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    Babylon 5
  1. Whatever state the sun would be in after going nova, we know that life (at least as we know it) could not survive. But, thats not something to worry about for many generations. Whatever will be the cause of our eventual extinction, it is highly likely human stupidity will be at its core.
  2. http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=JkfSdmG7u9g
  3. I will have to give this award (?) to Fable. It was hyped to be a Fable beater. It was rated very well, too. Not at all deserved.
  4. I would love a great RPG. I'd love to see what BioWare would be able to do with it. Though, I know they wouldn't, as they are focusing on their own IPs now (with the exception of the Sonic RPG on the DS).
  5. Newbiezilla


    Actually, the books are quite clear that the sietch has a rather distasteful odour. When they arrive at the sietch, the fremen are happy to be there, and to smell it. It signifies home. Its purpose is to show just how harsh the survival measures are in such a place. While thats your opinion, and of course are entitled to it, I would respectfully disagree. For me, I would first of all mention a great let down would be from the Legends series. One of the biggest for me was the formation of the mentats. It felt a terribly weak introduction as to how Mentats came about. From Erasmus? The Bene Gesserit are a whole 'nother animal from what I was expecting, too. To go to Sandworms, I can't really think of a redeeming feature. At all.
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