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OMF 2097 Robots


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  • 4 weeks later...

I remember this game... I used to play it day and night! :) Chronos was my all-time favourite robot, and I usually played with Cosette as the pilot.


I happen to have a complete list of OMF special moves, so I thought I should post it here. However, it is a spoiler, so I'm putting it in hidden text:

[hide]JAGUAR's moves:

Jaguar Leap: D-DF-F+P

Shadow Jaguar Leap: B-DB-D-DF-F+P

Concussion Cannon: D-DB-B+P

Overhead Throw: (jump), D+P - when near opponent

Scrap Move: D,D,U+P

Destruction Move: D,U+K

Timing: Time it so that you press U+K right after the Jaguar

lifts your opponent overhead.

How to get to Fire & Ice: U,D+K

Timing: Do it right after the Jag throws your opponent through

the floor.

SHADOW's moves:

Shadow Punch: D-DB-B+P

Shadow Kick: D-DB-B+K

Shadow Dive: (jump),D-DF-F+P

Shadow Grab: D,D+P

Scrap Move: B,F-UF-U-UB-B+P

Destruction Move: D,D,D+P

Timing: Do it quickly right after the sixth hit of the Scrap. If

you have problems getting it to work, keep hitting D+P right after

the fifth hit of the Scrap.

How to get to Fire & Ice: D,D,D+P

Timing: Do it right after the giant Shadow destroys your opponent.

If you can't get it to work, try pressing D+P over & over after the

big Shadow smashes your opponent.

THORN's moves:

Speed Kick: D-DF-F+K

Shadow Speed Kick: B-DB-D-DF-F+K

Spike Charge: F,F+P

Off-the-Wall Attack : (jump against wall),DF+K

Scrap Move: B,B,F+P

Destruction Move: U,D+P

Timing: Do it right after your opponent has been "spiked".

How to Get to Fire & Ice: U,U,D+P

Timing: Do the combination right after your opponent goes through

the floor. If you have problems,do the move over & over as soon

as you've done the Destruction sequence.

PYROS's moves:

Super Thrust: F,F+P

Shadow Super Thrust: F,F,F+P

Jet Swoop: (jump),D+K

Fire Spin: D,P

Scrap Move Part 1: F,F,D,D+P

Part 2: U+P(hold)

Timing: Press & hold U+P very quickly right after the third hit

of the Scrap. Hold it until you hear the Pyros speed up. It's

hard to get it right every time, but it can be done.

Destruction Move: D+P(hold)

Timing: Press & hold D+P quickly right after the seventh hit of

the Scrap. Once again, it's hard to get it every time, but with

practice, you'll be able to get it most of the time.

How to Get to Fire & Ice : U,D,D+P

Timing: This is by far the hardest of all the "Fire & Ice" moves

to do consistently. You have to time the move so as to press the

D+P right as your opponent explodes. You'll be able to get it most

of the time with practice, however. If you REALLY just can't get

it to work, try it with the speed turned down a couple of notches

and you should have less trouble.

ELEKTRA's moves:

Lightning Ball: D-DB-B+P

Electric Shards: D-DF-F+P

Rolling Thunder: F,F+P

Shadow Rolling Thunder: D-DF-F,F+P

Scrap Move: D,F+P

Destruction Move: U-UF-F-DF-D+P

Timing: Do it anytime while the Electra is "volting" your opponent.

How to get to Fire & Ice: F-DF-D+P

Timing: Do it right after your opponent blows up, QUICKLY. If you

have problems, do it over & over while the lightning is striking.

KATANA's moves:

Rising Blade: D-DF-F+P (Invincible)

Shadow Rising Blade: B-DB-D-DF-F+P (Invincible)

Head Stomp: (jump),D+K <--While over opponent

Forward Razor Spin: D-DF-F+K

Backward Razor Spin: D-DB-B+K

Scrap Move: F-DF-D-DB-B+P

Destruction Move: B-DB-D-DF-F+P

Timing: Wait until after the Katana slashes your opponent, and

then quickly do the move. You only have a short time to do it.

