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I have not yet read all of the Dune books, but of the ones that I have, there is little mention on the Ix. In the lexicon in the back of Dune, it simply says "See Regis".

Why is it that all of the games have the Ix but no Regis? Why are there so many fans of Ix? Is there a better account about the Ix hsitorically or do they more involvement later in the series?


Both Ix and Richesse (not Regis) were factions specializing in high-tech stuff. Ix is popular because they were the best at it. However, they often pushed the limits of the OC Bible and the laws created after the Butlerian Jihad. Richesse was a much more conservative competitor - they played things safer, but their products were usually inferior.


from what I get out of it, Ix is a lot different in Frank Herbert's books than in the prequels. Richese was second rate compared to Ix on most things. The only thing that Richese had going for them that beat out the competition was the use of nanotechnology. Ix is usually popular with people because they play the Dune Games. They like to associate with the cool looking weapons and technology they have. Including their cool sounds hehe. The reason why Ix is popular in the books is because they are kinda the "name brand" of high class tools of technology. Richese isnt mentioned in David Lynch's Dune. Only in the Allen Smithee version. Westwood bought the rights to the movie and only Ix is really mentioned. Hope that answers the question. :)


The only thing that Richese had going for them that beat out the competition was the use of nanotechnology.

Nanotechnology? I don't remember anything about that. Are you sure you don't mean "miniaturization"?

And Richese was mentioned by the Navigator in the regular version of Lynch's Dune. It's just an off-hand mention, though.


Ix is usually popular with people because they play the Dune Games. They like to associate with the cool looking weapons and technology they have. Including their cool sounds hehe.

Wow, that's quite accurate as far as I'm concerned. :O Hehe. Hence my name. ;) :P But don't forget Hwi Noree. ^-^


I've seen it spelled Regis somewhere, though it was most likely a typo there. I realized my mistake about an hour after I posted. (Sorry to give you Regis & Kathy Lee/Kelly visions)

Both Richesse and Ix are mentioned once in the Lynch Dune. The quote:

NAVIGATOR: I have just folded space from Ix...

EMPEROR: Yes... how was your journey?

NAVIGATOR: Many machines on Ix... new machines...

EMPEROR: Oh... yes?

NAVIGATOR: Better than those on Richesse...

I've not read the prequels. Are the Ix mentioned there?


Ix is a major part of the prequels, although it is much different than the Ix of the original novels.

In Messiah, the novel starts off with an interrogation of Brosno, a historian from Ix.

In GEOD, IX plays a major role with No-Rooms, the character of Hwi Noree, and Malky is just cool:) I'd love to read a book (written by Frank) dealing just with Malky. If wishes were fishes....

In the last two novels they have invented ships that do not need navigators.


also invented before the jihad. well... in my opinion.

miniatureization is correct. I thought though I could pull nano technology off because well its obvious, I forgot how to spell it.lol

ahh what I fool I make of myself at times. ;)

In Messiah, the novel starts off with an interrogation of Brosno, a historian from Ix.

Bronso, I believe. Not Brosno.

I don't mean to be insulting by correcting you or anything. I'm just a nitpicky person.

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