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[Release] Dune 2000 Map and Mission Editor v1.2

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Hello folks! As I promised, new Map Editor release is finally here!

As usually, there are reasonable improvements and new features. Most importantly: The ability to place any building or unit for any side! Many people asked and begged for this feature years ago and I (and probably you too) strongly thought that it was not possible because of no support in the game. But after discovering the possibility to edit this in TILEDATA.BIN file, this dream became real.

I also made lot of internal changes in the code and improvemens in the rendering engine, I tuned up the editor, so I hope you will see it.


Direct download link: https://github.com/jkoncick/D2kEditor/releases/download/v1.2/D2kEditorv12.zip

Download page: https://github.com/jkoncick/D2kEditor/releases/tag/v1.2



Fixed: "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window" error
Fixed: Tile with index 0 (left-top-most sand tile) is no longer used for painting a sand
Added: You can "cut" (erase) the selected area if you hold shift while selecting the area.
Added: "Mark buildable tiles" option
Changed: Structure list was divided into separate building and unit lists
Added: You can now place any building or unit for any side. In order to use this feature
       in game, you must copy the file config/TILEDATA.BIN into your Dune2000/Data/bin folder.

Added: Structures and Misc. objects are now externally configured (structures.ini, misc_objects.ini).
Added: You can now place continuous wall by moving the mouse
Changed: Units are now grouped by unit type in the event table in "Contents" column
Added: Event notes are shown in the event table. Event table Columns are now resizable.
Added: Map statistics
Added: Support for "Custom blocks" - blocks which are not stored continuously in the tileset.
       Adjusted tileset configurations accordingly.
Added: Confirmation dialog when closing the editor. It can be turned off in D2kEditor.ini.

Improved the rendering engine and the editing interface:
- Optimized map rendering: it should be faster and consume less CPU
- Concrete is properly drawn under buildings, added "Draw concrete" option
- Added Building marker and brush marker



Note: I did really lot of internal changes in the source code, so bugs and errors are really very likely. Please let me know about all errors or problems you encounter.

Note 2: This is probably the last relese with reasonable amount of changes and new features, because I ran out of ideas and needs to do something more. I think that now the editor has all it needs and I'm planning to do rather just bug fixes and minor enhancements in the future. If you have some good idea for something new I'd appreciate it, but be warned that I can reject it if it's too much work or I consider it unnecessary. For example I am not going to implement a random map generator - it's really too much complex.



  • Upvote 5

Lol, you even added the thopter XD.


"Added: You can now place continuous wall by moving the mouse"


This is wonderful, also the confirmation is great. I closed the window by accident lots of times.


I just did a quick look to the editor. I like the "Everyone palace", Sietch and Atr high tech factory (I can smell a sadic player creating a mission with 7 airstrike against the player).


You really did a good work with this.


There are two things I miss: Heavy and light factories.

The Ordos light factory have a direct use. As Atreides/Harkonnen, capture one Ordos L.Factory and you can build your own raiders. (or if you are Ordos building the trike with the L. from the others)


And the heavy factory. As Atreides if you capture a H.Factory from another house, the player still build the Atreides Combat tank, but if the Tech level is at least 6, You can make the Atreides building the Devastator or the Deviator.


¿How about placing the diferent combat tanks? In the same way like now I can place one Atreides "Raider", one "(no_Atreides) High tech Factory" and a Atreides "Harkonnen Palace", the same for an Atreides "Ordos Combat Tank".

  • Upvote 1

Very interesting, Klofkac! I like it.


I just did a quick look to the editor. I like the "Everyone palace", Sietch and Atr high tech factory

How is it possible to use Sietch? Tell me please.

I mean not the Editor. It is easy to draw Sietch in the Editor.

How player can practically use Sietch during the game? I don't know this at all.

  On 11/17/2015 at 10:52 AM, Adriano said:

Very interesting, Klofkac! I like it.


How is it possible to use Sietch? Tell me please.

I mean not the Editor. It is easy to draw Sietch in the Editor.

How player can practically use Sietch during the game? I don't know this at all.

AI can produce infantry from it with the stock settings. For the player to do the same, it needs some edits in TibEd.


Amazing job man, I had to do crazy workarounds in my missions to get a Harkonnen Palace for an Ordos AI. Can't even tell you how much trouble i had :D 

  On 11/17/2015 at 10:52 AM, Adriano said:

Very interesting, Klofkac! I like it.


How is it possible to use Sietch? Tell me please.

I mean not the Editor. It is easy to draw Sietch in the Editor.

