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Everything posted by deathhand
erjin is happy with EA because they made bf2... so he dont want to post and blam them for dune...and who can blam him.. with all the things that has been said about EA we have to respect this extra super game they made.. no other company in the market is able to do somthing like this...
hi.. i am about to burn a bin file to a disc using nero 6.6 whitch somthing i do for the first time.... so this is haw i do it: 1_ i open burn image to disc 2_ i choose cue file 3_ i go to disc image or saved project and write it at maximum sepeed... right or rong?? thank you
yes me too ;D
well anyway its not a total loss.. i mean bf2 is great but emp still own... at least i wont lag at emp now...i downloaded few rts games demo with my new adsl connection,,, well no names but those games are realy bad and no were near emp.. so i better stop bugging u guys here and ill go back to emp forum....
no am talking about the normal adsl 256k/64k anything more will be 3 times the price here.. well surly with 1 mb or even 500k speed will be good for any game .. but with my adsl (256k) things are not running normaly.. with the demo virsion..and and am not gonna buy the game just to test if things will get better or not
i dont expect my self to playe bf2 on dialup.... thats insane i wouldnt try somthing that stupied am sad because you think i am that stupied... anyway you havent been around emp mutch gun so i must tell you the latest...i got 265/64 k adsl finaly as the egyption goverment thankfully have loacated my posion on there civilization map ;D but with this connection i am still lagging!! adsl is not good enough for bf2
yes me too :-
i tried the demo, totaly unclear game, and too hard to move.personly i cant playe it.. olso i tryed home world 2... and that was a harder experince
well... after my system and connection was baddly defeated by bf2 i decided to consider this game and make a study.... but i will some helo of you guys if you can give. first i want to know if my system is good enough for it and i wont lag. my sys: p4 3GHzE ht priscot mb gygabite p4 titan 512 mb ram 5200fx ge force 128mb adsl 256k. secound thing i want to know if i join can i join this team(dune2k) if there is any is it possible to playe on abroad servers?? i live in the middle east .. if i get good resolts i will download it.thnx
man i have no intrest in haking any games or servers.. i injoy fairplaye as you all know me in emp.. i would buy the game no problem there.. but what has been done is done,,, i allready bought my pc not long time ago thinking it will at least match the minimum requirment of any game... sadly i cant sell those brand new hardware cards now for less than half the price i paid.. it will be a waste of money and pride.....personly i dont mind egyption servers but those dont even exsist. i did a search on game spy and there nothing called bf2 servers in lots of countryes in middle east including egypt so i am out of this one :'(
dont get me rong man.. the game appeal allright to me, but it dosnt appeal to my consumed poket who had to get the new system i got few weeks ago.. if i cant get the demo working properly with 16 player.. haw am i going to get the full game to work?? all i will do is pay 50$ for it then sit with my hands on my chin not beeing able to playe the 62 maps i want . and geeting disapointed when i get kicked out every few secounds....a pc upgread is out of my range for the present...
well am on the demo servers atm... and my system are not up to the chalnge by anymean (dc,high ping,craches)evrey few secounds. u dont need to patch the demo man my vga is just not meatting with it...all i wanted to say is its not totaly my fult i mean u can get most of the games working fine on a 128mb vga. bf2 is not like other games.. maybe its way too pefect or its just ahead of its time and it belongs to the next generation of pc games which some player including my self are not ready for it..
yes there is f15 in all maps but i mean u cant fly it 32 players maps u will allwayes be out of range the jest can close the map in less than 3 sec so its pointless.. about that upgread in the futur issue is not the topic of my thread..
well gunner its that bad for me, reasons are: 1_ i dont want the 32players map (u cant fly f15 on those man) its like you have emp but u cant playe on fisher.. u see? i know my system will playe it with better vga but the probem is i dont want the compromise gunner i want first seat or nothing.all servers, all maps, 2_ in egypt there is no servers for bf2 3_ i just bought my pc and its crazy to sell the brand new chipsets i have and replace them with others 4_ it will cost me 3 times the subscribtion to get a faster adsl speed . so the problem is as big as you look at it gunner.. i was just talking about my self..i mean i was just scared looking at gunwound system ( no anvey offcorce gongrats to him) but..... :O
Hi, as i stick to this thread topic wich is the review of bf2 pc game... i am starting to see the bad part of this game.... i mean comon guys this game was not made for the usual home pc users just listen to this( ;D) : quoted from game spy bf2 review page 4: But the biggest complaint that we have with the game is the steep hardware requirements. You'll need a beefy video card: the minimum is a GeForce FX 5700 or a Radeon 8500. If you don't have the proper card, or the proper driver, the game dumps you unceremoniously to desktop without as much as an error message. We've got machines here at GameSpy with GeForce Ti 4600s that are capable of running Half-Life 2 or DOOM 3 with solid framerates, but Battlefield 2 won't even run on these systems. It seems that a huge audience could find themselves shut out of this game, which is a shame; if you've been looking for a good excuse to pick up a new video card, this might be it. comments:(the game wont run on game spy game testing pcs !) so what do u expect from the ordinary peapol???? i was just reading a post at emp forum about a guy who think emp is running slow on his pc and belive it or not he got an 11 mb vga (hahaa i got more memory on my mobile vedio chip)... i mean its way too far to ask for a preformance geforce 5700fx 256mb as minimum... even 256k adsl is a jock as a connection i keep getting the connection lag screen with the 16 players demo map!! peapol out there are making a mess with this game . i see the players disconnecting line evrey 5 secound of the game... and the ping punisher kicking line every 3 (just befor i get kicked my self) 99% of the peapol arnt ready for the gunwounding electronical monsters.. or the erjinical wisdom.. or the scarcology abilityes in the world of computers.. most of users are just normal (non ritch) peapol or even younger guys who take money from there parents, and trying to have some good time, we dont have 1000$ of cach, or enough Elearning to face up with this nasa project(bf2). i admit the game is 100% perfect.. but haw many peapol in the 5000000 on line players have perfect pc? i think less than 3% and the rest are laggers.. so even if you are ritch enough to playe bf2.. i am sure that the rest of the players in the server will playe a good role in slowing u down and making ure monster pc lag as well... just befor they get disconnected..then other laggers will hop in. i know this is a long post but i am angree . i belive i should have been at least able to playe this game at minimum settings with my new 1000$ cost system.. but the truth is i cant. even if i could my 256k adsl is not good enough to join the servers i want to playe in, with the peapol i know.. my (16 players map demo) game usaly end after few secounds with a ping kicker or a crach to desktop. so i will sadly dump this game..or maybe i will use the 50$ nessaery to buy this game to replace the 5200fx vga that this game wont accept.
