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Real water of life......


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Believe it or not.....I live in Cyprus and yesterday we went to a wine/beer refinery and during our tour our guide showed us a water-like liquid which he said is called water of life and it's quite poisonous as it is 85+% volume alcohol.

What are the chances of something like this?

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About what part ?

I've seen alcohol of 98% or somthing like that. Used to clean my LP and casset player with it ;D . Then it got banned and now it's against the law to buy, sell or posess here.

And Water of life, . . . think I've heard that before, not quit shure though.

You can also buy Spice. Usually a Toko sells it.

[ Don't forget the "Old Spice" ;D ]

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Yes you can. Hospitals and laboratory's sometimes use 99. something % of pure alcohol.

It's just that legally it can't be soled. That against the law. But some years ago here in The Netherlands you could still buy 9something percentage alcohol at the drugstore. Only it had some kind of poison in it so you could use if to drink.

So nowedays you can't buy 98% as a regular customer. But alcohol of those percentages is being used by some.


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That's why it comes [ and came in the drugstore ] in those sealed bottles, with those enoing tops you have to penetrate and then seal themselfs.

when you took the top of and started cleaning the heads of your tape deck, leaving it open for a long time made you have to go back to the store and buy another bottle.

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