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Everything posted by thesnake

  1. thesnake

    Battlefield 2

    well same thing here,could be for diffrent reasons.i dint feel good playing any game anymore,i just lost the joy in gaming suddenly.u think its my age? could be i guess. i installed pain killer and the suffering but i could not playe any of them. i deleted them minutes after playing..just cant push forword anymore.
  2. it sounds like ure a talented editor :-X
  3. i see what you mean but my hardware did not program the enemy units to mass by the 100s in their base one above the other instead of attaking me .. do u see my point?
  4. compatibility! what that have to do with it?? the game is running normaly.. i have p4 3ghz 1g ram 6200,250mb xfx geforce.. its well above min req. but its a comon issue in rts games when one side or both sides mass 100s of units the game would slow down untill freez..thats why they have popcap did u playe the campain?? what about the alien levels? they dont mass at their base?? or u didnt pay attention hehehe
  5. there is a very bad programing mistakes in this game.. on hard level all the ai unites gets stuck and mass over eatch others not finding the way to the enemy locations.. i got that in olmost every level and it killed the campain for me plus in some turns ai unites massed in a way werethe game slowed up untill freez. its a very bad game and i wounder haw they didnt test it with a game so famous as c&c
  6. allwayes save ure bookmarkes page
  7. thesnake

    Battlefield 2

    look at that giant ... realy big guy.. he looks like the russion world boxing champion.. no offence for anyone but u cant help not to notice him.. is it u ?
  8. thesnake

    Battlefield 2

    in a 48 pages topic, u can expect some off topic talk,we are not machines. dont worry my varicoceles are too small and wont effect me in any way. by the way 20% of all men gets them,
  9. thesnake

    Battlefield 2

    well varicocele is varicose (enlarged or swell) vains in the vain network that drain the testicals in the spermatic cord.. so they can form somthing like blood baloons above the testicals.. and can be painfull and efrect flerity.. lipomas are fat masses.. a tumars that are made of fat celles(u dont have to be fat to get them) i have 2 under my left breast... i was scared to death when i discoverd them suddenly.. not knowing what kind of tumar are they.. but when i went to the hospital they told me they are harmless and can be removed but i didnt accept.
  10. thesnake

    Battlefield 2

    oh f**k,, was it an accident?? or he got sick.. its been a damn bad mounth for me olso.. i ve been diagnosed with varicocele few weeks ago.. and yesteday they told me i have lipomas and they wanted to cut me off like sir madenod but i refused and will live with it as long as am not having pain from them so far..
  11. thesnake


    ure doing the right thing.. u will . i told you. it gets better with time. and all the characters are maneged well thanks to the pda that keeps you informed of all the dialog logs and contacts and tasks and the locations on the maps, keeping a good logical relation between charecters..it even have some encyclopedia.. that will help you build ure own charecter (weapons.armor.artifacts..ex) so u wont be confused..with all the futures in the game (fps+rpg+adventure) its so simple to playe and wont trouble ure mind.. Oslo the great and hard fps combat action keeps you enjoying playing and want to playe more and more.. i still enjoy single player campaigns as much as i like multiplayer games like bf2 and i think this is one of the best.. so good hunting stalkers
  12. thesnake


    well,, its not really a lag. i was wrong to say i was lagging.. the game playe is flowing normally..and the movment is not slow at all.. but i get some cutting from time to time while running fast. the game just freezes for few seconds then it works again.. no crashes what so ever.. the game is patched and bug free.. i have : p4 3gHz ht 1g ram 6200xfx geforce 256mb so my pc is not totally a tard ... but surly not what this game needs but anyway its more than playable on my system and surly all settings on minimum.
  13. thesnake


    this game keeps getting better.. there is 10s of weapons and u can build them with diffrent kinds of magazines and ammo and scopes and grenade launchers Oslo the clothes and armory and there is even a spell belt were u can add diffrent artifacts to give u special powers.. there tones of things to do in the single player like trading and hunting and missions.. level design is logical perfect and the shooting is very well made.. really a good game.. best i played so far...
  14. thesnake


