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  1. I'm afraid the new Dune movie will incorporate some of the non Frank material. If KJA is listed as being a screenwriter i'll want to break something
  2. I'm reiterating Dante here but the reason we don't like the new books isn't just because they go against where we though Frank was taking it. Its cause they are almost deliberately bad books when looking at DUNE and would not be anything special even by themselves w/o the franchise name. If another author, say Orson Scott Card as an example had written the new books we would at least have the respect that he was distinguished and a successful award-winning author in his own right. What we don't like is the fact that Dune was a political and philosophical and sociological epic, KJA treats it like its Magic Happy Playtime Superweapon Showdown Hour.
  3. I asked the admin permission to post this link. its a parody against the new series. I would have posted it here but its written mostly using a mix of deliberate misspellings and leet speak. just my $0.02. http://guiding-light.org/dreamersofdune/index.php?showtopic=124&hl=
  4. I agree with Dante. Frank Herbert Wrote Dune. Kevin J Anderson writes fan-fic and is lucky enough to get it published. Some people like it. I have no idea why because it is the worst drivel and rambling i've ever forced my self to read. that's my opinion. Seriously? i'd pay them NOT to write another book. I would seriously like for someone to post here why they liked it, what they liked about it. Please! Sometimes i seriously think i got a bad copy the way people praise and defend Pinky's writing. then i would like you to read this: http://januarymagazine.com/SFF/dogged.html
  5. I admit that i quit pretty early on (after the sandworms were genetically altered) and ended up reading the synopsis on wiki. I returned the book the next day. AS for remarks on this forum for criticizing a book we haven't read...would you say people cant complain about a movie they got up and walked out of because it offended them? This book definitely offended me. Until i have read them myself and made my own judgement I no longer believe that there was a set of notes or outline left by frank, at the very least i do not think that KJA used it. I only fault BH in his choice of sidekick. If this had been an independently set novel, part of KJA's 7suns, i would simply have thought it a bad novel, my opinion, end of line. declaring this official canon of the dune works i cannot do and will never accept. I realize people will enjoy the novels. the only reason i read them was to see if i could hint out parts of FH's outline. [hide]After Omnius/Erasmus are revealed to be the old couple, i realized the series had been totally usurped.[/hide] The other books were fan-boy drivel of the 'bigger gun' philosophy, which sadly took over this book completely. Frank taught us the attitude of the knife, and we should have listened. I work in a bookstore and i half-heartedly asked my manager if i could put SoD on the Staff Recommends Table with a Description saying DONT WASTE YOUR TIME. Edited by Andrew to hide a major spoiler. :)
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