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Everything posted by Reactor
Welcome. I just started this great old game, 2 days ago, and I can tell you all about it...Dune is VERY hard, especially if you don't know what to do next. I found the following problem during gameplay: I spent around 45 days on Dune so far. I gathered a medium army at Habbanya-Clam sietch (4 soldier icons), and you know very wel, there'z a village nearby, where you can grab weapons and stuff from a smuggler. Now then, I purchased 2 weirding modules from the smuggler, then returned to Habbanya-Clam, which is approximately 20 kilometres away from the village (the distance is very tiny). When I tell my fremen to obtain the weirding modules, they all respond the following: "I don't think we can found krys knives around this area" God DAMN it, I just bought you weirding modules, at a spitting distance! Who asked you to start wanderin' the desert for krys knives!? No matter which fremen chief I order, they just don't want to grab the weirding modules from the village with the "Go & find equipment". If I order them to move (Move troop), they all say that they don't want to go into the village, but if necessary, they'll pick up the equipment. And guess what - they don't, just standing there like a big prick. Anyone else met this error before? If so, how can I get my fremen pick up the purchased weaponry?
I certainly hope so. These preludes were so fascinating and yet shocking, I simply couldn't put them away.
...you desintegrate your hamburger for its water instead of eating it.
This laser-shield problem...why didn't they use plasma rifles or such? Besides, plasma is a lot more effective than lasers (it consumes more energy though)
All right, now I get it :) Okay, thank you!
Thank you...I could not find House Corrino book so far, I live in Hungary, and there are quite few bookstores here. Trust me, I would gladly read it. Now tell me, what are the main purpose of the axolotl tanks, and their working mechanism? In fact, what are axolotl tanks REALLY are? It's imperative for me to have these informations, it seems I couldn't get it at first time :S Sorry... Oh yes...and why only women? Does this have any special purpose?
Greetings folks, may I have a few questions? I recently finished the "House Harkonnen" preludium to Dune. It seriously shocked me. Man, how I HATE those God damned Tleilax fragbaits! Answer me these: Why did the Tleilax fragbaits have kidnapped several young girls? Will the Ix be liberated? Thank you, folks.
Can you tell me 'bout building on white sand? As a repay, here is a little somethin'... Can someone explain this to me??? Buildings lost 0??? More bugs: - Cheaper Sardaukar trick (See corresponding topic) - Free vehicles trick (Dirty Deviator trick,see corresponding topic) - Invulnerable light infantry (See "Strange events" topic) - Computer orders 5 MCVs for no reason, they're just struggling forwards and backwards on his base - Silo cheat with something expensive - Silo cheat with Starport - Modified Outpost can be sold - Modified Outpost will not give you new construction options - Smugglers remain neutral when you run over them - Mercenaries will not desert when they suffer heavy casualty (however, it happens very rarely) - Computer trains 1 Thumper Infantry when 95% of his base is destroyed, meaningless command - Computer will not use units got from crates - Units sometimes move forward instead of shooting (very annoying, experienced at slower units) - Spice bloom wipes out sand dunes - Carryalls are invulnerable when carrying something - Computer trains an Engineer and tries to use it as an attack unit on your units (it goes near your unit, and since he has no weapons, he just stands there. Computer is not quite well informed about Engineers has no weapons) - Atreides units arrive after "Atreides has been eliminated!" message (in the spice collecting mission with Ordos) I think that is all. If y'have more bugs to tell, don't hold them back!
Thank you! And it's nice to see you too! :) Well, I was really curious about what are they doing with the Death Hand missile when the Palace is built, somehow I couldn't get it out of my head. Yes, I was sure it has something to do with the "preparing", but I never heard the word "prepping" so far, it sounded "rapig" for me, especially if I play wit' House Ordos. And yes, the word "root" fits in the last Ordos mission cutscene very well (my first thought was the "whole" word, but it didn't make any sense). I think the last Ordos mission cutscene is completed now. I don't know if these transition briefings can be modified, at least Edric O's voice is originally artificial, it's nice, but some words cannot be understood so easily. And yes,the background distortion noises are really disturbing.
I know, more than 3 months have passed, but I wouldn't open a new topic for this... You know, if you build the Harkonnen Palace, the background voice says something: "Death Hand missile ???????". Now, I want to know, what the hell the last word is! You know...you put the Harkonnen Palace to its respective place,and then the background voice says this "Death Hand missile ........" sentence. Please, will somebody answer what is that word? Someone...
But there is! Trust me, it works for me without any flaws. Since I also can't "activate" maps, I had to delete some old ones,and replace'em wit' my new ones. I may post you some screenie-shotties if you don't believe me...
