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Starcraft: Ghost....


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no, it's a tactical shooter. It won't be as much overkill like in renegade but you will have to fight a lot but you won't be strong yourself. You have to do sneaky covert operation, cloack, lockdown and other psi abilities are needed to survive. You can drive vehicles and stuff though like the wraith and the vulture. It sounds very cool to me but i must firt buy a xbox +mouse +keyboard for that

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well, mouse and keyboard requires skill too because you also play vs. people with a lot of skill in that. But let's be realistic. For RTS and FPS games mouse/keyboard is definetly better. I mean. I've played golden eye on N64 and a friend of mine (who had that N64) was realy good with it but not even he could beat the mouse/keyboard. Aiming is just way harder with gamepads. C'mon i've even seen people play quake3 on ps2. jesus christ. Strafing they can but aiming up and down with a gamepad takes way too long

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Personally, I kinda dislike how Blizzard keeps trying to create sideline games. Like before Warcraft III they tried to make a cartoon adventure game about an orc raised by humans. It sounds neat but its not what the people wanted. I think they should just make the RTS games and finish the story of it. Then make other add-on games such as fps games and adventure games. just my opinion though.

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Personally, I kinda dislike how Blizzard keeps trying to create sideline games. Like before Warcraft III they tried to make a cartoon adventure game about an orc raised by humans. It sounds neat but its not what the people wanted. I think they should just make the RTS games and finish the story of it. Then make other add-on games such as fps games and adventure games. just my opinion though.

This is also the reason why they stopped with that warcraft adventure. It wasn't as good as they hoped it would be and fans rather had another RTS so they abandoned the adventure. Blizzard just had success in its current genres (RTS and RPG) and just wants to try other ways. Now it is busy making a MMORPG and a tactical shooter for on console. Well they have made console games before so i don't think that will be the problem. Ofcourse trying a total new gamestyle is dangerous. I mean C&C renegade was pretty fun but not that much of a success. But westwood too tries to make games on different fronts and I encourage that. If it is disappointing many people say that they made a big mistake even trying to make such a different game but without trying it will never work. And as for blizzard they've never made a game that wasn't an instant success

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that is true but their name is responsible. If the game sucks it is blizzard that will take the hit. and i mean, blizzard north for instance may be part of blizzard but it also another team than the other blizzard guys (hell you know what i mean).

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I agree mouse/keyboard is better, but doesn't mean gamepad sucks. Gamepad needs skills not brought to you by mousepad. And Ex, 50 to 2...good, but then again: AGAINST GILA. Just kiddin ;) I could needle your arse if I could fight you in Halo :)

Not just against Gila. But about 5 other people. another of them was a so called "pro" this pro had only beat the game on mediem. I have beat it three times on legendary(becouse i have no life) Well the best he did was 5 to 50.

Thats with infinite gernades. and on blood gultch. :)

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Nah, I won't buy the X-box if SC:Ghost is never released on PC. I think they said something about Halo coming out to PC next year. I was so dissapointed when they announced SC:Ghost instead of SC2, like I were before when they said Halo was only for the X-box. I think more and more people are playing on PC nowadays, and I think they should. Consoles only take up space, even if it's not much, the price is just far too expensive, and the games to the box are also far too expensive, at least here in Sweden. I will rather wait for SC2, for 5 years now...

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well, i have some interesting news for all starcraft fans. I read an interview with bill roper and he said that they are working at multiple projects at a time and he said that starcraft fans with pc do not have to worry because perhaps starcraft II will come out at the same time as starcraft: ghost. Now i'm not saying that they're making starcraft II right now nor do i think it will come out together with starcraft: ghost but the chance is pretty high blizzard is already working on it now but haven't announced it yet. (i mean they already worked at starcraft: ghost for a year and just announced it a few days ago)

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