How to get to Fire & Ice: B-DB-D-DF-F+K

Timing: Do the move right after the Katana slashes and destroys

your opponent's 'bot. If you just can't get it to work, keep doing

the sequence over & over after you do the Destruction move.

SHREDDER's moves:

Flying Hands: D-DB-B+P

Head-Butt: D-DF-F+P

Shadow Head Butt: B-DB-D-DF-F+P

Flip Kick: D,D+K

Scrap Move: D,F+P

Destruction Move: D,U,U+P

Timing: Do it at any time while the Shredder is shredding your


How to get to Fire & Ice: U-UB-B-DB-D+K

Timing: The easiest way to do the move is to press and hole up

while your Shredder tosses your opponent into the air, and the do

the rest of the move right after your opponent explodes. If you

can't seem to get it to work, try doing the move over and over

while & after your opponent is in the air.

FLAIL's moves:

Charge Punch: B,B+P

Shadow Charge Punch: D-DB-B,B+P

Slow Chain Spin: D,K

Fast Chain Spin: D,P

Spinning Throw Grab: F,F+K??<-- Must be near opponent; in air

Scrap Move Part 1: F,F,F+P

Part 2: B,F,B+P

Timing: Time it so that you hit Back & Punch right after the

Flail slams your opponent against the wall. If you have problems

getting it to work, just keep doing the sequence F,B+P over &

over during the first slam.

Destruction Move: F-DF-D-DB-B+P,(rep)

Timing: I don't know the precise timing, but I do it over and over

during the second wall slam; I still miss it sometimes, though.

How to get to Fire & Ice: F-DF-D-DB-B+K,(rep)

Timing: Once again, I'm not real sure about this one. I just do

the move over and over after my opponent blows up.

GARGOYLE's moves:

Wing Charge: F,F+P

Diving Claw Grab: (jump),D+K <- When near over your opponent

Flying Talon: D-DF-F+P

Scrap Move: B-DB-D-DF-F+P

Destruction Move: D,U,D+P

Timing: Time it so that you hit D+P right after the Gargoyle lands

on your opponent. If you have problems, simply keep doing the

sequence U,D+P over and over after the Gargoyle flys off the top of

the screen.

How to get to Fire & Ice: D,D,D+P

Timing: Do the sequence right after the Gargoyle destroys your

opponent and flies off the top of the screen. If you have problems

getting it to work right, just keep pressing D+P over & over after

the Gargoyle flys off the top of the screen after the Destruction.

CHRONOS's moves:

Stasis Activator: D-DB-B+P

Slow Stasis Activator: F-DF-D-DB-B+P

Matter Phasing: D-DB-B+K <- Can be done in air

Teleport: D,P <- Down,release,THEN Punch

Scrap Move: D,F+P

Destruction Move: F,B+P

Timing: Time it so that you press B+P right before the Chronos's

arm goes inside your opponent. It's real hard to do it exact with

the speed all the way up, so if you have problems just keep pressing

F,B+P over & over during the Scrap.

How to get to Fire & Ice: D-DB-B+P

Timing: Do the move right after your opponent blows up.

NOVA's moves:

Missile: D-DF-F+P

Air-Missile: (jump),D-DF-F+P

Mini-Grenade: D-DB-B+P

Earthquake Slam: D,D+P

Chest Slam: (jump),D+P When over opponent

Scrap Move: D-DB-B,F+P

Destruction Move: D,D,D+P

Timing: Time it so that you hit D+P right after the fifth hit of

the Scrap. If you have problems, keep hitting D+P over & over

after the third hit of the Scrap.

How to get to Fire & Ice: not applicable[/hide]

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Still lacks the one:

[hide]Jaguar's Triple Concussion Cannon. It is mentioned in manual, also when you fight elite warriors like Jacqueline, you can feel its power. My brother made it once, but still haven't managed to find out how... ??? [/hide]

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You found out now??

