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The War In Libya

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I read it at the master moron's of conspiracy theories (who is aiming at the pockets of fools here in Greece) web page (and heard it on TV too.). Sorry no link provided as the bast*** will sue me if I name him. I am sure he has copied this info from somewhere else-as usual.


Obeidi and Papandreou met on Sunday evening, in a meeting that was requested by the Libyan prime minister [AFP] (Image link from Aljazeera)


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And of course, no one knows how much the War in Libya is costing the United States and NATO, but I suppose we are all just along for the ride. Before anyone starts beating the drum, playing the flute, and waving the flag about how justified the USA is; remember which country is only one on earth to drop 2 nuclear bombs on 2 civilian cities.

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So is the United States. Not only do we have $14 trillion is debt, but we have 11 naval fleets! I have more boats than you!


Too bad the hypocrites in the intelligentsia aren't marching in the streets like they were when Bush went into Iraq. Obama gets a 'free pass' on everything from The Media and The New Left.The War in Libya is costly, and he didn't even have to ask Congress. Of course, even if he sends in ground troops, he is still St Barack.

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Mmm Although I admit that it is easier to hate W, Obama is not making many fans right now either. I agree that most of the television media is Left-oriented, with the obvious exception of Fox News. I'll admit that even as a liberal, I am a little annoyed with Obama's tactics. He's a brilliant man, but I think he doesn't have as much power as he (or anyone involved) thought he would have.

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Sadly, Barack has far too much power. Once again, we have our fleet firing missiles into Libya, at will, without Congressional approval. George W never would have done that.

As you know, I am not a fan of either Party, and haven't voted since 2002. Just an observation. I hate to see any kidz put in harm's way because of Oil and Natural Gas -- and the constant need and desire for the West, especially the USA, to create 'client states'.

Plus, the Media has been silent on the events in Afghanistan. This poor kid from our state was killed, and his death is just a blurb.

I am not sure how the USA can sustain this level of military activity without a Draft.

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Obama is propsing Defense Dept Budget Cuts tonight. Hopefully, he will begin cutting the Defense Department down to the bone; starting with all of the fleets and aircraft carriers that we maintain. Then hopefully, he will close some of the military bases around the world.


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From Der Spiegel:


Needless to compare the chart with the 'allies' forces 'chart'.

I find this to be a particularly relevant and sad chart. It really echoes that the War in Libya is truly about protecting Oil Interests, and not helping the people of Libya as the USA has contended.

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I find this to be a particularly relevant and sad chart. It really echoes that the War in Libya is truly about protecting Oil Interests, and not helping the people of Libya as the USA has contended.

Yes, I found the chart to be informative as well. Especially with high gas prices now, trying to secure oil fields.

I guess NATO/UN had to pick a side (stability is what they want), and I guess got fed up with old guy, and also the way the protests in other countries are going, supporting old guy no longer option.

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I think that the way gasoline prices are approaching $4.20 USD per gallon, that maybe getting out of this New War is the best option by far. Since the new War began, gasoline seems to have gone up by a dollar a gallon.

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How can we get out of this war when all Arab Uprising was prepared and financed by the West? The War will not stop till all Arabic countries fall into the hands of the West. The main target is Iran. To be able to limit its threat for the West the Arabic countries around it will have to be transformed to mounds. In case Iran attacks, the enslaved Arabic countries will be the meat to be thrown first into the battle against it.

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