'RE STILL AROUND MAAAAN! Well I got back about a couple of weeks ago, I dunno where you've been but I've started playing a bit, but not qm this time around.
  7. lol. Although Nav is my friend, I must say, that first quote was pretty funny ;D
  8. Ehh, he did say he'll be around until WC3, which is unlikely to come out any time soon... But nevertheless, I don't see what's wrong with Navaros that you all have to be so inconsiderate. I've known him longer than a lot of you, or at least, I've known him since the old days and I can confidently say that yes, he is a ducking moron, but nevertheless, he's a good, funny, and...good Star Trek fan :) -Chudy/Doodie
  9. LOL, DARK*7??? Man, 2 of those players came into my game and I kicked them not even knowing they were hobbtz. That's clairvoyance...I have a gift. :D
  10. TRANSLATION : No one joins my games because they can't understand a bloody thing I say. Idiots... ;)
  11. In the beginning of PIG's creation I was in it for about 5 minutes. Then I made fun of Nehekbau and Bossofpig and they booted me :( (maybe I should stop the identity "hack"). It was a fun ride while it lasted.
  12. Doubtful Ace, I've seen qtheq and bilbo play simultaneously.
  13. Since I, Chudymaster had returned I'd say.
  14. Man, that news is old. hobbtz is basically dead. I thought everyone new that. Cool now I can spread the word further!! ;D
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