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D2K+ News: Mercenaries – Choose your ally


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1 hour ago, Shai-Gel98 said:

Man, the way that this is done is pretty darn cool 

Thanks. And this is just the idea with a (almost) too simple map.

With a good design and an initial objetive which requires the player 15-20 minutes to do it and THEN an option to change side (or not), is something I would like to explore.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 21/5/2016 at 0:51 PM, i love mods said:

This mod looks fantastic but when i kill one of the engeneers this error comes: 


unknown event type 3 (gGameTicks=680)

Be sure to:
A) Copy all the files included in the zip "Tiledata.bin", "*.uil", in their respective folders.
B) Then download and copy the "dune2000.exe" and "missionlauncher.exe" from this same forum (my readme has the exact link to those two files).

In case you already did all that, then tell me the exactly moment. If happens after killing the engineer but before your raider is killed by some quads, or if those quads don't even appear before the game crashed.

Edited by Cm_blast
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I don't know then.

My guess is the "leave event" (which make the quads and the engineers not killed to explode) is the one making the game crash.

Previously people suffer errors by the same thing, but usually with the funkys dune2000.exe overwriting the original all works ok.
I can go trough that in both gruntmod and a spanish-regular dune 2000 version (even with the english version of this map).

Have you played any other map or campaigns before?
If not, try my campaign "frank herbert", start the level 6 (with the mission launcher you don't need to go trough the previous levels) and start the game. In less than a sec the game have a leave event, so you can check quickly if my map is failing, or maybe you missed a file.

Just remember, the dune2000.exe you need is this one (first line in that post):
You can overwrite the original (or have both if you do not trust it, but then executing the new or else isn't going to work).

If still doesn't work then I don't know. Play other maps-campaigns meanwhile.

Edited by Cm_blast
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