I'll trade my WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos CD-Key for your EBFD CD-Key.(If we're not allowed to do this delete this post please :-P) TO Contact me you can 1)You can PM me on the forums. 2) IM me on Warder345 on AIM 3) Email RandyCUKnowMe@nestcape.com
I'll tell you the best MMORPG's out #1 Ragnarok Online RPG(Plenty of Good private servers) #2 World Of Warcraft(In BETA form atm) #3 Guild Wars I love ragnarok online i've played most MMORPG and Ragnarok and WoW are the best trust me ;)
Anyone ever played Ragnarok Online? http://iro.ragnarokonline.com/ that server isnt free but there are alot of populated private servers like www.projectRO.com or www.mob-RO.com
people multi nick because there afraid to get beat by someone good on there regular nick so they hide under a different one and when they challenge u and u kick there ass they run away and if they beat u they brag like there a god _Bleeeping_ cowards !!
ok c i found this cool online RPG ragnarok and its orignialy to be paid for 12$ a month but i found this site where u can play it for free its like a private server and like 45 play right now because its new FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE SEND an email to me or somthing :O
Noone even plays Xwis everytime i go on noones on... but every time i go on WOL theres like 14 people on and some in games i thought XWIS was better ???
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