Y'all are gonna dig this.
First, lemme mention that I updated the editor and grabbed the new ini from the other thread, and that issue from before is totally fixed. Definitely forgot to do that sooner lol
Now I'll get on with the new features. I added some stars already, and the concrete, y'all saw that, and I did some touch-ups on a bunch of tiles, but there are some more new things. Like, certain celestial objects that might be neat to put in a campaign, like Caladan, Giedi Prime, Draconis IV, and Arrakis of course...
We also make use of the behavior Klofkac recently discovered to make a vehicle-only pathway. Behold!
As a side note, there is some new artwork for my mod thanks in whole to the new guy, @AZ-Stalker So, big thanks to you, mate!
That's all for now. Uhh... but, due to the changes to the tileset, the tile presets do need some re-adjustments. @Klofkac, you let me know to ask you if I wanted an assist, and I absolutely wouldn't refuse! In the zip below is the updated mod, tileset, and an example map built in the style of a 1v1 skirmish. You are playing as the Imperials, fighting the Atreides. WiH.zip NOTE: This map is balanced around a standard skirmish game against a "hard mode" AI. That is, an AI that begins with 40k credits. Although because this is a campaign map, and the AI will therefore build using normal build speeds instead of easy mode build speeds like they do in multiplayer, I recommend playing on easy! You'll have the most comfortable economy that way. This is built like a skirmish map, so the economy is designed with that in mind. Besides the six Mass Deposits around the map, your main Supply Depot has 15k in expendable Mass, your natural expansion has 25k, and the center of the map only has 12k. I have an actual multiplayer version of the map that perhaps I should share instead. It could be loaded via C&Cnet, and the AI would act more authentically. I'll see what I can do...
Anyway, this map doesn't have any RFGs (Repulsion Field Generators), but they can be seen in the tileset and placed on the map through the editor if you want to check those out! They just didn't seem right for this particular map, so I didn't include them, but Caladan and Delta Pavonis can be seen. Also, if you want to build Flame Tanks, you'll need an upgraded Light Factory and a High Tech Factory. Use Combat Tanks to soak some fire (haha) for them while they clear out enemy infrastructure.
For anyone unfamiliar: To install, merge the data folder in the zip with the data folder in your D2k directory. To uninstall, do the same with the data folder under the backup folder in the zip. Ez pz.