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Ed-Option / Teamwork Scenario: Player + CPU vs. CPU + CPU

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Hello commuity!


If you edit a scenario, is it possible, that you can set one CPU controlled house / faction friendly?



For example the Atreides and the Fremen are working together, as like as in the original game.


The Fremen from the Atreides Palace attack automatically the enemy bases and wouldn't shot at Atreides units or structures.



But how is it, if I want to make a scenario playing the Atreides and build in the scenario editor a Fremen base nearby? 

With Fremen vehicles, turrets, factories and all what would make it complete? 

But the Fremen will be controlled by the computer.


Would they automatically just attack the enemy bases or would they attack me?




Like Fremen & Atreides I want to make a teamwork between House Ordos and the Merchants, too.



Do I have to set the option in the scenario.ini or scenario.pak ? 


Where and how I have to do this?




Thanks in advance.


As far as I know, that's all hardcoded. Dune Dynasty might have special controls for it though; I remember seeing stuff concerning the alliances in the specific campaign control ini's. It might be best to ask about that in the Dune Dynasty thread.


Though, it's possible this gives problems if the ally has structures. It's very much possible that the "structures destroyed" win condition does not look at those alliances, and simply assumed all non-player-owned buildings need to be destroyed to win.


As far as I know, that's all hardcoded. Dune Dynasty might have special controls for it though; I remember seeing stuff concerning the alliances in the specific campaign control ini's. It might be best to ask about that in the Dune Dynasty thread.


Though, it's possible this gives problems if the ally has structures. It's very much possible that the "structures destroyed" win condition does not look at those alliances, and simply assumed all non-player-owned buildings need to be destroyed to win.




Yeah! That's a point, I'm afraid of. But it should work, if ally units arrived sent by carryall, doesn' t it?



OK. I'll take a look in the dynasty forum.


unless it's integrating with opendune c++ code, that can be recompiled and expanded original source code.

That's what Dune Dynasty is :P

Looks like a cool syntax code, drnovice! :)  Great!


But if I read it correctly, the code isn't already integrated in the game, is it?


If I can edit the EXE without problems, it would be easy to make a copy&paste of your code.


Original game has alliance between Atreides and Fremen, but it's a non-bilateral alliance, so if you played as Fremen, Atreides AI isn't correctly working.

My changes regard the bilateral working between this two factions, unfortunatelly there isn't enougth room to set other alliances (changes are on 4 step of code).


To copy/paste bytes changes, you can use HxD editor, it's free and simple.


If you want create full bilateral alliance on all faction, you have to change opendune c++ code (as shown) and recompile source code (I used VS2010).


Thank you.


Ah, It seems not to be so easy. ;)


Yeah I think in the original game it wasn't designated to play the fremen.


OK, I have to check out the HxD-Editor and the opendune code.


I'm working with Dune Dynasty this time. Does it by the setup works identical with OpenDune?


Dune Dynasty is based on the code of opendune, that it's a reverse engineering of 16bit original exe.

However to set up them, you need of the original PAKs files of the 1.07 release.

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