How player can practically use Sietch during the game? I don't know this at all.


If you don't use Tibed, the only way is placing a Sietch AND Barracks.

I found that the primary building is always the one in top (and left if both are at the same position).


So, With a Sietch on top and one barrackin bottom, both IA and player can train infantry which appears from the sietch.

If the Sietch is in down and the Barrack up, then the Sietch is useless.

  • Upvote 1

According to Tibed, the Sietch (called Fremen Barracks) have 6000 hit points with a "Wood" armor.

comparing to another Atreides buildings with "Wood armor":

Barracks have 3200 HP

Heavy Factory 3500 HP

IX 2500 HP

  • Upvote 1



Do you think you could make a complete video/tutorial about the Dune 2000 Map and Mission Editor? I know that earlier you already made some videos about it (latest the one about mission editing and launching your maps) and they look good. Now I mean you could make a very complete overview about all its features (including the newest ones), like terrain editing, filling, smoothing rock/dune edges, block presets, placing structures, functions like statistics, resizing/shifting map, mission editing and so on. You could make it in more than one video if you want.

I'm asking you because I have no experience with recording this kind of videos and making tutorials and my engish pronunciation is really terrible, but you can do it pretty well.

This way you would also make a good advertisement for my editor which helped you and many other people making their custom D2k maps and campaigns.

This is just a suggestion, not a necessity. Thank you!


OffTopic: Does anyone know how is it possible to send Private Messages on this forum? I could not find that.


Yes, I was already thinking about doing that. Will do it soon.

Don't remember as im posting from the phone at the moment, but I believe that by clicking on a username there should be a button to swnd a private message.

  On 11/23/2015 at 11:36 AM, FedaYkin said:

Yes, I was already thinking about doing that. Will do it soon.

Don't remember as im posting from the phone at the moment, but I believe that by clicking on a username there should be a button to swnd a private message.

I tried exactly this - clicked on your profile, but could not find anything like "Post message" anywhere. There were just two buttons: Add me as a friend, Find content, and profile information like friends, topics, posts etc...


And I'd like to have one note on your videos - you incorrectly pronounce my name (Klofkac) - the last letter "c" shall not be pronounced as "k", but it sould be Czech "č", the name is actually written as "Klofkač" in Czech language. If you don't know how, it is here: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-bvtOCY_HVQs/T5M7AhhzfSI/AAAAAAAAA8w/oxip6KG7n1k/s1600/pronunciation+phojnetic+chart.gif- the consonant in "CHURCH" word.

  On 11/23/2015 at 12:47 PM, Klofkac said:

I tried exactly this - clicked on your profile, but could not find anything like "Post message" anywhere. There were just two buttons: Add me as a friend, Find content, and profile information like friends, topics, posts etc...



I don't know how exactly this forun works, but for example I could send a private message to someone here but just clicking in his profile and the "send me a message" (between "add me as a friend" and "find content")


In you profile don't even has that option. (In the Feda's profile appears, try to look in him if at least the option appears for you too).


Apparently you have to click the inbox button (the envelope icon near the notifications) and then "compose new". I can bet that there used to be a button somewhere, but I can't find it anymore.


Sorry about the name, didn't know that. 

  On 11/23/2015 at 1:11 PM, FedaYkin said:

Apparently you have to click the inbox button (the envelope icon near the notifications) and then "compose new". I can bet that there used to be a button somewhere, but I can't find it anymore.


Sorry about the name, didn't know that. 

I just solved this: I clicked on "Personal Messenger", it told me that my personal messenger was disabled, then I clicked on "Enable" button and boom, now I can see "Send me a message" button in your profiles. Strange. Thanks for your help anyway.


Don't worry about the name, people just don't normally know that.

  • Upvote 1

Here they are, I'll probably make some more and go more in-depth (like going through the AI editor), but for now I wanted to show the features of the editor:


PART 1: 

PART 2: 


Btw, whenever I'm opening an existing mission and I try to use either quick launch or launch with settings, I get an "invalid filename" error. It used to work flawlessly with the older version, what's wrong? (filename is ss_o5.map)

  On 11/23/2015 at 5:52 PM, FedaYkin said:

Btw, whenever I'm opening an existing mission and I try to use either quick launch or launch with settings, I get an "invalid filename" error. It used to work flawlessly with the older version, what's wrong? (filename is ss_o5.map)


Check the "D2kEditor.ini", there is a line with "[Paths]".

In mine .ini the default path was set to the folder which I have the editor (outside the principal game), and recieved an error too. Maybe you need to change the path there.


