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Oh I don't think that's the case. I would block you too if you called me a Nazi every time we disagreed (which is most certainly most of the time).

I mean, c'mon, do you really think that emprworm is an actual Nazi?


Ace, you disagree with me just as much as Emprworm does, but I never called you a nazi, and never will.

You know why? Because you don't constantly rant about how your country is so much better than the rest of the world, how every other country is crap and how it would be GOOD for them if you conquered the world! Unfortunetaly, Emprworm does.

Dude_Doc, I have been looking closely at your posts for some time, and it seems to me that you have quite a large inferiority complex. You do nothing but praise the USA as if it's some magical land of peace and plenty that you love from the bottom of your heart (although you've never lived there) and diminish the qualities and achievements of your own country for no apparent reason. You need to start looking at the world with a more objective eye!

You don't know me. You don't know what I want and what I'm ready to do anything for. Sweden isn't a country anymore. Its a state, something left from the cold war or something. We don't have any business here. People are walking around like zombies. No movie-branch, no music-branch no nothing. You can't make a living of making movies, music or any other entertainment here. I love America because it includes so much, there is tons of things you can do there, which you could only dream of here. That's why I don't like this country. Another thing is the taxes. Every year, the taxes increase. Everything becomes more expensive. The crimes too! If you kill, by accident, a robber who tries to rob you, YOU WILL GO TO JAIL! There is much more. Hell, I'd even be happier if I lived in Romania, or even Norway, Denmark. Actually, I've considered Japan before.

And I never said America was somekind of "golden land". I've accepted that America made faults, like the Vietnam War.

Caid Ivik: Yes, I know that SPQR was a Republican acronym. As I have said, the USA is still in the Republican phase. There's still a long way to go before the actual Empire. And I never compared Bush to Caesar! I mean, come on, such a comparison would be utterly ridiculous! Caesar was very intelligent and independent. Bush is a mere puppet.

Please. America will never be the empire. This is the real world. Everything will pass within 5 years, at MAX.

And NEVER feel sorry for the Nazis, Sard! Those soulless bastards got exactly what they deserved! Have you ever seen pictures from Nazi concentration camps? There was no humanity left in the monsters who could take such sadistic pleasure in torturing and killing millions of innocents!

Wasn't it you who said you adored anyone who was ready to die for their beliefs? Well, the Nazis believed in, eh, Nazism...


Well well well... if it isn't Emprworm, the American Nazi!

Edric has nightmares about the US taking over the world. rofl. That wouldn't be a bad thing either.

I remember someone else who wanted to "share" the wonderful culture and prosperity of his country with the rest of the world by conquering them... a friendly guy called Adolf Hitler. And also Emprworm's mentor, apparently.

the average person in the US is better off than anyone else in the world.

Is it any wonder that the average exploiter is better off than the average slave?

But even so, I doubt that Americans are better off than Europeans. And you know why? Because in Europe, we care for our poor far more than in America. So I'll ask Emprworm to PROVE HIS CLAIMS when he makes them.

because, again, your country sucks. its government is a hole, and you are living in it. [...] if the US took over the world, most countries would improve.

In other words, "America Uber Alles". You know, Emprworm, I'm beginning to think Ace was right: You're not acting like a Roman at all! More like Nazi trash.

I wonder what happened to the old Emprworm, the one that used to make civil remarks and bring logical arguments... It's sad to see him reduced to this.

Saying "one country is better than others" doesn't smell with any good. But I would say it may be, however, true thinking, and even rightful, if we don't say it too often, and also if we do not try to persuade others it is true. Anyway, it isn't the country itself, which is good. There have to be a functional society, unoppressive, giving human full freedom, but also responsibility for his or her acts. I found USA as a country providing it...




Hard decisions indeed. What would you choose?

If I had a pistol pressed against the side of my head, I would say;

"Execute the Jews"

But your ignorance of common sense and solutions, can't realize a red hot steaming situation, which can be fatal if you don't pick the right decision.

The Nazi's wanted this: "Kill the jews and if you don't; You will be killed"


It couldn't have been done earlier. Why? Because they didn't know what Saddam really wanted. As mentioned before: 8 years is what a president get. Try conquering the world in that time, and I'll give you everything I own.

Seeing Bush's political skills and the ability to deceive common folks, I would say, he could attempt a conquest anyday now.


Give me your lunch money and your cd collection of "I love Bush." and don't forget the.... Pieeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


I don't care who you are, where you are, WHAT you are, and most important: Where you came from. ;D

Same here.

Atleast I am a human, but it seems you're NOT.

But no hard feelings. :P


Just trying to live my life...

You got a life, then??

