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  1. i aint been here in ages!!!!! Ne1 rememberme???? Is Mecha still hanging round?????
  2. U know emperor is not dune3 but dune4.
  3. If you go to www.duneemperor.com and click on community u will see under fansites www.dune2k.com so I think they have actually been watching these messageboards 4 a long time. Since we are the only active dune community.
  4. Does anyone know what role the smugglers will be playing? Will you be able to buy things like in dune 1?
  5. Holy sh*t!!! I go 4 a holiday come back and a new dune game has been released and you guys have been fighting without me.Ordos should be allowed to annoy people its their nature!!!!!
  6. /
  7. You can download Dune1 here and get the walkthrough and the start unlocker. Dune was not actually an adventure game. Well it isn't any more adventure is sort of the old term for RPG(role playing game).
  8. Maybe rain on dune! LOL
  9. Thats because OHA is new and we don't force having OHA in front of our names.
  10. Yeah there is critters, but they just run around. So u would have 2 change da AI.
  11. I think you should be able to to select a unit and get to drive it like in warzone2100 except also have the option of driving from the drivers eyes.
  12. One thing that always pisses me off in RTS games is the size of the buildings, come on a tank factory about the size of 8 tanks!
  13. I never knew it wasn't your real name! Come on man isn't that illegal or sumthing.
  14. Oh all microsoft products are full of bugs its kinda like there trademark, What specs is your computer? Sometimes it takes a while to load but I have had it lock up.
  15. We could also use Starcraft for the mod as it has three sides the humans, the zerg and the protoss. I think it would be pretty easy as I have played a Warcraft conversion of Starcraft and they have change quite a lot. If someone knew how to make a AOE2 mod then that would solve all your house problems with I think 12 sides.
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