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Tiberian Sun


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Ok.... i don't agree with that... I think RA had very very good movies. Both Stalin and the leader of the allies were cool. Further Tanya was funny. Agreed, the movies in RA2 were not as good as in RA/TS but they were funny enough... like that general who hates canada so much :-). or the president who says. You can be whatever you want.... well except president ofcourse :-).

Abrams and Mammoth in TS? Ok perhaps certain missions.... but i want to build them... and sure.. you can mod it or edit the game with rules.ini so you can build the old mammoth but that means that you just don't play the original game.

The voxel engine was not realy good. The only thing i liked was the ION cannon effect on the landscape... but it was just hilarious to see a mammoth MK2 walking over the ice... krik krak krik krak krik krak until it finally breaks throught the ice with a laughable animation.. I thought it was in some sort of elevator or something :-) he went down so precisely...

Banshee fighter also wasn't cool. Orca was way more fun.

Tic tank was not that bad though i like the ordos cobra better :-)

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I didn't like it, and never bought it, which means i shouldn't post here but i wanted to bring up the point:  it was all war stuff and i'm sick to death of war stuff

Thats why i liked emperor, new units, not the same old tanks and snipers, different units

Thats why i'm going to buy WCIII also, thats also why i bought SC and BW (which rocked arse)

i wish someone else would come out with a game that is RTS based but has NON traditional units (and you don't have to pay to play ECHKKK)

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If you're sick of war stuff, play Simcity. Emperor is war game too. I think that interactive terrain is something, what should be in every RTS. It was trying to make TS more strategical. It's bad that RA2 erased it. It should be improved. We'll see in Twilight.

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I hope so... I really loved the interactive terrain.

Think about it, after a huge nuke blows up in your base in RA2 or Emperor, isn't it funny that you can re-build over the exact same spot as if nothing happened?

Btw Terror, the allied leader in RA1 was called general Gunter von Esling.

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I think he meant war units of this age, like tanks, jeeps jets and stuff...

And yes, Starcraft (brood war) rox heheh

hmmmm could be... all I can remember that Gunter von Esling was a German commander :-)....

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you will love it earth nuker. I can tell that a lot of people havent said anything about earth 2150 but I love it! I always fight with the UEC I think thats what tis called. Not the eurasions or the luners. Its an awesome game. how you can modify everything. the mood and graphics. its great.

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I never played Earth 2140 :'(.

@ Caid_Ivik: Do you mean the original Earth 2150? I haven't played that for quite some time, but the sequel The Moon Project runs perfect. As does Lost Souls. Plus, TMP and LS have much more units and weapon types and better ballancing. You'd love TMP and LS :).

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Lost Souls is very new. It has just been released in the Netherlands, but not in most other countries. Zuxxez is still negotiating with publishers in those countries.

Lost Souls is like The Moon Project (no extra units or weapons), but with different (very hard) campaigns.

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Lost Souls starts 3 months before the Earth perishes (Earth 2150 starts 6 months before). The story starts like this:

ED campaign (wich I am almost finished with): The ED has finished several space shuttles, but which can only transport 1 million people. Eventually, the czar decides to leave you behind and you try to steal the shuttles from him.

UCS campaign: As far as I know (for I haven't played the UCS or LC missions yet), Golan and a small number of traitors have abandoned the UCS people and have fled. Golan has also cheated on the LC, who have allied because of that with the ED to avenge themselves.

LC campaign: Most of the LC citizens have fled, but you and a bunch of others have remained behind. LC scientists figure of a way to escape anyway, and you have to protect the project.

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