do i have zone alarm off to play online? if so is there another (free) software firewall which allows to play online? my comp is athlon 1800 gigabyte 7vtxe mainboard aopen 4200ti w2k updated to service pack 4 zone alarm + antivir running + normal OS stuff
i8 had the same problem with the text instead of "quit" there was sumthin like "emperor" and the font was kinda weird this happened to me after i installed the directx version which is on the emperor cd when i deleted this one and reinstalled the (older) version on my w2k cd everything was fine again i hope i could help u
yea thx 4 this one i just looked into my (german) manual but still the thing is not absulutely clear 4 me height advantage is indicated by the red arrows ok so far but whut does height advantage exactly mean? does this unit have an increased sight/shooting range? more hitpoints whatever maybe one more experianced dune player couid give me an insight in this advantage aspect my thought to this was if there is an advantage to those units placed on plateau this would have startegic implications in a match so my question to those experts is: would it be for example better to place my kindjal on plateau and for example a mino in the sand or would this be equal to just place the kindjals in the sand (besides the worm aspect)?
i am new and so i wonder wether units on plateaus have any advantage over units which are on sand like they have a longer range in sight or shoot or anything like that ??? thx 4 replying
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