Good news for you: Release Candidate 2 released!
I made some new changes and additions, mostly based on your comments, suggestions and bug reports since I released the first 1.4 release candidate. This is most likely not going to be the very final release, as you will still get change to provide more suggestions and bug reports, because I want to make 1.4 a good and stable version that would again last for some longer time (or forever, who knows if there will even be v1.5 in future). I still have some ideas what more to into the editor, but I just wanted you not to wait for too long time for some very important requested changes and bug fixes.
Here you go:
Here is changelog (only changes from previous release, full 1.4 changelog included in zip file):
Added: Scrolling map with arrows will always work in Terrain mode. In Structures mode, use Up/Down keys to select
building/unit in a list, and Left/Right keys to switch between Misc Objects, Building and Unit lists
Added: Named tilesets. You can give tileset a user-friendly name which will display on tileset selection dialog.
Changed: Editor will ask for saving changes to your map upon closing program instead of only confirming exiting program.
This works for map and events modifications, does not work for mission properties and AI modificatios.
Added: When starting editor for first time and it can't detect your game location automatically, it will prompt you to
navigate to game location manually with a file open dialog
Added: Editor checks for more map errors that when saving map or launching map. It checks additionally for:
- Spice blooms limit (30 max)
- Total structures limit (1000 max)
- 0 credits or tech level on player with active AI
- Reinforcement or Starport delivery events with 0 units
Added: Tile Attribute Editor will warn and ask you when you attempt to save over original game's TILEATRx.BIN file
Fixed: Event and Condition notes will move position accordingly when you reorganize, delete or add events/conditions
Added: Buttons to move units and conditions up and down in event's unit and condition list
Added: New Deploy action "Stay" for Reinforcement and Unit Spawn events, renamed other deploy actions
Added: Show key shortcuts option in Event grid and Condition grid popup menu
Added: Auto-smooth edges feature: Added support for two double-corner tiles used in Warcraft 2 tilesets
Fixed: It is again possible to select block of unlimited side from tileset (not only 8*8)
Added: Included D2k Mapping Manual in zip
I strongly recommend you to go through every change I mentioned there, and trying it out yourself to make sure it is working as intended and get familiar with it.
I tried to take into account all comments you wrote into various threads on this forum, but it's still possible I forgot or overlooked someting, in that case just let me know.
Well, I would not mind adding this feature to the editor, but there are some implementation difficulties: implementing random map for Rock tiles does not go well with the implementation and system of the Paint mode, especially after I added better support for custom tilesets and defining tiles used by maint mode in tilieset .ini file. Addition of random map would complicate this system (it's a random map only for rock? What about other terrain types, especially those in custom tilesets). But I will still think about it.