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a form of life !!

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hi .. could the machine be the next form of life on this planet ? like we saw in movies (matrix , rise of the machine)

when i think about it i see we developed the same way ... we were something like bacteria

then we developed legs and arms and brain

same thing with the machines now were they can move freely and use energy just like us ...

the question is will the computer micro software artificial inelegance ever work like human brain ?

and why not ? i mean look at the primitive humans .. most computers now are much smarter than them

the stage that i am talking about is a stage were computers are designed and programed to do 2 things

1_ to program it self and develop in software which = human thinking

2_ to reproduce and search for energy

and that is about everything the human do in this life

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1_ to program it self and develop in software which = human thinking

2_ to reproduce and search for energy

and that is about everything the human do in this life

Ah, you forgot something: posting clever messages on online forums!

Don't ever sell yerself short, eh!

when i think about it i see we developed the same way ... we were something like bacteria

then we developed legs and arms and brain

Incredibly abbreviated version of events, but anyway....

same thing with the machines now were they can move freely and use energy just like us ...

Really? Are the machines around you doing this? [cue Rod Serling voice-over] Is there any experimental robot in the world that can actively seek out a new energy source if it perceives some possibility of its current one [pun intended] being cut off? Or one used to running on AC that can over time adapt itself to running off DC?

Just like us? I think not.

the question is will the computer micro software artificial inelegance ever work like human brain ?

I like that..."artificial inelegance". As opposed to natural clutziness? Anyway....

NO. Current computer circuitry and architecture and operation methods are nothing at all like the human brain and how it functions.

and why not ? i mean look at the primitive humans .. most computers now are much smarter than them

WRONG. Computers can process certain forms of information far faster than any human brain that has ever existed (or will ever exist?), but that doesn't make them "smarter".

There's a difference between dumb, rote, mechanical processing of information and data and actual thought.

(Language is a tool for thought, not just communication. If you use your tool imprecisely, it's no wonder you end up with something muddled and confused.)

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