    yes you should .. it will remind you a lot of neverwinter nights with the trading and the armory an weapons.. but with a fps style.. olso like vek said this mounth there is a lot of games coming up and need very high vedio cards.. like rainbow six las vegas min req is p4 3ghz 6600gt 1g ram
  15. thesnake


    yes am playing it with a p4 3ghz 1gig ram and a 6200 250 mb xfx vga all on minimum and its lagging a little bit :'( ,, but still playble but i dont recomend playing it with anything less than i have.. btw what vga u have now vek?? edited: my p4 cpu even faild the recomended sys req for stalker that asked for Intel Core 2 Duo lol i mean it cost more than 500$ :O
  16. thesnake


    its a nice game,, i am posting just because this game is kinda new to me.. well its a good fps game but the advanture element is great... it has the same style of neverwinter nights2 but even better... its realy fun
  17. thesnake

    Battlefield 2

    i have a good idea for you guyes.. go playe fear... its the best in this field. and its free
  18. thesnake

    Battlefield 2

    erj i dont understand anything of what you said.. sorry mwahaha... i must fire some tv guided missle every time i playe.. and i wont accept to stop doing that.. its my peak point of this game ======================> -[ ]
  19. thesnake

    Battlefield 2

    they have inf servers but i playe on the classic... you just cant miss the real deal.. and you did good with ure k/d ratio i remeber it was 0.70 few mounthes ago.. i am inporoving all the time olso my k/d was 0.40 last year
  20. thesnake

    Battlefield 2

    well..no point saying that erjin is a lier.. but i find it hard to achive for normal players to aim that thing from a distance.. there is no logical way in timing the movement of the enemy.. unless he was sleeping.. shooting at a crowed is another thing or on a medic healing someone or on a white flag... who knows..there is no end of what peapol can do i guess... but still there is a lot of face to face combat in bf2 and i still think the bulets own the grenade war head.. in speed and in accuracy.. it did with me..but what do i know.. anyway my game is limited ro the server i playe on.. and they dont use it at all there..
  21. thesnake

    Battlefield 2

    i don't know what noobus toobus means.. if you mean the grenade launchers i can tell you its not a matter of skill.. they are not an accrued weapon by nature,, believe me i have 346:39:05 hours as an assult.. its my main kit..gl just don't work in this game.. just like sonic tanks in dune.. if you want the killes you will need the g3.. don't mind about the ammo it will give you at least 1 kill before you die..and if you maneged to be a smart uploader you will have 2 killes.. per death.. yes my k/d is 0.67 but that is not the true number.. when i started, my deaths was 3 times my killes because guyes at antik are really elites. the community is similar to here, were peapol knows each others and fight each others all the time.specially pilots.. if u don't believe me have a game there and see.. i have 2664 frags with the g3.. if you are about first person shooter not(medic eng sf stuff) then you will be wasting time not using it.. it shoots from range like a sniper gun.. cause the highest damge of all weapons (talking about machine guns without a stand
  22. thesnake

    Battlefield 2

    well if there is no unlocks then its OK. but talking generally on the g3 i have made 2500 killes with it so far and i can tell you you don't need the extra ammo in this case.. the g3 gives you superiority in all face to face encounters ... in most cases u have 1 player shooting at you then after killing him you can take a step back and reload... after getting used to it i use only a brust from the powerful ammo to kill and i kill 2 players per magazine easily... i remeberd a game there was 3 enemy players passing a corridor one after the other.. i prone and shot straight aiming at first one.. and then all 3 players died.. this gun blast anything in its way... i wanted to take screens but i don't know haw
  23. thesnake

    Battlefield 2

    well if there is no unlocks then its OK. but talking generally on the g3 i have made 2500 killes with it so far and i can tell you you don't need the extra ammo in this case.. the g3 gives you superiority in all face to face encounters ... in most cases u have 1 player shooting at you then after killing him you can take a step back and reload... after getting used to it i use only a brust from the powerful ammo to kill and i kill 2 players per magazine easily... i remeberd a game there was 3 enemy players passing a corridor one after the other.. i prone and shot straight aiming at first one.. and then all 3 players died.. this gun blast anything in its way... i wanted to take screens but i don't know haw
  24. thesnake

    Battlefield 2

    g3 is better than it.
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