Thanks for your videos, they're awesome.

About the error, Cm_blast is right. The editor tries to automatically detect the game folder but when it can't, it defaults to the editor folder. You need to manually set the path in D2kEditor.ini.

  On 11/23/2015 at 8:05 PM, Klofkac said:

Thanks for your videos, they're awesome.

About the error, Cm_blast is right. The editor tries to automatically detect the game folder but when it can't, it defaults to the editor folder. You need to manually set the path in D2kEditor.ini.

I did, but they still dont work. Maybe i typo-ed something


EDIT: Indeed way a typo, forgot a "\"


This one is an AI editor tutorial, i made a small overview of the AI functions, next ones will contain creating an AI from scratch

  • Upvote 1

The squishinfantry is important to said that doesn't work with harvester. Set the value to 0 the Tanks will try to killing your units by shooting, but the harverster are going to crush them.


Yes, the SpecialWeapongDelay is just that. If you set that value to 30.000, the IA is not going to use Saboteur/death hand... until 20 minutes. I'm not sure if the Airstrike enter in the delay too.


Build rate = 1000 = 40 seconds (1000/25), the EmergencyBuildRate works the same.


Did you try to change the attack priority to just "1"? maybe is just a "yes/no" option so 99 don't do nothing. I don't know how works (if it works).


You skipped the GuardGroupSize, I think is important because there you can define how strong/weak a defense is.

Isn't a absolute valor, because in my Corrino Campaing last level the Atreides have the "H9v1 - Atreides IA" (or the v2, don't remember). I used that IA for other campains, but because in my Corrino Campaing the Atreides base is about 3 CY, 3 Light Factories, 3 Heavy Factories, 3 Starports, 3 Ix...... the number of units protecting his base is huge.


Also, set to 0 the IA is not going to have any unit patrolling his base.


The "UnitPriority" isn't just about priority, but a absolute number: in the example the IA will build exactly 80 siege tanks per 1 of the other units.

Is important to say that the IA count unit spawns and preplaced units, so if you have a map with 8 combat tanks and 8 siege tanks preplaced in the mission (and don't touch any other numbers), you will find that the IA is attacking you only with quads, trikes and soldiers.  


Also, people need to care about giving any number to harverster/VCM. set that number to 1, and the IA is going to build several VCM with no purpose.


By the way, the unknow byte 29 (at the very end) I discovered what means.

With the valor set to 1 (by default) if you preplace any sealth fremen in the map, that sealth fremen is going to move, searching for the player (at least if that AI don't have any buildings).

If you change the valor to 0, the Sealth Fremen just stay in their position, but if you set other unit spawns, reinforcements... will work as intented.

  • Upvote 1
  On 11/26/2015 at 9:33 PM, Cm_blast said:

The squishinfantry is important to said that doesn't work with harvester. Set the value to 0 the Tanks will try to killing your units by shooting, but the harverster are going to crush them.


Yes, the SpecialWeapongDelay is just that. If you set that value to 30.000, the IA is not going to use Saboteur/death hand... until 20 minutes. I'm not sure if the Airstrike enter in the delay too.


Build rate = 1000 = 40 seconds (1000/25), the EmergencyBuildRate works the same.


Did you try to change the attack priority to just "1"? maybe is just a "yes/no" option so 99 don't do nothing. I don't know how works (if it works).


You skipped the GuardGroupSize, I think is important because there you can define how strong/weak a defense is.

Isn't a absolute valor, because in my Corrino Campaing last level the Atreides have the "H9v1 - Atreides IA" (or the v2, don't remember). I used that IA for other campains, but because in my Corrino Campaing the Atreides base is about 3 CY, 3 Light Factories, 3 Heavy Factories, 3 Starports, 3 Ix...... the number of units protecting his base is huge.


Also, set to 0 the IA is not going to have any unit patrolling his base.


The "UnitPriority" isn't just about priority, but a absolute number: in the example the IA will build exactly 80 siege tanks per 1 of the other units.

Is important to say that the IA count unit spawns and preplaced units, so if you have a map with 8 combat tanks and 8 siege tanks preplaced in the mission (and don't touch any other numbers), you will find that the IA is attacking you only with quads, trikes and soldiers.  


Also, people need to care about giving any number to harverster/VCM. set that number to 1, and the IA is going to build several VCM with no purpose.


By the way, the unknow byte 29 (at the very end) I discovered what means.