Sardaukar-Kirov: Please don't get so carried away... I know that the USA has done a lot of evil and horrible things, but they have also done a great deal of good (too bad they quit doing that a long time ago). Victory in World War 2 was THE greatest good that America has ever done to Mankind. Sure, it's true that the Russians and the British fought hardest and suffered the most, but without American industrial power behind them, they may well have lost.

And NEVER feel sorry for the Nazis, Sard! Those soulless bastards got exactly what they deserved! Have you ever seen pictures from Nazi concentration camps? There was no humanity left in the monsters who could take such sadistic pleasure in torturing and killing millions of innocents!

I mentioned this before, I admire the combat skills and the endurance and not to forget, the power and technology of the Germans.

I NEVER EVER supported fascism.

So, I don't care what people thinks of me.

I'm always interested in Empires that has shown great economical strength and military power.

Dude_Doc, if you enter America, you're basicly a weak person, that is about to be flatten by a huge Asteroid. One little mistake and you will find yourself dead on the hard concrete ground of this 'so' called land of freedom and 'money'

And if you compare the Netherlands with America, I think you'll be better off here.

And it's still odd why people still prefer Europe over America.

Edric O, don't you dare compare Caesar with Bush.

You're ruining Caesar's glorious name with the filthy name of Bush.

Frankly, I've always admired the Roman empire. No other empire ever matched the economical and political strength of the Romans( Even though, their style was a bit Harkonnen )

But still, I think the Huns and Germany was the bestest militarical countries.


Hun horde and Great German Empire the best militaristic countries of the history? As I see West knew nothing about mighty Warszaw Pact ;D

I would be glad to know what GOOD has Caesar done. What gives him a glory to be put over any democratically elected US president. On Roman Empire was nothing admirable: it was oppressive, centralistic and militaristic dictatorship.


They did brought the European nations and other foreign countries "culture"

And not to forget, the technology that we learned from them.

True, they might be corrupt as hell, but they did had some bright sides.

America is trying to imitate Hitler and the Roman empire at the same time.

My opinion that is...

If you think the other countries would be better off with the Barbaric tribes, then you're really a strange fellow.

It's still beyond knowledge how the Mongols ever dominated the countries with Archer Cavalry, most people said their success was in the speed and suprise attacks.

There is no way in that time era, you can survive a Mongol raid that has technology and strength above the average raiding party.

If you're under fire by fire arrows and getting double raided by swordsmen and melee cavalry, you will likely shit in your pants. Eww.... shit...


Culture of ancient Rome was nearly same as greek. I would say the Romans were culturaraly assimilated. Then came christian culture, half-jewish, and after barbarians crushed Roman Empire, assimilated these. Now i.e. no one thinks about Jupiter as god.

Rome cannot be imitated; no one would try it due to it is a suicide. Same for the Dritte Reich. Fascism is based on unicultural system led by overwhelming state, what isn't thing of USA, and never will be. Every state has brighter and darker sides, just my opinion is that USA have MUCH more brighter ones than Rome or GGE...

Mongols had no technology. Just millions of bloodlust warriors with sharp sabres, deadly arrows and fast horses. Not their bows, but their brutality was what brought them to history. But system of their horde was much different as you may think. I wouldn't say there was one native Mongol in waves which hit Europe.


Actually, the Mongols used strategic thinking, Atilla the Hun, which was a MONGOL and nearly conquered all of Europe.

The Mongols attacked with pure suprise, but they attacked at the right moment. The Roman empire was at war with the Barbarians, so both sides never expected a attack in the back.

And the weaponry of the Mongols are mixed, they used spears, swords, siege equipment.

But their bloodthirst and skills to properly use a horse were great benefits to them.

But they eventually got beaten by the Warlike tribes of the Germanics.

Even though the Goths and Romans forged an alliance.

The moral of this is: Fighting against eachother always have consequences.


If this guy is so confident about Mongols beating anything on it's path, then why did the 'weak' Germanics beat the Mongols?

If European had no war and the Huns attacked, the Huns would have been beaten off earlier. Ofcourse, they would have conquered some countries like Hungaria, Romania, some of Germany, Russia, Joegoslavia etc.

I still disagree with this guy's 'praises' to the Mongol army, the reason why the won is because they attacked with pure suprise.

While having fronts with other enemies.

Having seen some pictures of the Mongols, the arsenal of the Mongols do impress me.

Some of the weapons looks European mixed with Asian/Chinese/Korean style.

But they do look great.

Seeing Bush's political skills and the ability to deceive common folks, I would say, he could attempt a conquest anyday now.

Okay. What about Hamas, in Palestine? How come Bush actually condemns the Israeli attacks? A country America has supported?

Give me your lunch money and your cd collection of "I love Bush." and don't forget the.... Pieeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Okay, I'm sending you "Killing Time" (a game). ;)

Same here.

