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Everything posted by F4ever

  1. Well... Instead of creating different Dune's... Why not creating a team and working together?
  2. Please mvi. I gently ask you to resume your reverse engineering on Dune2k AI :D
  3. Good job! Keep going :)
  4. So, no good news yet? :P
  5. Thanks for the link ;) I always prepare my base as the AI prepares theirs. Build all concrete to fit each building, 2 harvesters per refinery, etc... the game is more competitive that way ;)
  6. Thanks for your share ;) Well... Thanks, maybe I could but I let you know that I am the noobest guy here. :P
  7. Better not test anything with this game files then :P
  8. If you don't mind, please test it yourself with these files: H9V2.mis & _PRAC.misai H9V2.mis modified. -> http://www.mediafire.com/?j4tqpb9q34idg33 It happens that the AI builds a carryall with the existing (normal) High Tech and then it builds the Atr High Tech building...
  9. Thanks. So I played it again and the AI didn't build any Palace this time. But that weird thing of the Palaces happened that time... Weird stuff.
  10. Interesting... One thing, are you sure that the "edit segment" option in the program has all of the variables that can be changed?
  11. I'm afraid I don't know... lol Maybe the bin files just affect players and the AI has to be coded to be able to just build buildings of their own House. EDIT: It appears AI can be highly customizable as what is needed is to find what each value will do. Comparing with other AI from the missions probably is the next step as each AI may have code to be able to build only THOSE type of buildings/units that we choose.
  12. Well, I don't think this AI works well for all because I assigned this AI to the Hark (me) in a modified H9V2 where I put a Hark Palace. There was a moment (I let the AI play and was just watching) that they built another Palace called Atreides Palace. Conclusion: The Hark (player) had two Palaces and used both the DHM and the Airstrike. This means that the AI that I found is an Atreides AI. EDIT: Ah, and me, as a player, could build both Palaces. I had both Palaces available in the list to build.
  13. Lol, I simply exported the Atreides AI from _PRAC.MIS placed in Data/maps folder, the other Houses had many '0' values (probably don't have AI assigned [have no idea why]). I don't know what is happening but it only appeared the Atreides' AI which is already good to explore the code.
  14. Well, with the MVI's v0.4 PREVIEW mission editor I could find at least the practice AI and it IS in "_PRAC.MIS". I strongly believe it is as they can build buildings and beserk when they have no money and no refineries. Couldn't attach because it says I don't have permission, so I'll give you a link. Please take a look :D Here: http://www.crocko.co...18401/_PRAC.rar EDIT: Think it's just the skirmish Atreides AI. Don't know about the other houses...
  15. By the way, where can I find the misai files for the skirmish mode (easy, normal and hard)?
  16. Great topic! Good job with these tools. I'm a a huge fan of Dune 2000 and having the option to build missions (even without custom AI) is a dream! Now, the remaining: the AI. Thank you all the community for the knowledge share and the tools! Hope this has future! :D
  17. Same. Isn't there any option available to disable the Nvidia card and play using the integrated graphics, without having to remove it? EDIT: Hey guys. It appears that this issue is affecting other somewhat old games... Everybody says it is an Nvidia problem working with Windows 7. Check it here: http://www.pcpuzzle.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=230345&sid=884a78b79e7f98077f1e455d9ea06c92
  18. Sorry, I'm a noob in these things... Can you explain me how to do that or give me a link, please?
  19. Hello, I'm experiencing the same issue... I use Windows 7 with an Nvidia graphics card... The problem, must probably is the connection made between Windows 7 and the Nvidia cards. Just wanted to know if someone has already solved the problem. This is a rare and strange error. However, can someone please show me a way to fix this error? Have you discovered a solution yet? Cheers
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