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The Amber Gallery


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Here is a little short story I wrote recently :)

A boring, dull day closed behind me while an interesting evening blossomed before me. Such was the way that most of my life was spent, dull beginnings with unusual endings. This day was no exception to this state of affairs, for the laborious tasks beset upon me by circumstance had concluded and my hobby, or duty depending on your vision of the situation, came into sight.

 A long hall stretched before me, unending in it’s length, filled on all sides with the objects of my attention. Cloudy amber glass spheres, appearing only to be decorations to most, surrounding the last hope for him and his world, now abandoned and empty. For these containers protected what was called his people’s worst mistake, for it brought about their destruction. Entire worlds rested inside mass distortion bubbles, each brimming with inhabitants. The world closest to me had served as a labor pool, the one to my front and left had been drawn heavily on for soldiers, and the ones farther down this way had contributed hundreds of scientific developments. It was one these latter worlds, the greatest or worst, that had caused catastrophe and strife for my ancestors and people that I now approached.

 “Why shouldn’t I pop your bubble and kill all of you?” I spoke calmly with a grim smile on my face,

 I had unfortunately hit on of many spells of rage and anger that plagued my existence, and this little play that I acted out now was one of the few ways left to me for venting my anger.

 “I would simply be returning the favor, hmm? Paying back your service to my people in full! Or I could pull you through individually and kill you one by one.”

 I continued in a similar fashion for several more minutes, numbering about 13 minutes, hurling inane threats at the object before me. My activities were interrupted by a loud claxon, warning me of some strange malfunction or another. So at it’s call I turned from my target, mumbling to myself, and returned to the monitoring station above me.

 From there I turned off the annoying claxon and found that which had set it forth on it’s wailing course. A minor misalignment in the mass distortion generators powering the first ten planet spheres. One of the generators had been diverted to another set of planets, and the mass distortion field was fluctuating. I attempted to redirect the generator to the proper power relays, but a computer failure had caused those pathways to lock up. The mass distortions would fail if I did not stabilize the power distributions! I ran my fingers of the panel, trying to reverse the program failure that had caused the problem but with no success. My only alternative was to close the fields on those first ten planets, or they would fail and the overpowered set would fail as a result of a power overload.

 I ran from the control room back to planet chamber, the ten planets in the my sight. I arrived at their monitoring station and began the shut down process, at this point a flash of sparks erupted from the panel and when the light subsided a new setting surrounded me. For several minutes I simply stood there, on top of a small rock outcropping in an endless desert, until I realized what had happened. The bubble I had been operating with had expanded it’s mass distortion field and I had been placed here, on the planet, by one of several safeguarding procedures set in place for just such an occurrence. This safeguard, however, had been designed on the assumption that a second technician would always be able to pull the displaced person back into the planet facility, but such was not the case. I, the last of my people, was stranded on the very world I had cursed only minutes before.

 I had no idea what I could possibly do here, until a vicious came to me. I was still carrying a standard issue weapon on my person, which could be used to full affect against the people, who had released a plague upon his people. I could finally seek revenge against this, pitiful race who had inadvertently released their creation. And this I do, still now I am hunting these cursed creations.


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freaking A dude! some of the most talent I have seen ever. Very very creative ideas. It isnt pieced together like so many stories, mine included.lol Very fluid, which is hard for short stories. I liked it very much! :D

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I'm glad you like it :D

This is one of the concepts I had for a book, but I got near the 40th page and the ideas just stopped flowing. I have ten or so others similar to it (failed book concepts I mean), so I plan on posting more :)

And sorry about some word errors, I also think I went from saying "I'm going there" to "He is going there", changing the degree, if you know what I mean.

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