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Everything posted by KILLER_SLIG

  1. jezuz I am not saying that 56k users should be banned but I sure as hell dont want to play them when there are 25,000 people signing up for the beta with cable or DSL! there should be servers in the game that are dedicated to 300+ connects so that I can get a game with other cable users only. why am I paying for cable if the guy I am playing against is 28.8? If I want to play only against 300+ connects, or only against opponents with very good ping that should be allowed not discouraged. if there are 25,000 players paying for high speed connects dosent it make sense that they should have their own seperate server? am I wrong about that? 28.8 should be matched with 28.8, 56k with 56k, cable with cable, there is no way a cable user should be battling a 56k user when there are 25,000 other people playing the game with cable! sheesh!
  2. well the beta sign ups required 300+ spd connection and they had 25 000 people sign up for it so I know that the users and the intrest is out there. the Idea of playing an opponent in RTS with a 28.8 connect is just too damn frigntening to me, I can barely deal with 56.6 connects. I dont necessarly think that 56k should be banned I know they have to make it apealing to 56k users too, however I would like the option to choose my opponents or have servers that only allow 300+ connections. I sure hope they do something like that, if I gotta play 12 yr old bobby on the 28.8 connect with the 386 IBM puter I'm gonna be pissed and will drop the game back at the store if there are any problems.
  3. LOWER? you gotta be kidding me pal! since when has a game come out in the last two years that supports LOWER speeds than 56k? and no way is 80-90% of the pop on 56k. every frickin gamer I know over 15 has cable or DSL!
  4. I would give my snout to have this game be high-speed access only, rts games that allow players to use 56k are always bogged down, prone to disconnection, and generally suck to play. when this game does start I hope I can choose to attack and not be attacked by people with slow access I dont even want to play 56k connects ( ok now wait for the puter to transfer info regarding hundreds of units, now wait some more, now wait for more info sheesh! please people get better access or dont play this game, or any online RTS game for that matter.
  5. ahh but one day all those sligs you have in your trash piles will mutate into super-killer-monsters and then the tielaxu will spread like a cancer! or maybe not...
  6. ok, I know nobody has played the final version of the game yet so we dont really know what to expect however.. I am thinking (first) that there will be very few trade houses (most people who play realtime RTS enjoy realtime RTS) this means that trade houses are gonna have to make a lot of deals with fighter and mercenary factions, but if done properly money, politics, and survival should be their strong points 2nd the "middle of the road" fighter houses will be the most common. allies will still be very important (if the fighter house dosent wanna get wiped off the boards by the merc houses) generally I think these houses will do the best because they can build an infastructure that eventually allows more indipendence. 3rd the merc houses will definatly be the get rich and powerful quick houses though I think in the long run these houses will always play only a minor role, though having them on your side will be the true key to victory playing style will depend on the house you choose but clearly any house that isnt bringing in the spice is gonna suffer in the long run, if your a merc you better be good enough for the wealthy to want you and if your a fighter you better have some damn good defense, not to mention good production. as a trader you want stealth and allies, and lots of them. what do you all think, and I was also wondering what is gonna stop a big merc house or a big clan from stomping everyone? are there gonna be moderators in the game trying to keep ballence and if so how is that gonna happen?
  7. oh yeah, and merc houses will be suffering much greater losses than most other houses, hopefully they can get some big resources and cash from razing planets or merc houses will rise and fall faster than anyother.
  8. what I want to know is can mercs turn on their employers? and can merc houses assult a planet on their own and steal all the resources? regardless of what kind of house you play clearly the mercs are gonna make a big diffrence on play. if a fighter or trade house dosent make use of mercs then the other ones will and those that do will reap a lot of benifits when the non allied planets fall.
  9. oh and what happens if they loose a big offensive? they prolly wont have the resources to build another huge army as most likely they threw everything in on the last one, and prolly wont have enough for another grand assult..
  10. ok, as far as the merc houses go I think of them kind of like pirates. they can just kinda swoop in wipe out the defenses with overwhelming numbers raze the citys and spice yards then flee or hit the next planet. yes they can be employed to defend house holdings but cant they also strike out on their own and do this kind of thing? I would think one of the major draw backs of this kind of house is that your leaders will die more often (cause there will be more conflict and war) and the children of the merc houses will make much worse leaders (much lower stats than houses which dont war as often) what do you think?
  11. is this game even gonna come out in 2002? or are we looking at a 2003 release?
  12. there are a lot of people looking to buy the game now, but we still dont have a real release date and there are some blockbuster RTS games coming out soon (age of myth, warcraft3 etc) not to mention other games such as the starwars mmprpg. personally I have played all the dune games and will play this one regardless of what other games come out however I know that many of the people out there dont feel the same. The hardcore RTS market is limited there arnt a lot of us and there are some major games comming out soon that will put a serious hindrence on dune generation sales, not to mention the fact that most of them will not have a monthly charge to play.
  13. I was wondering if anybody has a list of guild sites they can post, I have seen a few on line but I know there are more out there.
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