its a chame we cant playe at least the 32 players map in the single player..personly i like single player to practice... anyway i am still playing the demo and will be at least for few weeks... and i dont know .. i am having few craches to desktop, lots of servers kick me out due to high ping am not in the point of upgreading my brand new pc ..maybe i can stick a ram card but thats all.. i cant go and sell the 5200fx vga i just bought.. that is insane and wast of money... but after i read all u guys posts i dunno do u think a guy with my settings should be getting this game?? i mean without a pc upgread?? or should i move over and let the big guns handle it.. at least untill the time comes when i get my self a better vga (i was thinking 5200fx is strong enough but we never learn for free do we?) i mean 5700 was not that expencive but i thought i wont need it. _ and for those of you who are having the gf 6000 series i say this lag u are having can be coming from anyone eals on the map(just like emp) , i mean even game spot reveiw said the game is too steep for the normal consumers pcs, i mean comon, peapol are lagging like hell on those servers. did u see the dc message appearing every few secounds even on a 16 player map?.. anyway what i still want is a true advise on this: do u think i should get this game with my current settings? p4 3GHz 512ram 5200fx 128 mb 256k adsl well..as they say its a ritch man"s world :'(
hey,what about port forwarding... i read at portforward.com that battle field have about 10 ports to be forwarded. to say the truth i tryed them all and it worked fine at the start but then my ruters screwed up and my connection died all day untill i deleted them all and reset my ruter. i dunno maybe it wasnt them because my connection is not stable i guess because am still using usb port and my lan card is not installed yet. :P
its not lojical nu vollary... the profe is i downloaded the demo and having max preformence settings but the surprise is : the game is slow and game playe is slower on my 5200fx/512mbram/p4 3ghz... so haw come it will be playble on 64mb vga... it will be a total lag.. _ the game is extremly scary (lots more than the thing)and it is better than it. the only bad part is this: (its 3 am here)(i am alone in the house) i went in ,walked into the sewage ,after few steps i walked back to the car...ok i am a cowerd :P
looks like i am having a lot of (there is a problem with your connetion) messages.. i tested my connection speed at http://www.dslreports.com/stest?loc=97 resolts are _236k d _ 64k u which is normal. could it someone eals lagging but we would all getting those messages anyway? somthing eals i dont know haw to configer my sound for best preformance.. because i have the sound card in my mother board.. what settings should i apply...? thank you
yes, lol. recomened vga 256mb, minimum 64mb.. not logical
fear minimum requirments : 1.7 ghz pentuim 512 mb ram 64 mb geforce . i personly recomend you to upgread your pc and get bf2...i think its one of (if not is) the best games out there.its rated 9.3 on game spy superb...fear look good olso and its new which is good.. as for the thing its the choice you wont regret, u will find it out there for coupple of dollars. and it will give you that ruch allright as u try and try to break out of the icy sinentific alien infected labs and find ure way in the ice . game play for the thing is exlent, the use of weapons is extremly fun and good and bugs free... i read that some parts of the thing game was made in the south pole it self like capturring the sounds of the storms and to study the effect of cold on the budy if u can olso get the thing movie with the game u will get better view of this great and famous novel which i like very mutch as mutch i liked the novel+movie+games of dune.. cheers good luck
from your brother??? ::)
what is watching bondage???!! (is that legal?). beside that was a good post man.. trust me you must at least see the movie..
u wanna the most great game with a story off all times?? there was a little bit old game 2001 called (the thing) based on the famouse novel and movie the thing (i know am not monster) if u know what am talking about.. i sewar to u man i never had sutch horor in my life playing that game alone in a dark cold room.. its all about fightting some 100 000 yo alien that crached his plane under the ice of the north pole and in some haw this alien is a virus by it self and can genatecly blob it self to the cheap of the human in front of him so while u try to save ure outpost and rescue wounded u dont know who of ure team is infected and might turn on ure back in a blinck...and the only garantee u have to trust ure team is a simple answer ( i know am not a monster) :'(