Atleast I am a human, but it seems you're NOT.

But no hard feelings.

Do I deserve that for being paranoid?

You got a life, then??

You never know...

Dude_Doc, if you enter America, you're basicly a weak person, that is about to be flatten by a huge Asteroid. One little mistake and you will find yourself dead on the hard concrete ground of this 'so' called land of freedom and 'money'

That is, if you enter the country with a bag of: clothes, favourite music, a toothbrush, a pack of ciggarettes, a beer and a porno-magazine (nr. 34 actually), oh, and no education.


Not trying to be rude, but it's supposed to be the best, like in "were best".


Dude_Doc, I honestly can't understand you... Are you saying that Sweden sucks because you don't have a music or movie industry? ??? Or because you can go to jail for killing someone? ??? (if he tried to rob you, then you were in legitimate defense - EVERY country has legitimate defense laws, Dude_Doc...)

I have trouble believing you, because everyone I know that either lives in or has been to Sweden told me that it's a great country to live in. You seem to be the only one who hates it... Maybe you're expecting too much, Dude_Doc. You should try living in another country before you complain about yours!

As for everything about America going back to normal (i.e. no more aggressive imperialism) within 5 years... why don't we just wait and see? Time will tell... and I'm afraid time will prove my fears to be justified.

And when did I ever say that I "adored" everyone who died for their beliefs? I said I respected them. But then someone reminded me of the Nazis... and he was right: I could never respect such filthy human trash as the Nazis. So I realized that respecting someone just because he is willing to die for an ideal is wrong. It all depends on what that ideal actually is.

Sardaukar-Kirov: I never said you had anything to do with fascism. I just said that it looks like you respect the Nazis, but the fact is that they are not worthy of your respect. They were sadistic inhumane butchers - the worst kind of monsters that history has ever produced.

And don't worry, I never compared Caesar with Bush. As a matter of fact, I specifically said that comparing them is stupid... (see my last post)

But Caid is right on this one: Just what good has Caesar done? He was a ruthless dictator, who wanted to rule with absolute power. And as a "demigod", no less! We should be thankful that brave men like Brutus put an end to Caesar's tyranny before it was too late. Long live Brutus! Long live the Republic!

Dude_Doc, I honestly can't understand you... Are you saying that Sweden sucks because you don't have a music or movie industry? Or because you can go to jail for killing someone? (if he tried to rob you, then you were in legitimate defense - EVERY country has legitimate defense laws, Dude_Doc...)

There is much more things. Don't say I'm the only one, I know a lot of people who feel just like I do.

As for everything about America going back to normal (i.e. no more aggressive imperialism) within 5 years... why don't we just wait and see? Time will tell... and I'm afraid time will prove my fears to be justified.

Yes. Let us all wait and see! And maybe, just maybe, a terrorist cell called "The Brotherhood of Nod" will reveal themselves, under the leadership of Kane. And maybe the UN will create the new, long awaited, Global Defence Initiative! Oh, and don't forget the The Terminator!


Edric O, the soldiers of Germany were just doing their jobs.

If they didn't cooperate, they would have been shot by the higher officers.

Most officers of Germany were fanatic Nazi's.

But they still cared about their own men, despite their cruelty towards the jews.

But what can we all say? Soldiers in WW2 was most of the time, were mindless robots that follows the orders of their officers.

No questions asked(Not when the tables turned when 'stupid' Hitler tried to conquer stalingrad and other important cities of Russia ;D )

Hmmm, still strange how foreign people gets a nice home and money from the Dutch goverment, if you live here.(They literally give billions to immigrating people, which comes from our pockets. ::) )

While America let people rot on the streets, so you admit that America is a cruel nation.

You said yourself, it is a country of opportunity.

No matter if you're poor or badly educated.


DOING JOBS? Even if you will be treated by nuclear bomb over you, you must not obey genocidal command. You may counter me that it is easy to say; but christian morale teach this. Soldiers were not mindless. In fact, it was only a small part of german forces, which really led genocide. Mostly SS units. Same about Luftwaffe, not all were burners of Coventry (altough this is a dilemma more for allies).

About your knowledge about Mongols, Kirov, I wouldn't be so sure. Huns were turkotataric tribe (like todays Hungarians), mongol tribes where located much easter, on the borders of China. Also they came a half-millenium after Huns. Goth mercenaries fought on Roman side as most barbarian tribes with some pragmatism did. I.e. we call conflict of 2nd century B.C. a war between Rome and Carthag. In fact, fightning were mostly Gals. Huns were something like a larger tribe, not a state, which could buy others to their side, like mongol horde did.


