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  1. weee.... it was yestorday.... but whatever^^ i instaled emperor bttle for dune just to cellebrate:D
  2. dide you think protoss were original??? well the you havent seen eldar in warhammer 40k or predator arent they just another verson of protoss...? there is also ordos and IX from dune the protoss and there kinn kome from all over the world. nothing is original annymore... there are 3 diferent "types"/rases the nice the evil the anvansed ppl (the nice the evil the ugly) :P
  3. there is just 1 "LITTLE" thing! GW have anounsed that you may not make mods that dont belong to the world of 40K. so if you dont want to be sued dont make it...sorry :- (you shoud chek it out more closely, inkase im wrong)
  4. well i do concept skeches (if you need that) i have a gall at deviantart (to see my skils) [http]www.jofx.deviantart.com[http]
  5. well scar5150 i juse winamp to while im playing but its more flachy to use the rigth programs :P
  6. yeah i looke for= DjCiD rigth? and i will tell you what i think :P
  7. what and how did you change the music? just did the sims style?:P
  8. all Ordos songs rock... ???... ehh ...electrock...?
  9. thank you "norring" :P i have done the game with all houses so i wont be destroing the game expirience or annything ;)
  10. is there a mod maniger for emperor battle or DUNE??? if not how do i: get the mods to worke? 2. linky to anny mods you people think rock ??? its a while since i playd it and a lot has hapend i just read one of the books and boom: im a dune freak again.
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