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LOtR war


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thats right its LoTR war actually it isn't lotr but it takes place im middle earth after the third age(when the LoTR happened).so the War of the Ring has passed.


No flaming

No super weapons

No made up super creatures

Dragons are allowed but only as elites(see army rules)

must be tolkienish

army rules

basic-your basic infantry can't elites

elite-you elite troops can be same tyoe of creature as comanders

(*note elites can't be ring wraiths but commanders can)

comander-leaders of your armies mainly used in battles are alot stronger than elites.can be dragon riders, uruk-hai, ring wraiths etc.

general-are basically special characters, can be made up

king-you are hte king make up a character can't be invincible or use any of the ring(they've been destroyed)

general-orcs can't endur the suns rays only uruk-hai can

trolls can't endur hte suns rays either only olog-hai can(super trolls)

there are no real limits to armies and except you can't have too many elites

thats basically it any changes to rules just im me or post it.


my empires name is Solicia

I control lands to the north my basic orcs and humans my orcs are all swordsman and my humans are archers, horsemen, and polearmsmen

my elites are uruk-hai and olog-hai

my comanders are ringwraiths

my general is the witchking A.K.A Morgul


oh and it starts after the the first post (this one doesn't count)

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My empire is Utumnia

Lands to the east

Basics - orcs and trolls - wolfriders, archers and swordsmen(for orcs).

Elite - Dragons and demons

Commanders - Balrogs

General - Sauron/Gorthaur and Gothmog The Lord of the Valaraukar(Balrogs)

King - Morgoth/Melkor The Iron King (The strongest of the Valar)

Castles - Utumno and Thangoradrim

OOC - much of this is from Silmarillion for those who haven't read it

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cool ok here we go and my other general is saruman (sp?)


My lord our uruk-hai and olog-hai and our main troops are ready for batle

tell them they'll be sent ot batlle soon, are your nazgul all equiped with morgul knifes?

yes my lord and they are safly wrapped to protect them from the suns rays



note- in case you haven't noticed with the uruk-hai and olog-hai my main castle/fortress is isengard

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I really don't think people should be able to have humans and forsay Orcs or Trolls on the same side........Kida gay :-...

The forces of the West united as one full force. They sat in a black oak forest sleeping, their horses stood by waiting. In the midst of the night only the owls could be heard..

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I really don't think people should be able to have humans and forsay Orcs or Trolls on the same side........Kida gay :-...

The forces of the West united as one full force. They sat in a black oak forest sleeping, their horses stood by waiting. In the midst of the night only the owls could be heard..

saruamn had alot of evil me nand it makes it fair if you have man in your army cus orcs and trolls can't go in daylight only the elite version of them can.

morgul send out 500 of our uruk-hai to meet up with the 2,000 men and 4,000 orcs we have massed out side of isengard to send to battle.

yes my lord, our spies indicate there are three other armies preparing for war

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my lord our garrison gaurding the pass thoough the misty mountians is complete, shall we have our small scout army occupy it?

yes morgul send out 10,000 uruk-hai, 5,000 olog-hai,50,000 men, 10,000 riders, 15,000 trolls and 100,000 orcs now! we will attack artuck!

Yes my lord but htat is over holf our current army!

I know but we must eliminate them creat 4 more garrisons near the pass for our troops to rest and our orcs to hide from the sun

yes my lord our army will arrive there in 5 hours and we have only 7 hours of darkness left

we won't have time to finish all the garrisons

I know thats why I chose the pass to garrison our troops there, there are thousands of cave there suitable for them to seek refuge from the sun

yes my lord, I will send 3 of my nazgul to lead the army


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k cool, you dont really need to kno much bout lotr this is basically a fantasy war thread based in middle earth um if oyu saw the movie thats good enough if you didn't its ok, you dont really need to follow the army rules either.

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