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ornie rushes


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are ornie rushs efective anymore? I know alot of anti-air will do the trick but the atreide ornies can outrun missels from rocket infantry so my question is are ornithopter rushs effective? and whats the easiest way to use htem effectivly?

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I suggest u dont build em unless u have absolute air control ;)

But in large groups of lets say 20 or more you can do some serious damage.

I have had games where i killed entire bases (key structures) with a fleet ornis. They're pretty weak, but if u put some repairs next to ur landingplatforms the damaged ones that made it back will be repaired. And they aint that bad, 2 ornis kill a mino easy, to give some indication of its usefulness.

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actually hearing about this reminds me of a game a long time ago. i mean a LONG time ago. i was playing a4 player skirmish and 2 quit so it turned into a one on one. now this was b4 i found the effectiveness of ground units. i was strictly air. so i had a MASSIVE fleet of ornis. and it was draconis btw. my opponet was also atreides so he saw my orni superiority. he built a bunch of mongeese, again really early, b4 i even knew air drones could shoot air units, and he also built a bunch of turrets. so what i did was i built like 40 or 50 ornis and had 20 air drones. i sent in the air drones to take the fire and then i sent in my ornis and took out every key structure. it was absolutely hilarious now that i reflect on it.

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