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Gamont Gambler

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Everything posted by Gamont Gambler

  1. Found 61 Sietches and 6 villages in the 12 Arrakis Zones: 7 - Arrakeen (+ village) 4 - Bledan 7 - Haga (+ village) 8 - Tsympo (+ village) 6 - Ergsun 5 - Carthag 5 - Tuono (+ village) 2 - Cielago 5 - Habbanya 5 - Sihaya (+ village) 4 - Oxyten (+ village) 3 - Celimyn Some areas of the map still look like missing jigsaw pieces but have rocky terrain. Best bet is to fly around with Stilgar. Strange thing is a crater near Carthag which warns of a Harkkonen zone even though their forces are 0%.
  2. Sorry to disappoint you but I don't think there is an official Director's cut...yet. :'( The Japanese disc contains both the theatrical and TV version which is why it is so long!! i.e. two movies strung together, NOT a 5 hour version of one movie. There is a "Special Edition" from Sanctuary coming out on October 6th (at least in the UK). Details are vague at the moment as it seems to be listed as both Region 2 and Region 0 and is given a running time of 177 mins!! This is not the TV version (disowned by Lynch) but the running time could be a mistake? The theatrical cut was about 130 mins so if the listing is correct we will get an extra 47 mins!! Hope so! 8) Details here: http://www.blackstar.co.uk/video/item/7000000082006
  3. http://artstream.ucsc.edu/film42f/pdffiles.html So I've been told.
  4. "House Atreides claimed to trace its roots more than twelve thousand years, back to the ancient sons of Atreus on Old Terra." Since we've already had a prequel set 10 000 years (!!) before the events of Dune, what's another few thousand years? How about a series of books about the origins of House Atreides i.e. 'Ancient Legends of Dune', or 'Origins of Dune', or 'House Atreides: The Beginning' etc. ;) The Atreides ("sons of Atreus") - Agamemnon and Menelaus, Kings of Mycenae and Sparta, declare war on Troy. Their army is led by warrior Achilles to seige the Trojans...hang on...they ARE making a film about this with Brad Pitt (Achilles), Eric Bana (Hector) and Brian Cox (Agamemnon). Technically...er...sort of...this will be a prequel movie to Dune !! House Atreides back on the big screen 2004 !! ;D
  5. Worth checking amazon.co.uk sellers. There is one going for
  6. LIBRA...peace man. Let the Great Houses strive for diplomacy. A Libran trait apparently! ;D I also like blue !!
  7. We should send a probe and stick a 'thumper' in the ground. It would be kind of ironic if we discover Mars Melange. Come to think of it, the Martian canals could have been made by giant sand worms !! ???
  8. Here we go again... Some colors and crests of houses actually named in the books. Is there an 'official' list anywhere? Can anyone fill the gaps? 1. ATREIDES - Green & Black - Red Hawk 2. HARKONNEN - Blue & ? - Blue Griffin 3. CORRINO - Scarlet & Gold - Gold Lion 4. VERNIUS - Purple & Copper - Purple/Copper Helix 5. RICHESE - White & Gold ? - Lamp motif ? Clues: Richesian premier, Ein Calimar wore white/gold suit and arrived in white & gold ornithopter.(HH book) Quote:"she had chosen jewelry and colors resplendent with the markings of House Richese, rival to Ix, as if to twist a knife into the Vernius exiles."(P.279 H.Atreides). Cape with "Richesian lamp of knowledge."(p.437, HA) 6. MORITANI - Yellow livery mentioned a few times in H.Harkonnen book. 7. GINAZ - ? 8. ECAZ - maybe fogwood, forest theme ? 9. MUTELLI - Crest mentioned on p.343 of H.Corrino, but what ? ??? 10. TALIGARI - ? 11. HAGAL - known for blue/green quartz. (crystal crest ?) 12. TERANOS - ? 13. DYVETZ - ? 14. CANIDAR - maple leaf ? ;) 15. NOVEBRUNS - ? 16. VENETTE - ? Unfortunately most of the houses named in the books don't match the list in the Dune Encyclopedia. Shame... >:( >:( >:( Maybe Brian Herbert will release his 'fabled' Dune Concordance soon. (hint) ;D
  9. House Richese Rules !!... ;) Well OK, Corrino does really but I like Richese. A house with a grand history that goes through some tough times in the prequels. I tend to go for the underdogs. 8) At least their technology doesn't break certain rules like another house ...cough...Vernius...cough.
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