Seal89999 Posted March 16, 2003 Posted March 16, 2003 Ok il take one more cyborg with my remaining credits then. Save the change for a lolly pop or something
slaphapy Posted March 16, 2003 Posted March 16, 2003 i'll take 1 more jeep and 10 more rifleman to add to what i previously got
lowzeewee Posted March 16, 2003 Author Posted March 16, 2003 OK.And one thing i find strange is that none of u UN guys bought any rocket infANTRY! ???
lowzeewee Posted March 16, 2003 Author Posted March 16, 2003 Soldier Dunenewt[uN]----0Points:300/300Units:100 riflemenSoldier ExSPlug[uN]-----10!Points:290/300Units:10 Jeeps,30 RiflemenSoldier Slaphapy5[uN]------0Points:300/3006 Jeeps,60 riflemen SOldier Sardaukar Elite[steel Wolves]-----55!Points:245/300Units:5 Cyborgs,10 battle armors,2 scout jeepsSoldier AK47 001[steel Wolves]-----85! Points:215/300Units:5 cyborgs,10 battle armors,1 scout jeep
slaphapy Posted March 16, 2003 Posted March 16, 2003 i have something to ask....what are the units like in their hit points? as in is it something like emperor bfd where the rifleman are like aa troopers or something?and can jeeps run infantry over?
lowzeewee Posted March 16, 2003 Author Posted March 16, 2003 it depends,if the riflemen can fire and puncture the jeep(s) tyre or kill the driver,then its possible that the jeep can be stopped,and it might possible to run the troops down but its only 40-50 km/h considered the fastest of the land lot and all hit points of the troops are the same except for SW where the cyborgs,battle armor and others might be stronger,thus the higher pricing
lowzeewee Posted March 16, 2003 Author Posted March 16, 2003 maybe u guys can fight ASAP if EVERY SINGLE PERSON FROM EACH SIDE AGREES,i dont think u guys should fight over the first planet so quickly as the second planet will not be so easy,like i said there are rebels ;)But if u want,then its alrightNote:You can 'trade in' your units to get the full points back :)SO u wont have to be worried about not being able to get your battleships ;)I wont tell u much about what's in store yet :P
GhostHunter Posted March 16, 2003 Posted March 16, 2003 I will be SWPurchase - 5 Cyborgs,10 Battle Armor,and 1 Scout Jeep
lowzeewee Posted March 16, 2003 Author Posted March 16, 2003 u still have 85 points to spendBTW,pls visit the link in my signature and vote in the poll and give comments in the guestbook,both ragarding BFTU
lowzeewee Posted March 16, 2003 Author Posted March 16, 2003 u cannot change sides now :PBtw,i will let u guys select the planet u want to fight over after the first planet is completed,but if there is a sea region to capture and u pick that planet even before u have enough rank,thats yr problem
ExSPlug Posted March 16, 2003 Posted March 16, 2003 Actually how do we fight? And do we only get points when we get promoted, or certain no. of points after X turns?
lowzeewee Posted March 16, 2003 Author Posted March 16, 2003 Quote Actually how do we fight? And do we only get points when we get promoted, or certain no. of points after X turns?u get points after u r promoted and promotion basis works on number of battles participated in[winning a battle makes u get promoted faster than losing].And u just manage the army and give them commands on where to go,who to kill,how to ambush them and plan with your other allied members on how to go about clobbering them and how to avoid them clobbering you,like which units to go attack first and stuff like that,its easier explained when there are artilleries and u dont keep moving them close to the enemy like tanks and troops and then attack.U r like a strategy planner ;)
lowzeewee Posted March 16, 2003 Author Posted March 16, 2003 Heres a preview on maps that you will be able to fight on laterexzyterria-1 on 1 for everyone battle[winning clan=best of 5]paktakhor-WEAK terrorist baseselusas prime-Heavily protected and armed terrorist nuclear facility areaOceania-Only-sea battle with a rather medium armed pirate clan lurking....Planet X-Subdivision planet of 'The Enterprise'Ergos- Objectives-Kill off the going-to-be-dead warlordfor paktakhor,selusas prime,Planet X,Ergos,and oceania,you can fight SW/UN and fight the rebels at the same time or fight off the rebels first,then concentrate on each other
lowzeewee Posted March 16, 2003 Author Posted March 16, 2003 so this is your planet to fight over guys.more info will be given on the battle soon[attachment archived by Gobalopper]
Seal89999 Posted March 16, 2003 Posted March 16, 2003 Is there a specified leader for SW OR UN. Maybe the first player to join the side should be the leader ::)
lowzeewee Posted March 17, 2003 Author Posted March 17, 2003 there is no leader.the leader is the fastest person to reach overlord.No two people will be overlord.If two people are on the same situation of reaching overlord.Then you can fight for it :D
lowzeewee Posted March 17, 2003 Author Posted March 17, 2003 c'mon we need some more peopleBTW,pls visit the link in my signature and vote in the poll and give comments in the guestbook,both ragarding BFTU
Digital Guerrilla Posted March 17, 2003 Posted March 17, 2003 Sandwraith reporting for duty, Steel Wolves.
