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  1. hey where can i get a demo of RA2 i cant find 1 (sorry dune i am bored now :'()
  2. FalcoWolf

    Cheat codes!!!!

    where can i get a trainer for 1.00?
  3. read the first dune book... they kill worms by drowning them 2 make the water of life
  4. come on i suck as ordos plz :'( your tips r workin tho :D :D
  5. ;D :Dhmm u seem eager 2 learn so use minos and snipers... whatever the best on the tech tree so u beat their rushes and harvest money and build up a great army of minos and kill kill KILL ;D
  6. me 2 emperor is sweet i play it 2 much and its the first rts i didn't get 2 the last level of in 2 weeks :D :D :D
  7. right place? format?
  8. how about internet strats ;)
  9. Machine Gun Post: Much better than an Ordos chemical turret as it is not worthless against vehicles. Back up with 2-5 kindjal. Range bad against Kobras. Rocket Turret: Terrible against infantry. excellant against vehicles. when backed up with snipers or Minotauros they are pretty good. Range good 4 anti air. Plz tell me if these are correct or not
  10. and i meant 2 say MINOS KICK @$$!!!!!!
  11. Yesterday i used many minos backed up with kindjal(i was against guild users online)not much was sent 2 my base and no scouts came in... after that my ally built an advance base(small rock+a few building factories) and we pumped out minos like crazy... my enemies were my own 2 clanmates and pumped out minos so we had a mino fight and my team won :D
  12. remember more tips are welcome
  13. well i own my own clan... its also atriedes and needs formidable players...
  14. btw this means how do i make a good map with lotsa inf rock build space and spice :D
  15. where can u get the trainer ???
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