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Emperor wont load PLZ HELP I BEG OF U!!

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Im so sorry yo bother you all i really am but i am having aproblem with emperor. Befor i get into the problem id just like to say i hope you all have a great christmas

OK the problem is that emperor installs perfactly fine no problems, video is good, sound is great but when i select play the emperor logo apears i think you call it a "splash screen" anyways this apears then goes and then nothin. i wonder if any of you have encountered this problem. Im running win XP and have directx 8.1 and a good pc all the nessary spec is met and even more so i dont know what the problem is i hope you do

I have downloaded and installed all the patches with sucsess and none of these make a diffrents. My system spec is as follows

P4 1.6

256MB PC133 memory

120Gb HDD

I have atached my havent attached the EZ_thing that westwood like you ro do because what it tell u is false so there you go i hope some one can help me

Thx for your support Chris


I had the exact same problem several weeks ago. I have no idea, it must have had something to do with Norton or something. What I did is unistall Norton and then reinstall Emperor. It still didn't work. But when I reinstalled emperor the second time, it began to work.


First of all, you're not bothering us. You have a problem and this is the forum to report it in :)

Anwyays, make sure you've updated your drivers. As far as I can see, your video card drivers date back to 8/30/2001, which isn't up to date.

Also, check out my site (in my signature) and try some of the suggestions made there.


The thing is i did try to install new drivers for video but i use the tv-ouy fuction alot and by updating my drivers i seem to lose the tab which enable you to select an analog tv when i upgrade to detinator drivers. But when i did update my video card drivers i tried to get EBFD to work it did the same thing so i dont know whats happening

Sorry i didnt report this earlyier (sorry bad speller)


Oh yeah i ment to mention i thort i should try that installfix patch seen as though i has nothing to lose so i went ahead and did exacly what it said but on instalation it says "cannot read from data1.cab" or somthing along those lines so i kinda give up. But a cant i really want to play this game. I hope you understand



I sure do understand, no worries about that :)

When you have that issue that it can't read froma file, do the following:

copy your setup folder from cd to your harddrive and install from there. Make sure the cd remains in the cdrom.


sorry i might have been clear enought sorry my mistake.

What i ment to get across that although the game will install normal i thort i may as well try what westwood says about some cd/re/dvd not working with the cd (i dont know if you have done this your self) and so i did what the instuction told me to it was to copt the game folder to hdd the replace setup.exe with the new one given in the patch after installation paste a new emperor.exe file also given in the patch. I tried to do this but i get as far as installing with the new setup.exe file when installing an eroor says "cannot read for data1.cab or somethink along those line so i dont know what wrong


Did you mean just to disable the auto protech or uninstall the whole program becuase i did disable the auto protech and reinstalled the game twice but yet it has made no diffrence to the problem.

There no point uninstlling norton cos ill never have anti virus protection so im stuck.


have a look in the discussion about EMPEROE AND WINDOWS XP it helped out tg2003 it might help you out!!

If that dose no goo i will let you know if i think of any thing. ??? :- :O ;)


i did i tried it did nothin i went to scan disc selected fix error it restarted then did scan disc that all went smoothly i reinstalled emporer and still it wont work.

sorry to waste your time on me buy i really am starting to think that i am not allowed this game for some reason


thx for ya help but i think i have sorted the problem by refering to the other support question his problem was norton 2003 once that had been uninstalled it worked fine but im waiting for him to tell me if you can install norton 2003 after emperor and hopeing that emp and norton will work together


thx for ya help but i think i have sorted the problem by refering to the other support question his problem was norton 2003 once that had been uninstalled it worked fine but im waiting for him to tell me if you can install norton 2003 after emperor and hopeing that emp and norton will work together

You mean it works now ? If so, you can try to install Norton again and see if EBFD still works. If it doesn't, make sure you do not install Norton again :)


i just got a message back from TG2003 he reinstalled system works and emperor no longer works so what am i going to do. On one hand i really want to play this game but on the other i do need anti virus protection i wonder if there will be a patch


If you want a patch, you'll have to write to Norton. There's no way Westwood is going to bring out a patch for EBFD.

On the other hand, I use McAfee and have absolutely no problem what so ever playing EBFD and I do NOT turn off my virus scanner while playing...

About Norton, I have encountered many users who have had problems between Norton and other software (not just games). If you want to keep Norton, try to see if tehre's a new patch and see if it helps. If not, try to write them an e-mail explaining your problem. If that doesn't help => convert to mcafee. Mcafee has excellent online support. If you can't find your problem, they have engineers online 24/7, which you can ask questions to in a live chat. Now THAT's what I call support :)


I'm not quiet sure to be honest. I think it should be possible.

Did you hear anything back from Symantec ?

Another thing, you might want to ask Number6 what he has running. He also has Norton and EBFD. If I'm not mistaken it works okay for him (although he has Win 98).

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