If you're having serious problems by adding your maps or downloaded maps to Dune 2000, or the map editor you use will not "activate" them, here'z what y'can do: 1) First of all, save your map in MAP format. Not SH2, use the MAP format. 2) Use your map editor to open existing maps on the Dune 2000's MAPS directory. You may find it in the DATA directory. Since there are many different block styles, you need to choose a level, which has the same blockstyle as YOUR level has. For example, the map "Tenaya" uses BLOXXMAS blockstyle, with different scenery, different rocks, etc. Your map must be made in BLOXXMAS style, or else it'll be scrubbed and look unimaginibly ugly (you can still run it though, but it won't be a pleasant game). Here is a little help for each level's special blockstyle: FILENAME INGAME LEVEL TILESET --------------------------------------- 2PLAY11 Jacarutu BloxTree 2PLAY12 Fondak BloxBase 2PLAY13 (unknown) BloxXmas 2PLAY14 (unknown) BloxXmas 4PLAY8 Halleck's ridge BloxXmas 4PLAY9 Baron's court BloxXmas 6PLAY3 Mauddib's cave BloxWast 6PLAY4 Thufir's point BloxXmas 6PLAY5 Tenaya BloxXmas All other levels are in "BloxBgbs" style. Unfortunately, this trick cannot be done with levels built in "BloxBat, BloxIce" or other different blockstyles which weren't mentioned before. 3) Find the map file in the MAPS directory, whose blockstyle is the same with your level's blockstyle, and delete that file. Yes, I mean in, delete that original map file. Example: You made a level in BloxWast style. Then you need to find "6PLAY3.MAP", and delete it. After that, find your map, and rename it to 6PLAY3.MAP. Do NOT use the map editor's "Save as" utily, it will make Dune 2000 crash. Don't worry if your map is smaller or bigger than the original was, it doens't matter at all. 4) Run Dune 2000, and search for the modified map. If you replaced "6PLAY3.MAP", you need to run "Mauddib's cave". If you made everything properly,the map shall work. In case any problems occur, report them, I shall try to find a solution.
Right-click on the application, select "Properties" and "Compatibility". Switch to Windows 98 or if it fails, Windows 95. If it still doesn't work, restart your computer.
Well, there is a very little problem with this tactic... Of course your Heavy factory will be "free", but Refineries cost a bit more, plus, its building is slower than a normal Harvester. And by building something with your Heavy factory, there'z a fair chance that you "steal" the money from the Refinery you just build in the same time. Secondary, selling the Refinery won't give you back many cash, since you have the Harvester, and you cannot get back its price. In Medium skill level, you get back only $150, since the Refinery itself costs $300, and every time you sell somethin', you get the half of its price only. So any time y'do this, y'lose $150.
Ahh, my sweet own topic again :) I forgot to tell you some important notes. - Sometimes (well...often) you don't even need to capture the Harkonnen Hi-tech to obtain these Sardaukars. I found out that in some cases, when the opponent actually has the Hi-tech facility when you capture the Barracks, you'll get the Sardaukars anyway. Funny,eh? But sometimes you just have to capture the Hi-tech facility too. This strange happening also can occur at the Stealth Raiders and Grenadiers. So if y'wanna be sure that y'll get that very special weapon, don't capture the Hi-tech first, but let it in one piece until y'hear the "New construction options" message. - Sometimes you don't even need to sell the Harkonnen Barracks. When I was playin' on Hard, I noticed that if I capture the very first Harkonnen Barracks, and don't sell it, the Sardaukars cost $150 (it's $120 in Medium skill level of course). - As I said, the cheaper Sardaukar costs $150 in Hard skill level. It would cost $250 normally, so you actually save $100 (it's only $80 in Medium skill level). - If you're playin' wit' Harkonnen, y'cannot use this trick of course.