But Caid is right on this one: Just what good has Caesar done? He was a ruthless dictator, who wanted to rule with absolute power. And as a "demigod", no less! We should be thankful that brave men like Brutus put an end to Caesar's tyranny before it was too late. Long live Brutus! Long live the Republic!

However, it was already too late...

Hmmm, still strange how foreign people gets a nice home and money from the Dutch goverment, if you live here.(They literally give billions to immigrating people, which comes from our pockets. )

Well, good for you! I never complained.

While America let people rot on the streets, so you admit that America is a cruel nation.

Yes, if you come to America, with no ideas of what to do, what to work with or anything at all, why should the American people waste money on you? What if I came to your country with nothing at all. I have absolute no willpower to work, although I am still young. But, you give me money. Of course, that is a good thing if you are ready to live and work there. But would you just give money to me without any reason? So that I can go and buy beer, drugs and other things? No?

You said yourself, it is a country of opportunity.

No matter if you're poor or badly educated.

A country of willpower. If you don't like it, well, then bad for you...


Caid Ivik, there are alot of sources that the Huns were Mongols.

Maybe it is possible that they recruited other tribes into their army, but the main forces were Mongols.

The Mongols are nomads, they don't care if they have to travel miles.

So, it's clearly possible that they would go to Europe and plunder until their hearts are content.

And maybe you should take a look at their weaponry, it 'strongly' looks like Chinese/Asian style weapons.

The Mongols are well known for their skills with horses, and Atilla the Hun's style of raiding not to mention Ghengis Khan's style looks more Mongol than Turkic, or Tataric.

And it is said, that both these tribes actually never lived in Mongolia, they were nomads and immigrants that lived in Mongolia and shared language with eachother.

Seeing your KNOWLEDGE about the Asians, you could easily see that Mongols looks alot like the Chinese, they are barbaric version of the Chinese.

Similiar to the Romans and Germanic people.

The Mongols are the Germanic people and China is a somekind of 'weak' Roman empire.

I've seen websites about Atilla the Hun, that he was Turkic, Tatar or Mongol or whatever.

Each site has his own info about him.

Mongolia was always a huge mystery for the people.

And once again, the reason why they won is because of the sneaky, but effective attack when the Goths and Romans were fighting.

They embraced that advantage and both of the European cultures got ALMOST conquered by the Huns.

And about the Germans, most of the Germans sacrificed themselves for their comrades.

If a German could save a division from dying by running with a grenade in his hand towards a large force of Russian troops, then the chance is high that he would sacrifice himself.

He would rather die by his own grenade, than to be tortured or be painfully killed by Russian guns.

Being captured by the Russians wasn't really a wise thing to do, if you were a German.

95% of the Germans killed a jew. And did they experienced a atomic bomb? No they didn't, so why did you put that in topic.

Soldiers follow their orders, and if you didn't carry out those orders, you will die, simple? No?

As for Dude_Doc;

It is their choice that they die by drugs, you can still get money by not working.

Unless, if America doesn't have that crap.

In Holland, you can get unemployment money, or however you would say that in English.

It isn't much, but it is just enough to live in the country.

If you don't work, you won't have much cash, and you won't buy much things.


America is simply a Capitalist jungle, obey the high people above you and you will be rewarded if you kiss their feet all the time and spend all your money on our glorious Capitalistic stuff.


It is their choice that they die by drugs, you can still get money by not working.

Unless, if America doesn't have that crap.

Fine. I'm not working with anything right now. So, send me money. I need food, clothes, and money to pay for my appartment. Come on, send the money! Wouldn't think so.

If you don't work, you won't have much cash, and you won't buy much things.


If you don't work, then you deserve to live on the streets. Why should I pay for your life if you are not doing ANYTHING to support the community? Sure, if you somehow can't get a job, or if you have to wait for a job, then I can understand, and only then I am willing to send you money so that you have a chance of surviving until you can make your own money.

America is simply a Capitalist jungle, obey the high people above you and you will be rewarded if you kiss their feet all the time and spend all your money on our glorious Capitalistic stuff.

*Emperor's Voice*: "Yes my boy. Give in to your hate! Join the daa'k sijde of the fooce!"

Hmmm, still strange how foreign people gets a nice home and money from the Dutch goverment, if you live here.(They literally give billions to immigrating people, which comes from our pockets. )

Because we don't allow fresh immigrants to work (for the most part). Our whole immigration system is one big mess.

And Dude_Doc, I agree about what you said about people who don't want to work- they should no receive government money. However there aren't many people like that.


Ooooh there are over 1,000 American Troops in UK. They must of invaded us by force. That map doesn't make a point at all. And a map with British soldiers would be even more colourful.

Ooooh there are over 1,000 American Troops in UK. They must of invaded us by force. That map doesn't make a point at all. And a map with British soldiers would be even more colourful.

Good morning...

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