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playing dune2000 online via hamachi server reactions topic

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  • 2 weeks later...

:)Yes you shure did Admiral. Good topic, but i dont think you get a reaction of that thing that called himself Golapper of whatever his name is. Did it before with another topic to try to get the spirit back but the thing dont responce. He has somthing against the dune2000 community. Dont know why, must have something to do with the past i think. Fox4play has the same expierence, and he also quit. But dont worry life goes on.

  • 3 weeks later...

:)there are two channels, we dont know if you can play more games in a channel. If needed we can add channels. Network name: dune-2k Pass: dune

Network name: Dune 2000 Server Pass: Arrakis

We can see you on hamachi server ophirus. But you are not there and dont answer.......You can chat there, just right click on a name.Ā 


Shy i think u are in the wrong server (i have seen u in the one gerret made a few months ago network name: DUNE2000) but i left that coose no1 was comming on there. You should join the one i made Network name: dune-2k Pass: dune (at evening u will see me, muis,lysy,preetham,ophirus and sometimes more or less but this 1 lives :) )

Edit: i see ur in our 2th server (Dune 2000 server) but there are only about 6members in there so just join the other 1 to :)


:)does the error say you are already a member of this network?

And Ophirus yesterday you where green on hamachi means it works, but today its yellow it mean you cant connect. Proberly you have updated Hamachi. Dont update Hamachi!!!!! Only this version works with dune.


dosnt matter shy, me muis and others are on both networks so you should see us anyhow.

havent updated anything, i'm up for another game today.. maybe a 2 vs 1 with you and lysy like old times lol


:)there will be no one in the lobby anymore Shy. There are only about 30 players who sometimes play a game, but they dont hang out anymore in the lobby. And they dont look all day at the Hamachi server. ;( I was just 2 min to late to answer you when you where on hamachi for 16 seconds lol. Tell me when you there and we can play a game or add me to your msn. Played a nice game with Ophirus last night.


>:( By the way i lost from Ophirus, congratulations Oph. Think its cool that we can play dune again. Thanks to the players who find this new way on hamachi. Its easier now, even if you lost your cd, so i hope the community will keep on growing. Cheers.


:( missed you again, saw you message, was in a game of dune. Its not really a lobby there, we are with to few. Thinking of making a list of msn adresses so its easier to get in contact with each other for a game.


shy r u in lan lobby or on internetlobby?

normally no1 is in the lobby when there is no1 to play so if u want to play with some1 just talk to him (right click chat) - at least i don't stay in that lobby all day and i think for the rest it's the same :)


you're at the wrong place shy, once you install and modify hamachi for dune a new category reveles at the multiplayer options called LAN. use that option after you open hamachi and use hamachi to chat with us and let us know you there. the LAN option lets you play with no ooses disconnecting or and other problem you get in the INTERNET option you've been using.

btw, did you see and noobs when you hanged out there?


:) Yes your right oph. Maybe admirall can add this in his "playing dune2000 online via hamachi server" topic. After you used the multiplayer game option in the dune menu you must choose the new button LAN instead of internet button.Ā 


:) thanks admirall. There are now abouw 35 players on Hamachi wich is great news. But we still got a problem to get in touch with another. I have only 8 msn adresses of the playerslist on hamachi. I like to play dune against the other guys who are on Hamachi, but dont have there msn adresses. So if anyone like a game please leave your msn adress here and i make a list of msn adresses from players who want to play dune on line. The list will be on dune2k.com if there is responce enough. Long live the fighters, the spice must flow.....

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