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Everything posted by Arcanian

  1. ha! you bosting idiot! i beti could beat you anyday! and seein that youve been away for such a long time i guess you'l be slipping majorly
  2. well. i guess i'm a bit late to reply... seeing that its 2005 and all. and this being a 2002 chat. but hey! i would be glad to play.
  3. many people know this but yet you dont so... Yes! they do host it now.. i think you know this now but it wasent replyed so i guess i should anyways
  4. naah... thats not sad... its just like having a split personality.. if yeh keep it up you'l go crazy and start to burn things ;D
  5. jEBUS cHIST! that truck is crazy! i alwas wanted to be a truker and drive thru Australia *alot of empty road for easy autopilot gaming.... i'll hvae like a top notch comp on a personal platform that i can just pull it over infront of me and play. like them Wall TV holders. cool eh? good luck with the "Cantena" whats it do exaclty? you on a wireless connection?
  6. this doesent relate to this subject but whats with VeKs signiture? arnt EA the people who created Emperor battle for dune? or do you just post on this site for kicks? (none evident yet the comedy is quite nice)
  7. Everyone play the RA server... its mroe active then the xwis one...
  8. My nich i Arcanian1 and i'm on the RA server of Ebfd
  9. Chapter 2 The War begins Gremash ponders over the situation and says "The enemy is drawing closer" "i am aware of this gremash! there is no need to keep informing me!" Bryfang replys in a burst of anger. bryfang slowly walks over to the glass and looks down breifly "Are you sure this will work Gremash? the last thing we want is to be left defencless and be destroys because of my false judgment!" bryfang argues "yes yes yes... i am aware of that and i will take full..." Gremash was interupted by a loud explosion "what was that?" gremash shouted "it is the enemy. They have broken through our perimeter!" Bryfang he pulls out a command pad and calls into it "start firing the main cruiser cannons!" multiple Loud explosion as the cannons launched there Hydrogen shells. the shells drew closer to the enemy and exploded apon there ships with no effect. "Load up the atomic shells and test them!" BryFang says into his command pad. Another blast of loud explosions. the warheads struck the enery and had devastating effects. the enermy retaliated with a large barrage of explosives and missiles, they struck the neibouring ships of the one gremash and bryfang were in. A piece of debis drifted and struck bryfangs ship. A call over the ships intercom was heard shortly after "Attention! Attention! The hyperdrive Engine has been struck and has became unstable. this is a call to abandon ship! repeat Abandon ship!" 3 minuites after this annoucment a large flash of light that fell to complete darkness. Look out for the next chapter Chapter 3 The Unknown land
  10. Chapter One. The Preperation Gremash walked anxiously across the shinny metalic floor was if he was waiting for somthing. a sudden beeping came from the desk in front of him. He pressed a flashing green button, a hologram shoots up and shows an Archemandrian Commander in full Battle gear. "Greetings Gremash. how are you going with the production of oxygranium?" ( liquid oxygen) "it is going well Drangro. Our Oxy-extractolaters are Running at full production." Gremash says slowly "Exelent. You are doing well Gremash. I think you will get a much needed promotion in times to come. Get the oxygranium to the docks as soon as possable. the Enermy Races are dawning into our system. and they can not go un punished." " Yes sir". The hologram fades back into the desk. Gremash lets out a long sigh and says "So much to do and so less time to do it". he walks over to a door that automaticly opens. Gremash walks out to a small balcony and overlooks a vast empire of Factories and many barrels moving over to a flat landing. A large cargo ship lands there and hastly picks up the barrels and shoots back off to space. Gremash starts walking back and forth of the balkony waiting for his transport to pick him up. a small ship cruises up to the balcony and Gremash slowly walks into it. the ship quikly shoots off to a large Cruidship hovering slowly up in the sky. once the transport has docked, the war Cruiser flies out to space. "Gremash. pleased that you could join us." "ah Bryfang. hows the war going?" "it is going good thankyou. infact we are about to go to your first war observation." "are you sure bryfang?" "dont worry. we'l be protected by AT-EX-30 Battle suits with specific orders to shoot to kill on any unit coming to close to us." "Exelent. we must go to the observation deck at once!" They both hastly move to an awaiting elevator with 2 following guards. They arrive at a round clear glass dome where have a 360 view of the area. with there eagle eyes they have no need for view magnifyers (binoculares). BryFang calls out briefly "Incoming enermys 128 degrees!!! Rally the ships in defencive mode!" "whats going on?" Gremash relpys "arn we ment to be in attackive mode?" "we underestemated the enermy. these enery's units are sheild based. were only equiped for a armour battle." "sooo. this meens what?" gremash says curiously "it meens were no where near equiped for these enermys. we have no option but to retreat." "no way are we reatreating! if we do they will smash right thru out plantetary defences and that will be the end of us! there msut be another way. what weapons do you have in your arsenal?" "err we have hydroginium (hydrogen) and oxygrandium warheads along with some basic atomic proto types. it would be way to harmfull to use them here. we have no idea what it would do." "thats good then. we will use them and hope that they solve our problem... get our units on a cycle to the arsenal and equip them with the Atomic proto types." "alright.. i'll order them to do so but for now we wait" be sure to look out for the next chapter Chapter 2 The War begins
  11. The Archemandrians (Archeman) Arch-Ei-Man-Drians These Beings are an industrious yet conservative race. they look like eagles yet they have human like heads, they have a gold shinny beak. there bodies have feather covered human arms and eagle clawed legs. they have feathers all over them but there head is bear and there hair are long thin multi colours feathers.they have wings and they are able to fly but due to there size they can remain in flight for a shot time. there planet, Argenar (Arg-En-Ai-Er) is one quarter tree lands and other plantations, one quarter is industry and the other half is ocean. Thus assisting in the production of hydrogen, the fuel they use to power there factories and the trees supply them with liquid oxygen to power there warships. this race is obsest with exploration and warfare. they are well trained and are leathal when unarmed, using there sharp Talons to tear there foes to pieces. There warships are comprised with Oxy-explosive warheads launched out of there massive cannons the can pierce any armour yet weak on sheilds. there minor units are metalic mechs made in the image of tehre Eagle god with a simple oxy-combusting hydrogen shell launcher and some minor oxy-tipped bullet machine guns that pierce thru most armour and yet again. weak on sheilds. This race specialize in foot warfare. there battle suits (Very Strong armour made of a Rare mineral only found on there planet called Remandrium) armed with machine guns that with one shot can blast a hole of 3 squared centremetres in an average human body. thus creating an unstopable force of Heavy weapons and mounds of armour. This race has a population of atleast 33 trillion, sustained by its gigantic planet this spares them with many warriors to command there Archeman Armies. these are not a race to be Tamperd with.
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