lowzeewee Posted March 17, 2003 Author Posted March 17, 2003 Finally the long awaited UN dossier,the Steel WOlves one coming soonRifleman-Soldier armed with a rifleRocketman-SOldier armed with a rocket launcherSniper-SOldier that can kill other troops from a far rangeSEAL-ELite unit used to go behind enemy lines,basically like a commandoJeep-Fast recon vechicle armed with a light machine gunTank-Medium armored slow moving assault vechicleArtillery-Medium armored slow moving assault vechicle that fires far range mortar shots that can penetrate defenses.MLRS-Heavily armed vechicle that fires a hoarde of missiles at its enemiesAPC-Lightly armored vechicle that is lightly armed,used to transport maximum 25 troops Fighter-Fast fightplane that is used for hit-and-run missions.Bomber-Slower fighterplane armed with bombs used for bombarding enemy key locations Helicopter-THis unit is for hunting down damaged or injured enemy units and it can also be used to destroy enemy units or buildings not equipped to take out air units Fighter-Bomber-A weak combination of the fighter and bomberCHinook-Plane that carries 50 troops at maxGunship-Fast ship mainly used for scoutingCorvette-A fast ship mainly used to defend battleships and aircraft carriers Destroyer-SHip that can destroy ship with good effect,it can also destroy submarines but it is harder to do soCruiser-Stronger than destroyers Aircraft Carrier-Ship that carries 10 navy planesAegis Cruiser-Ship used only for AA purposesSubmarine-Underwater killer machine that can destroy all types of ships with almost the same effectBattleship-Heavy assault ship equipped with an all rounded arsenalSTEALTH BOMBER-A subsonic stealth plane used to bombard enemies with a massive effect,only trying to crash into this plane will be the seemingly effective way of taking it out
lowzeewee Posted March 17, 2003 Author Posted March 17, 2003 Battle Armor-Heavily armored version of a riflemanCyborg-Genetically Modified soldiers that can tear platoons of troops apart with their vulcan cannons when used in a groupHunter seeker-Unit that attachs itself to another enemy unit and self-destructPhantom-A troop armed with a laser gun that can damage air,land and sea targets Scout jeep-unarmed scouting jeep Assault Tank-Same as a normal tank Flame tank-The traditional tank that frys all sorts of troops MLRS-Same as the UN version but fires DOUBLE the load Laser tank-Hover tank that can be used for hit-and-run attacks but it cannot cross water due to its density Adv Artillery-Heavily armed artillery that fires with a little longer rangeAPC-Same as the UN versionFighter-Same as the UN versionBomber- Same as the UN versionCarpet bomber-A slow plane that drops over a hundred bombs repeatedly over different areas,leaving the area in ashes.Anti Personnel 'Hawk'-Fast Helicopter armed with twin vulcan cannons Army Carrier-Unit that can carry 50 troops or 5 tanksSubmarine-Same as UN versionTesla launcher-Small ship that can fire bolts of electricity at its enemyMachinegun ship-Small ship used to kill off units near the shoreAegis Cruiser-Stronger Aegis cruiser that can attack two planes at onceSuicidal ship-Like a suicide bomber but in the form of a ship ;)Battleship-Same as UN versionSCUD-Havent u read the news of US and Iraq? ;DOne battle=Taking over a whole territory and fighting with the owner of it or killing one person's whole army by yourselfNote:I uploaded a BFTU logo,pls visit my website link in my sig
lowzeewee Posted March 17, 2003 Author Posted March 17, 2003 OK I need just one more person to join the UN,anyone who still wants to join after 8 people have registered are also welcomed to do so.But I need an equal number of people for each side,UN and SW.C'MON ONE MORE PERSON!Then we can start this!!!
Terror Posted March 17, 2003 Posted March 17, 2003 ok, i'm in, i'll join GDI... ehm UN. My starting force will be 40 infantry (is 120) + 10 rocket troops (is 70) +5 jeeps (is 100) makes a total of 290 points, so i have 10 points leftforce:infantry: 40rocket infantry: 10jeeps: 5
Terror Posted March 17, 2003 Posted March 17, 2003 oh btw, call em nod and gdi... i'm just in the c&c universe right now... and more people have made this comparison :)i want kane's head!
lowzeewee Posted March 17, 2003 Author Posted March 17, 2003 OK the battle shall start in 37 hours timeReport of strength:UN=230 riflemen,10 rocketmen,21 jeepsSW=36 battle armors,25 cyborgs,6 scout jeeps[unarmed]March 18 2:39 AM GMT-[for me its 10:40 AM]*All units are arriving at the battleground**Flight commencing*
lowzeewee Posted March 17, 2003 Author Posted March 17, 2003 everyone is gathered at their starting points,where you can reinforce,pls do not just stand there and wait,take the territories around you.One battle=Taking over a whole territory and fighting with the owner of it or fighting off one person's army to defend yourself.
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