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Wrath of the Bene Tleilax: A new mod project for Emperor.

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I tried it and it works! I also made a method for building the walls that the Ix can use. It uses Inoc9's unit adding method.

1.Copy the Ix Wall and move it up to the general buildings

2. Rename the [iXWall] to something like [bUIXWall]

3. Change the House = Ix to Ordos, Atredies, or Harkonnen or it wont work.

4. Simply follow the rest of Inoculator's tutorial

My original tactic failed, but you have to create new buildings for each of the house for them to be buildable Example: ATIXWindtrap, ATIXRefinery, ORIXRefinery, HKIXWall etc, etc.


Try sending it again. What is that Motocalc thing? Also, try signing up for Hotmail so we can use Messenger. If you can, jus send the files insted of the Motocalc program. My computer wont run it :-


BTW here is another screenie.

Question: What happens when a Tleilaxu player has an Ordos neighbor that frequently stumbles into his Spice field? Look at the screenie to find out ;D[attachment archived by Gobalopper]


That came from an Ordos army, not my flesh vats. That army wandered into my spice field, which was gaurded by 7 contams and 3 leeches. Besides dont u notice the bullet holes? They had Sardaukar and Fremen with them, so that just shows how much I boosted the contaminators. The leeches have recieved a bit of a boost as well. They can now run stuff over (what do you think the sharp legs are supposed to do?) Welcome to the topic.


Ahh, I see now.

Sounds quite cool - Look forward to seeing further progress. I know I don't post much generally, but I do read lots of topics, and I've been following this one for a while.

Also, bullet holes remain for ages on the maps, so I assumed they were there as a result of several engagements... ::)


Sorry that it is taking me so long to get that to you, but I hope we can both get on msn messanger tomorrow so I can send it to you. My msn messanger address is:


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