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Problem with the Prequels (let me explain! lol)


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I understand your point TMA-1, but your explanation justifies at all, all the "attitudes" towards the prequels. The point is that, if the prequels announced themselves like a "different way", there would be no problem. In this case we have the Dune, and the prequels. Two different things. No problems, no "attitudes".

The problem arise when those as***, dare to say that those s***s are canons, hindering the Encyclopedia, and almost the reprinting of the original Dune novel. You know? I'm almost not being able to find a print of the first book anywhere. But that's only a corollary.

Until when they'll admit their books are only a "presumed diversive", totally SEPARATE from THE SIX BOOKS, i'll continue to have that attitude, against persons who had done of ignorance the goal of their life (socio/political/antropological questions? Please, it's a joke? What are you talking about?).

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totally 3ngel.

Another thing I want to mention. It is all just fiction, and shouldnt be taken too seriously. This is obvious, but its always good to mention.

Also though because it is fiction, you can do whatever you wish with it! its your world, your creation to do with as you please. there is no canon, the real canon is in your head, what you rationalize in your own mind.

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I agree with 3ngel, the clash originates from Brian Herbert, he had two possible directions:

1. documenting, studying, read the originals again and again, amass a more than confortable amount of general knowledge, work, work again and again, then try imitating his father, mimick him and modestly beg our pardon in case we still think he doesn't compare, that would be the "try my best" approach

2. warn us he's not his father, he has his own writing style, he has a new and modern audience to please, like it or leave it, that would be the "my own way" approach

The problem is Brian Herbert pretends he's doing his best when actually he does his own way.

Same about the sequel: how can Brian pretend he writes the same book his father would have wrote?

Having first-hand notes means nothing, a DUNE novel is all about elaboration, perfection lies in details, a draft DUNE plot by Frank Herbert is a nugget, not a gold mine.

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Also though because it is fiction, you can do whatever you wish with it! its your world, your creation to do with as you please. there is no canon, the real canon is in your head, what you rationalize in your own mind.

Very true. But the thing is, it's not BH and KJA's world. It's Frank Herbert's world, and they go around as if it were entirely their own. And the ambitious statements that their writing is "as if FH wrote it himself" (="canon") are simply preposterous.

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I have no problem with Brian Herbert doing what he wants with the Dune license, he has the legal rights to do. And canon means nothing to me.

What bothers me is the bold claims "as if FH wrote it himself".

May be it's a marketing trick that can't be avoided, i remember the promotion of DUNE, a movie by David Lynch, yet the gimmick was "FH has been involved at every level", and yes FH was involved (in making concessions after concessions), then David Lynch has been forced to even more concessions, until not so much remains from the novel. It was a Dino De Laurentis movie yet it has been promoted as a Frank Herbert movie made a reality by David Lynch.

"as if FH wrote it himself" is what you are selled.

What you buy is another thing, good or not so good, but never what advertised.

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I see the same thing happening with film these days, and in all pop culture forms of entertainment

Not only entertainment.

News and magazines tell real-life stories rather than give facts and comment things by domain experts.

Nowadays, anything elaborate enough is perceived as academic, an undesirable scholar authority, thus any speech and any writing turns to a show, more personal, more visual, nothing is more appalling than the abstruse and the terse.

That's a fact of modern life, it's not new, it's just worse everyday, you can't fight it, you learn to live with it. 

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