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Jacob and Volt's Face Dancer really has me thinking...If two True/False statements cancel each other out, is it possible to simply lateral move your unit to another, more convenient unit? Say for an aerial APC, switch from the Orni=True to APC=True when it lands to release the troops? Or say, my idea for a support Leech, switch it from repairing your units to infecting his? What are the limits to the morphing sequence? Could it be possible to have the Saboteur do the same, switch units, so that we could build real paratroopers? If, after all that, we still have the MCV-class. What are the limits to that, what can we make? Is it possible to build a trojan horse? An MCV that you can transport via ADVCarryall and deploy it into a new type of offensive structure? Picture a combat barracks. Maybe you could build a special unit from there, trade exoribant price per unit, for speed of production. You wouldn't pay 1000 dollars for a grunt to take a hill, but what would you pay to take his construction yard??? Or you could build something totally useless, and sell it, leaving say a plattoon of grunts on the ground. Indeed, while we have an extraordinary amount of restrictions placed on us, we do have quite a bit that we can use.

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Im getting better at modding...but my mod is going to be so small in comparrisson to yours and everyone elses lol but is still works in mission mode...

thefacedancer sounds cool i wish i knew how to get it to work- hey if you can though i dont think the XBF would agree because it doesnt deploy- the "GU_Man" looks alot like the dace dancer in the movie scene when they try to kill the sarduakar leaders but..i dont know if itll work or not :-

I know it wouldnt fight back in that state if it did work as a transforming face dancer thingy

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Ah, I'm afraid the answer to that is no, Frodo. It seems that only a unit with the function saboteur = true can fall from an EITS. I think this is because the saboteur = true string triggers the parachute animation when the EITS is deployed.

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Well couldnt you make a suicide bomber that can attack and blow up when it deploys with say the graphic of a Fradraklin fremen?..probably not huh? :(

ill kinda sit back and whatch im justa n ametuer and i feel like im being a itch to your problems heh sorry

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