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Bloody protests

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In a slightly ghoulish yet very impressive display, protesters in Thailand have been donating their blood to massive demonstrations where it is poured out at government buildings. I have to say, though it's a largely symbolic gesture (the protesters are on the whole keen to negotiate and avoid confrontation), it's a very impressive one all the same.


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I wouldn't call that impressive. It is shocking. And more shocking it was for the police to through tear gases and chemicals on the face of a certain protester here in Greece: an elderly person, member of the parliament and most important, one of the few surviving WWII heroes-a living legend. Shame... (Note: This doesn't mean I support his ideas and political views-he is a communist-but there are values you cannot trample like this.)

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Impressive and shocking are not mutually exclusive. I think it shows an admirable level of dedication, whether to the cause or the symbol is irrelevent. Blood is, after all, a very potent device.

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Waste of good blood, I'd say.  Can't be too picky, since I'm not a blood donor myself, but I doubt those in hospitals needing a transfusion would be happy at the loss.

Strange sense of priorities, that.  People are willing to throw their own blood away because of a political issue, but not to save another person's life?

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Think of it like this: they're willing to expend it on themselves, but not others.

Selfishness, really.  I mean sure, I don't donate, but that's because I'm lazy.  If donation people went round door to door, I'd certainly be happy to oblige a pint or so.

Although it does sound strikingly similar to a certain Monty Python sketch.  Liver donation is involved. :P

Though you're not the first to make that observation.


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