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I just want to ask, is this scenario as much of a ball-breaker for other people as it was for me???

Must have played the thing 25 times last weekend (people are starting to wonder what happened to me) before I finally won the bronze.  Dirt poor towns, hardscrabble farm land... seemed almost impossible to get a positive cash flow going.  I would appreciate any cryptically worded hints (not spoilers please) from the vets out there.

Has anyone here won silver or gold?  Tell me who you are so I can bow and pay homage.  :)


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hidden beneath the mountains of the north lie veins of gold and silver, highly prized by humankind, in their greed and appreciation of things that glitter. Find these treasures bring them to the surface and take possession of the source before the beginning of the twelfth year. Thence build a temple to Xiutecutli, who will therein make fire to purify the rock into shiny metals.

Bring the pure to the temples of Yacatecutli, and there fashion all manner of trinkets for humans to enjoy. And bring these goods to the people, wherever they choose to live.

And bring one tenth of this bounty to the summit of Mount PopTopocatapetl, and cast it into the fires of the earth in honor of Ipalnemoa, maker of all that there is. And likewise bring portions north to the people of the tiny dog and those of the large hats.

And when this has all been done, honor Tonacatecutli and Tonaciuatl, the Lord and Lady of our flesh, bringers of the corn, and Tlaloc, maker of rain.

And if you succeed in this venture, a small portion of the bounty of Yacatecutli shall be fashioned into a shiny medallion for you to wear about your neck.

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This is an Industry Scenario. Build a Tool & Die where there is Iron and Coal together (using a Bond and Stock Issue). Later you will be able to build a Steel Mill in this area (when, or before, message re T&Ds needing steel not iron comes up) and you can build other industries like Textiles. Lay rails with care and don't expand too fast so that you have no cash for industries. I finished 5 years early on both Normal and afterwards on Expert.

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Great, thanks for the tip.  Yeah, I just recently caught on to the idea of starting the game by not building my railroad but just buying/building a profitable industry and then just sitting back and let the money roll in till my credit rating improved so I could finance a bigger railroad.  I kinda felt like I was cheating, though, because I couldn't find a way to make a profit from a small (startup) railroad -- which I thought was the whole concept of the game. But I guess even though it's called RAILROAD tycoon that's considered a legitimate game strategy, so cool.  I just replayed it last weekend and won gold, I think I started with a meat packing plant and a ranch or two.

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