Another good use of this free vehicles-trick (I would call it Dirty Deviator Trick if you don't mind) If y'wanna have some hostile Combat tanks after you've wiped out your enemy, here'z a good tactic how to do it. It's harder than permamently deviate the Harvesters of course, since Combat tanks can fire without any move, and they won't hesitate to use their given cannons, but if y'can pay attention on them, and you're skillful, y'can do it. At first, let's go "fishing". Of course, y'need a Deviator. The more Deviators y'have, the more Combat tanks y'can permamently turn on your side. The tactic is the same: If you've totally destroyed your enemy, all remaining deviated units will be permamently deviated,and will fight on your side, nothing can turn it back to normal. Note that this trick can be done with enemy Deviators, Sonic tanks, Siege tanks,and Devastators too. So, y'need a Deviator first of course. If y'see enemy Combat tanks approachin', bring them on the front, and try to deviate the Combat tank. If it was successful, pick the Combat tank,and a Deviator in good condition,and take them to a peaceful place, where no enemies,and no worms. There. They must be next to each other, and the Deviator need to face directly to the Combat tank (or any other vehicle). Even if the vehicle will turn back to normal, the Deviator will re-deviate it quickly. Note: Be careful though! Don't put these Combat tank-Deviator groups too close to each other, they'll start to shoot the other units around! Never put 2 Combat tanks near the other one! After you've destroyed the enemy, and his name is disappeared from the player list, you'll have the deviated Combat tanks forever. Warning! If an enemy Deviator deviates these units, they will never turn back to you! So be careful wit'em! In case y'have only one Deviator (found in a crate for example), you can do the "Prisoner of war" trick: Pick the deviated unit, and create a small cage o'walls somewhere near your base (if y'have very less free space, this tactic won't work alright). Make sure there is nothing around,which the Combat tank could shoot at,if it turns back to normal. When you're ready with the cage, drive the tank in, and close it. This tactic is much more hard, and isn't effective, if y'wanna capture Devastators. I think it's really unnecessary to explain,why. Extreme danger!!! If one of your units surround the cage,when the Combat tank has turned back, the tank will discover that it's trapped,and will start to break out! No matter if you deviate it again, when it turns back, it will start to shoot the walls! So make sure that NOTHING will approach the prisoned unit! I know, not a very good tactic, but hell, it's funny to fight with Harkonnen and Atreides Combat tanks against the opponent, and it's fun no doubt :) If you like challenges, I insist you to try this :)
Precisely :) Messin' wit' superweapons is a quite hard task for you, unless y'have plenty of time,and knowledge... Once I found 5 Fremen in an infantry crate (2 uncloaking and 3 cloaking), this is the most amount y'can obtain at a time.
Well folks, I was curious about this multiple airstrike,or the airstrike,which charges faster. Sad to say, but nothing happens if you have multiple Atreides High-tech facilities, it's just the Carryalls can be built faster. You cannot have two airstrikes at a time, like you cannot have 2 Saboteurs or 4 Fremen, or 2 Death Hand. Try as you want, you simply cannot have more.
Where can you download them? At my first post, there is the file,called "Reactor's maps.zip". Just download it, unzip, place them at their functioning place,and activate them. I'm sure you'll like it. Oh by the way, I'm finally done with my newest, and yet, most difficult map, the Great Bled. You thing the Cielago Basin was tough? Then you'll simply CANNOT complete this one, if you have more than 2 AI. Trust me, I tried 29 times, and only my 29th attempt was successful to destroy all AI opponents, and achieve victory. If you're new at Dune 2000, do NOT play this map! Seriously,this is the toughest map in the whole wide world! :D The great bled -------------- Tileset used: BloxBgbs Size: XL (8 players) Description: This map is very carefully constructed, and built up. Several rock areas connected to each other, there are small gaps, and lots of infantry only passages. A REAL strategic region for strategy devils! You'll need at least 1 day to complete this map, since this is the toughest, and meanest creation of mine. You were warned! :) I'm waiting for the further comments and experiences :) I advise you to try out them with AI before you go online... [attachment deleted by Gobalopper]
That is something I wanted to avoid. I like hard battles, and I want the AI to be a little more dangerous. My newest map (The Great Bled) will be the hardest and most difficult map in the whole world, I can assure you :D
Greetings here, Dune 2000 fans and my friends! Since I couldn't send my maps to that address what Gobalopper gave me, I decided to upload my map pack here. A few words about them: - They're irregular. VERY irregular. I made them irregular, since I wanted to create REAL strategic regions, which requires careful planning,hidden opportunities, and of course, a good-shaped mind to use the terrain's specialities. I hate those strictly-shaped levels with squares and such. You'll never come accross with these in real life. So my maps are real-life-like maps with tons of possibilities for all 3 Houses. - All maps are XL size, with 8 starting points. I love long and bloody battles. I hope you love'em too :) Play on Hard, and score high! - These maps are for expert users. Not for newbies! In several occassions, the situation may become simply hopeless, even if you play against the AI. Trust me...these maps are