With the valor set to 1 (by default) if you preplace any sealth fremen in the map, that sealth fremen is going to move, searching for the player (at least if that AI don't have any buildings).

If you change the valor to 0, the Sealth Fremen just stay in their position, but if you set other unit spawns, reinforcements... will work as intented.

Thank you for the additional info and corrections, if you know more functions in detail please go ahead and tell me so i can include the explanations in the next tutorials. I didn't have time to mess around with the AI functions very much as it's a very complex and time-consuming domain, hence the "not-100%-accurate" information from the video. However, what I said there is mostly correct, so I won;t take the video down or remake it, instead I'll mention your findings and corrections in the next one :D


Btw, could "FreePercentage" suggest that the AI may get a "discount" for its purchases of <freePercentage>%? Did anyone try this?

  On 11/26/2015 at 10:14 PM, FedaYkin said:

Thank you for the additional info and corrections, if you know more functions in detail please go ahead and tell me so i can include the explanations in the next tutorials. I didn't have time to mess around with the AI functions very much as it's a very complex and time-consuming domain, hence the "not-100%-accurate" information from the video. However, what I said there is mostly correct, so I won;t take the video down or remake it, instead I'll mention your findings and corrections in the next one :D


Btw, could "FreePercentage" suggest that the AI may get a "discount" for its purchases of <freePercentage>%? Did anyone try this?


Yeah, in general your video is accurate. There are lots of things like, you said, one just can figure by the name what does.


in the freepercentage tried with valors like =1, =99, =5000 but I don't see anything special.


just the "first attack building delay" is not absolute. I can set the attack timer to 20 min (and make the 20 min clock appears on screen) and the enemy attacking at 14. Maybe because the IA already reach the maximun_strengh or something.

Also if he don't have enough units to attack he doesn't attack, but depends. I don't know if the "morale" have a repercussion in the IA.


I think the base defense radius works the same like the "harversterdrivedistance" in the .Ini

That valor set to 16 makes the harverster needing a carryall when they are more than 3 squares (more or less, depending if they consider the center of the building or not).

Both "harvesterdrivedistance" and "BaseDefenceRadius" have 64 as default = "2^6", so this means 6 squares more or less (or 7 if "0" count as 1).


Besides how to define an area: defendArea min/max... --> (you need to set "DefenceAreas" =1 to make it appear). However although I copied the same numbers as the Harkonnen level 4, I don't know how to make it behave the same as the original level (The area appears drawned in the map, but Don't know to make soldiers use it).


If in another video you talk a bit more of the buildingunitpriority, just a little warning for players:

Players need to think with "IA Logic" and no "Human Logic".

I mean. Imagine I set the building rate to 1 (so fast as he can).


With a proportion 1:1 the IA do this. (Having Barracks and heavy factory with a tech of 1) Building infantry and a tank at the same time. When the infantry is builded, the Ia waits till the tank end too to build the second tank and the second infantry (at that's the reason why with the BuildRate set to 1 he doesn't build infantry so fast as he should).


With this, we are planning on make the Ia more efficient.

The human logic said that if I build 1 tank and at the same time 4 infantry, the time needed for both is the same, so we use that human logic to make the unitpriorirt "1 combat tank, 4 infantry".


However, the IA logic doesn't work this way. The IA will said

"Building tank and infantry at the same tank"

Yes, I have a infantry, but I DON'T HAVE any tank, so I must wait

wait... wait... wait... wait... Ok, my tank is done.

My proportion said I should have 3 more infantry, so ok, now is time for more infantry

training infantry... done, training infantry... done, training infantry... done.

And just then, he will start with another tank (so, using this method, the IA will build more slowly than the original 1:1 proportion, when after he end the first tank, he just start building a second tank).


Are you sure that SpecialWeaponDelay works? I have it set to 11000 to Harkonnen and gave both them and myself a Hark Palace and when my nuke is ready, they fire theirs as well, they dont wait 11000 GameTicks.

  On 11/28/2015 at 12:31 AM, FedaYkin said:

Are you sure that SpecialWeaponDelay works? I have it set to 11000 to Harkonnen and gave both them and myself a Hark Palace and when my nuke is ready, they fire theirs as well, they dont wait 11000 GameTicks.

Yes, it works.

The time start to count as soon as you start the map, not when the Death Hand is ready.

With 11000 you are saying to the IA "wait until 7 minutes and 20 seconds to launch your first DH".


However the DH needs 8 minutes to be armed. So by the time the weapon is ready the delay already passed. If you really want to make him wait that time you need to write 22500 (15 minutes).

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