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Emperor Crashing in Campaign


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I have Emperor, I used the no-CD patch erjin suggested some time ago, and I played the campaign. However, it has a tendency to crash every 2 or 3 missions AFTER I complete the mission, and although I now save before winning a mission for this, it still gets annoying. I am running XP with SP2. Any ideas why it's screwing up?

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Someone complained about noCD patch causing an increase in crases in campaing mode. That being a mode I dont really play much (ever) I cannot confirm either way. Still, you can search for that thread and see if it helps.

I am not shure who it was...maybe spectral paladin, about 4-6 months ago...maybe..

Good luck with the problem.

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  • 2 months later...

While I have been modding EBFD for Conflict of the Landsraad mod, one thing I found was a text file (in UI directory) that controls the movies (*.bik) that are loaded every few campaign missions.

Each movie has a definition for example: HD (found on Hard disk under /data/movies eg Westwood logo.bik, some early movies on CD1 the install disk), then the text file calls each required movie from the specific house CD (CD2, CD3 and CD4).

Your NoCD code may have messed this up as the movies text file may still be thinking to find the wanted movie on a House CD which is now on your Hard Drive...

You can edit this text file so that no movies are played...and then it must be installed under /data/UI. You will need to use DuneEX to extract the text file from the Westwood RFD/RFH files.

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You can edit this text file so that no movies are played...and then it must be installed under /data/UI. You will need to use DuneEX to extract the text file from the Westwood RFD/RFH files.

Will do. I'll try it out this weekend and see what I can do.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I've finally gotten down to try it, and I located the MOVIES file in UI00011.RFH. However, I don't really know how to edit it. I'll paste it here. I want it to forget about playing movies once and for all.

Included here is my version from Conflict of the Landsraad Mod.

The // mean the line is ignored. If you do this to all of them EBFD falls over. So I call a movie called "None" on each CD - you just need to change the line to HD (ie look for movie "none" on my hard drive).

You will need to switch off the warnings and starting movies (I still call them), but this will give you a start...


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