I learned them years ago, and when I played it again after years I could still do all the special moves 8)

[hide]That is the same special move as the normal Concussion Cannon. But then it got an upgrade. You need to beat specefic unranked challengers for getting special upgrades: Upgrades I know of:

Jaguar: Double Concussion Cannon, Triple Concussion Cannon

Shadow: Some sort of ice beam freezing the opponent

Pyros: Great speed with that special move where it moves forward with both arms in attack

Electra: 3 Electric Shards instead of 1

Katana: That special move: DF+FP, but then with the shadow, gives now 4 or 5 hits instead of 3


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What do you mean with using? Just buy them or choose them in 1/2 player mode

[hide]That Shadowy Katana attack normally gives 3 hits, while the one without the shadow gives 2. But you can get upgrades to get 4 or 5 hits with that shadow attack when you have beat a specefic unranked challenger.

I don't know all unranked challenger which gives you that, but Steel Claw in the NA Open tournament and Bethany in the World tournament I'm sure of.

And I mean like the one you get after you beat Ian Tavares (you must fight Nicoli then)

There are only 2 unranked challengers which you get with normal fighting, Nicoli and Killian. The rest you get when you use destruction moves after you defeated an opponent.

And you must play on Steel or Heavy Metal, Heavy Metal is better, then you get ALL unranked challengers.

You are notified that your bot gets an upgrade when you defeated a unranked challenger and your repair man chief says that they found some sort of device in the enemy's bot and that they are installing it in to your own[/hide]

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[hide]I've asked him, it looks like you got it after you beat Nicoli on steel Championship. He defeats every Nova in the game, he is a master with that deadly Razor Spin attack with Katana. Computer doesn't have good AI for countering it.[/hide]

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I don't know about Thorn. But when I play the game I always try to get a specefic bot to get full of upgrades, and be the world champion.

Bots succeeded so far, with a description of it what I thought the bot would be, and how it really was:


First opinion: I always underestimated this robot on full power. Becuase this was together with 2 other robots the only one you could choose in the shareware version. And I always wanted to get a new robot when I had the chance, especially when I got to play the full version.

Second opinion: It is a good robot for starters. It has some nice moves and you can do pretty well in the beginning. But how more upgrades you get how better this bot is to handle. You can easily make some powerful combo's. And with the secret bonusses it will be one of the best fighters.


First opinion: I always liked this bot, because of the flames. But I was never able to test it because of the shareware version, I didn't got so far in tournament mode to buy one. I always had to see Raven use it. But when I was able to use the bot I was dissappointed. It wasn't so strong as I imagined.

Second opinion: On full power this bot is not really good in combo's and fast moves. But you can easily chop your enemies into pieces. You just need to handle them well, and you get quite far with this bot.


First opinion: I always thought of this bot as weak. It had bad moves, and I always got beaten in 2 player mode, and in 1 too.

Second opinion: But on full power this bot is incredible. You can easily make 12 hit combo's with this bot and so knocking the other bot unconsicous. You can try to get 15!

And the secret upgrades makes this bot perfect.


First opinion: I thought this bot a very good, it had very good moves and it is quite fast.

Second opinion: When using this bot on harder tournaments it becomes somewhat sloppy. But you can do quite well with it.


First opinion: I didn't like this bot, it was hard to handle, and it was weak.

Second opinion: Until I got it with some powers. It is now one of my favorite bots. It is good to handle, and you can make excellent combo's with it.


First opinion: This used to be my stepping stone to Nova. In tournament I first had Jaguar, then Chronos and then Nova. Chronos is a good bot for starters.

Second opinion: But the bot is not so good for experienced players who play on high levels. I prefer to stick to other bots then.


First and Last opinion: This bot isn't the best there is. But on full power you can do incredible things with it. And it is really worth waiting until you can get it!

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