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Everything posted by Luminar

  1. all AI works for all houses.
  2. OK. I will try make a good AI later.......
  3. you can give unlimited resources in skirmish too.look at my last projects.use my .uil files and you will find other mods by me.you must put my screens in the right place too......... //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// - new backgrounds in menus - listen music in main menu - new colours for practice/skirmish (fremen,Ix,black,and buggy colours) - you can give unlimited money in practice //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// I think that's all....I ALREADY MADE EPIC THINGS IN D2K !!!
  4. but you have the "Dune2k Mapping BOSS" text.how did you get that?
  5. because it produce units.....he dont care about money :D
  6. you can change the "Sandwalker" above my profile picture?
  7. give my AI infinite money. or reduce tech level. :D
  8. I will return faster if you give me a forum member title :D (The Demon Of Light) SCM about my samp admin things...//I skipped opcodes// //---//---//---//---//---//---//---//---//---// name thread 'BACK' :BACK_1 if $LUMINAR_IS_SAMP_ADMIN == 1 jump if false @BACK_2 wait 0 ms jump @BACK_3 :BACK_2 wait 0 ms jump @RETURN_TO_D2K :BACK_3 wait 0 ms jump @PLAY_SAMP_AND_RETURN_TO_D2K_LATER
  9. I stopped D2K modding. my PC need reinstall.... maybe I will return in February -----------------------------------------
  10. open it with hex editor. you will find things in the bottom of the file. I modded it and AI built less wind traps.
  11. try use my AI just give him a lot of money because he produce units very fast my AI will be a great enemy :D
  12. all I know: - all units/buildings must be defined in .DAT file - the .DAT file have additional informations about them (stealth [stealth raider],used sprites[this is for unit behaviour],etc.....) - you must make sprites (not really needed [sardaukar]) - you must add new lines to the .BIN files - add new sounds ingame if you want (it need .DAT modding too) - you can't add new units with tibed (unit behaviour) //---//---//---//---//---//---//---//---//---//---//---//---//---//---//---//---//---//---//---//---//---// we only need some pro reverse engineerers (MVI) to mod .DAT file ADDING NEW UNITS IS POSSIBLE !!!
  13. use the latest version. (in my signature)
  14. D2K Sardaukar said: "- Exporting a sprite, doing nothing and importing/replacing the same sprite messes up the house colours (house mask). Example of entry 2767 of DATA.R16 (note the Smugglers brown colour is not even): " the sprites must have Ixian colours (where you want to see house colour) the game will change the Ix colour to the house colour. so....you must export it with that colour :)
  15. this is for fed2k:I will never help with the ai files,because fed2k not help me >:(
  16. in my last projects you will find interface mod.look at the files and use it as help
  17. You heard about my binaries from fremen campaign?try make and ixian campaign compatible with that one :)
  18. in my last projects you will find a colours.bin file.try it :)
  19. yeah.but in skirmish it will be an infantry army...........................
  20. Hello again... I made two files a years ago and I decided to upload them. colourvars.bin.rar
  21. Fast unit build is good,but it run out of money easily......... I improve it......
  22. sorry.I used hex editing and these misai files very very old... open hex editor and change first line to high values :)
  23. The guys say that my AIs are interesting....... Well...I maybe remain for some time to create more for fed2k.
  24. ommmmmmmmm.If I remember good,the unknown.misai is the practice AI. check it pls....
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