strictly for experienced players! :) These maps are designed in fantastic,and unique ways, carefully combining the certain elements of the tileset. You might come across some unusual stuff also. Now let's see those maps... Pion villages ------------- Tileset used: BloxXmas Size: XL (8 players) Description: Rumbled pion villages, and some huge fences among the rocks, which were supposed to be protect them. Seems it wasn't enough... Arsunt ------ Tileset used: BloxXmas Size: XL (8 players) Description: Many times passed since the Harkonnen and the Sardaukar have set Arsunt to burst. Now the battle starts again for the crumbling remains of the once beautiful colony. Who shall win? Valleys of sand --------------- Tileset used: BloxWast Size: XL (8 players) Description: This is a typical nameless place. I had nothing better to do,but call it "valleys of sand". It's the location where Paul and Jessica crashed with the hijacked ornithopter just before they met up with Stilgar and his fremen. Splint rock ----------- Tileset used: BloxXmas Size: XL (8 players) Description: A very hard, and tough area on Arrakis, with quite irregular areas to build on. You must be a real mover to achieve victory here! The Splint rock itself is at the lower side of the map, near a player starting point. Wind gulch ---------- Tileset used: BloxBase Size: XL (8 players) Description: This map has some unique areas,which y'can use as your advantage (and it can be a real pain in the butt,if you're at these areas). The main building areas are not so badly shredded, like at Splint rock, but y'better choose which place y'use to build your Palace! Ordos is the best at this map, y'shall find out,why... Cielago basin ------------- Tileset used: BloxTree Size: XL (8 players) Description: This is the hardest, and most difficult map in this whole friggin' map pack. The attack can come from any direction, and the AI is almost unbeatable here. When I built this map, I had a very critical error: the BloxTree doesn't contain any rock outcrops on dirt, only some doodads, which aren't enough to build infantry only areas. Oh well...if you survive this map with 3 or more AI, you're the king of Arrakis! You'll simply SUFFER, when playing this map! The best I can advise you is: Be faster than your opponent...or die. Well,folks, here are my artworks, y'can play'em if y'want to have some FUN! :) If y'have problems activatin' them, just write here, I shall solve it. Not an easy way,but hell, it's not advised to miss these maps, unless you're a complete Dunehead :) [attachment deleted by Gobalopper]
42 stealthy Devastators? It was more than 5 stealth ability-crates! I bet it was a very long, and bloody battle! What was the casualty count, do y'remember? Raiders are far better than Trikes, in every aspect. Every time I have an Ordos opponent, I always secure its High-Tech facility and Light factory to obtain some Raiders and Stealth Raiders for myself :D Too bad the AI is too dumb to set up a new base by itself somewhere else. But it's good that he can use an MCV! :)
I haven't knew this. Building on Spice? Excellent! Submit this as a trick to Shiroko. I'm sure he'll appreciate it. :D
Yes, I know exactly what are y'talkin' about. Retreating back to the base is good, since y'can combine your forces' firearms wit' the defensive structures' fire. However, your units can't shoot back while retreatin', so they'll constantly get "hurt", while the giant enemy force pursues you. The defensive strategy - as you said - is only good for a while, until the opponent's force raises so big. The opponent has two-thousand tons of various tanks, light vehicles, and infantry, and try to harass you...for example, they pack ALL his forces, and attack your Harvesters. Even if y'manage to rescue them via Carryalls, the opponent will have superiority, and just checks out where do you put your Harvesters next time...so the giant force travels there, and there you go...your Harvesters are under heavy fusillade again. So it seems y'have no choice but face the enemy...you pack all your forces, and confrontate the enemy near a spicefield. You're away from your base, and he is away from his base as well. In this case, when standing face to face with the enemy's giant army, what is the best option? Quickly withdraw, knowing that the enemy will chase your forces, or stay where you are, not even ONE step backwards? The wise player halts, and takes the fight. Even if he loses, and the enemy can divide its army, and then, crumble it up, y'have a good chance to destroy many of their vehicles, kill many infantryman, so the giant enemy force will be so badly weakened that he cannot risk further to attack your base, knowing that the base defense structures can destroy the remainings of his former giant army. When following the "Halt! Not even ONE step backwards!" tactic, it's critical for you to try to build up a frontline from your units, which are a bit farther in the confusion. While the first half of your forces weaken and distract the enemy, you can (in most cases) form a line o'Sonic tanks, or Missile tanks, or Deviators, which is far better way to hold your position than just pack a group of your units, and send them in the carnage. :)
'twas strange! The AI never did such thing for me so far, really. However, once the AI ordered 5 MCVs for nothing, and they were just screwin' around in his base. It was also strange. So all in all: The most common trigger for the selling-all buildings and "giving up" is to destroy all Refineries and Harvesters. The second option is to destroy the Construction yard,and production facilities. Y'can't be serious. The AI ordered MCVs, deployed them, and then, sold them for nothing? Hmm...I must check this out,really :) How did y'do this, and which battlegroud?