I just added this feature!
I hopefully fixed that too.
Hmm, I just wonder, whether this option is available in mission ini file (where mission name, author, briefing etc. is stored). What I mean, if the game will use the given TEXT.UIB file, when that mission is started from mission launcher. If the game doesn't support this option, then it would be useless, as this could be used only if map is launched from the editor, not from mission launcher. Maybe @FunkyFr3sh could answer that.
Yeah, those are the commandline parameters passed to game executable (Dune2000.exe) when running it to launch a mission. I cannot recall if there are any useful parameters, I just added this for potential future use.
Anyway, I added one more small thing into the editor: Now you can directly see and edit the tileset and attributes name in Mission file:
Those fields are automatically updated when you change a tileset using Tileset menu. Otherwise, when you for example load a map with unknown tileset, the editor loads graphics for default tileset (BLOXBGBS) but those fields as well as tileset information in .MIS file will remain unchanged when you save the map. And tileset name is now case insensitive when opening a map.
So, those are basically the last changes I made before I officially release a new version of the editor. You still have opportunity to spot any bugs or give some ideas for (not very difficult or complicated, rather simple) new features!
I also have an idea to put the AI values manual (this: https://forum.dune2k.com/topic/27803-d2k-ai-manual/ ) into the editor .zip file which will get released, so that anyone who download and uses the editor have it easily on hand. What you think?