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My god this level is so hard! I run out of money just trying to survive! they harkonnan always go after my harvesters and always kill them and i lose lots of money, help!


To avoid the loss of harvesters, scout the area south of your base to know when Harkonnen launch their attacks, and then evac your harvesters to the base. You must have some defenses though, and carryalls are also handy.

I usually do the following: Build two refineries and some defenses (initial units plus troopers/infantry for support), then heavy factory and Starport. Then I wait for enough money and buy a Carryall at starport, that speeds harvesting process a bit, then another one, and some more harvesters. Then I upgrade my conyard and go for missile turrets (some people discard them though, as they require much power; you can use missile tanks instead). When I have 4 harvesters (with 2 refineries), 4 carryalls and some though defenses, I start producing an offensive force, as well as some more hi-tech structures to gain new units.

If you've got 4 harvesters, the loss of one (it will happen sometimes) won't be that painful. Therefore, have more harvesters and carryals via starport. Note: I never build Light Factories in the beginning of the game, as they eat up quite some money (900 solaries for an upgraded structured, to be precise), and you can order light vehicles via starport as well. Also try to build your refineries as close to spice fields as possible, as it will speed up harvesting too, before you've gained any carryalls. I usually build first refinery near the side entrance to the base (near the conyard), the second - near the bottom of the rock patch (it will require some 'concreting' to that place though, but it's worth it). Also: never start upgrading conyard in the beginning, and never go for offensive units before you've got your spice production running properly.

For defenses: If you build turrets and missile turrets, place the in clusters, build walls around if possible, and place some missile tanks and siege tanks behind the turrets: the former will back-up the turrets against onslaught of vehicles, the latter - dispose of any enemy infantry, as troopers are quite a threat to turrets of any kind. Try to keep some mobile force as quads or combat tanks in your base to respond to missile tank attacks if they happen to outrange your turrets.


To avoid the loss of harvesters, scout the area south of your base to know when Harkonnen launch their attacks, and then evac your harvesters to the base. You must have some defenses though, and carryalls are also handy.

I usually do the following: Build two refineries and some defenses (initial units plus troopers/infantry for support), then heavy factory and Starport. Then I wait for enough money and buy a Carryall at starport, that speeds harvesting process a bit, then another one, and some more harvesters. Then I upgrade my conyard and go for missile turrets (some people discard them though, as they require much power; you can use missile tanks instead). When I have 4 harvesters (with 2 refineries), 4 carryalls and some though defenses, I start producing an offensive force, as well as some more hi-tech structures to gain new units.

If you've got 4 harvesters, the loss of one (it will happen sometimes) won't be that painful. Therefore, have more harvesters and carryals via starport. Note: I never build Light Factories in the beginning of the game, as they eat up quite some money (900 solaries for an upgraded structured, to be precise), and you can order light vehicles via starport as well. Also try to build your refineries as close to spice fields as possible, as it will speed up harvesting too, before you've gained any carryalls. I usually build first refinery near the side entrance to the base (near the conyard), the second - near the bottom of the rock patch (it will require some 'concreting' to that place though, but it's worth it). Also: never start upgrading conyard in the beginning, and never go for offensive units before you've got your spice production running properly.

For defenses: If you build turrets and missile turrets, place the in clusters, build walls around if possible, and place some missile tanks and siege tanks behind the turrets: the former will back-up the turrets against onslaught of vehicles, the latter - dispose of any enemy infantry, as troopers are quite a threat to turrets of any kind. Try to keep some mobile force as quads or combat tanks in your base to respond to missile tank attacks if they happen to outrange your turrets.

ok i triad that but then the mercinarys (sp) desurted me cause I was focusing mainly on my defense, but that stratagay does work cause now i have over 10000 credits, where are all the bases located and its entrances, im guessing the bigger base is in the east cause thats where most of the attackings come from...

Hey yo yo yo yo yo, easy man, yo!  :D :D :D :D :D :D

If the Mercenaries desert, train some Engineers wit' 5 Troopers and 5 Light infantry. Then obliterate them, and capture the important structures. Don't you panic, Ordos mission 9 can be quite tricky, but y'shall discover it's easy as can be!


I saw it, and I wrote a short response which should suit your needs.

[cough cough] Well...'twas somewhat disturbing that the Mercenaries was loyal during 10 times I played through the Ordos campaign. They only deserted after then, three times in a row. Free buildings for me, and score high! I was ranked "Chief Warlord" wit' Ordos!

I don't know if the difficulty level had any effect on the Mercenaries' desert, but y'should experiment wit' it, if y'have some free time.

As for the Harkonnen mission, when you could capture the Mercenaries' heavy factory to have them as allies, I don't know if they could desert. They caused me so much headache that I eradicated them without any capturing stuff. They're all dumb a$$holes though :)


Strange. Mercs never deserted me (see a corresponding thread in Dune 2000 subforum).

I saw it, and I wrote a short response which should suit your needs.

I posted that for yoyoyo's reference, in case he has not read the topic.

As for HK mission, I suggest to capture the merc factory very early in the game (just after the first wave of their attack) cuz it gives you some real benefits: turns one quite annoying enemy into an ally; gives you a Heavy factory - which means some tanks and the ability to build starport right away. But the mercs served for a little time to me, as their starport got blown away after some airstrikes. It's a shame there's no ability to repair buildings with engineers like in RA :(

  • 2 years later...

Beating ordos level 8 , heres how u do it. pick level in the upper left coner, without mercenaries. Mercs give a false sense of security, but they are an asset. +, in hard and medium levels, mercs usually die in seconds. Also, altho u startoff with more stuff in the other level, they attk u right off the bat.

ok , anyways. First, build base. I usually do this order

-Wind factory



-out post

-heavy factory

-ix research+med fact+starport

build lots of tanks and deviators. dont worry a whole lot about infantry

build palace, many sabuteurs, many harvesters.

Attack atreides to sutheast. Sabut their turrets, med fact, and barracks. lead army to attack + kill all troops, keep army against the hark+emperor

keep hem on the edge, amss large army, kill all troops. use engineeers to capture heavy fact, high tech fact, and palace ( palcae optional)

use + build sonic  tanks against hark raids, ( deviators help)

attack emporer from south first, same as atreides, use abs to destroy most buildings, sonics to kill troops

kill hark turrets with everything, fremen in vade hark base, kill construct yard + heavy fact in rapid sucession. lead mostly sonics and and tanks to kill harks, w/some deviators

kill everything  :-X

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