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Hi there fellas!

Is it just me that has to reboot the system after each game of emperor on Ra`s Server?I can`t even log on to internet at all. :'(

If it is,has someone a good tip for what it could be?

I will start on formatting my HD.

Up front thanks



i dont have to reboot.

and i dont know of anyone else that does aswell.


I wouldnt know what to tell ya guy.

Good Luck

besides,, your supposed to format your system once a year anyhow.


uhh it 'could' be an issue with 1 or more of your network drivers

i remeber i had a similar problem with tiberian sun  ,i play a game ,when it goes to return to the lobby the net goes with it,, by the way are you directly connected? or are you using NAT of any kind?

anyway i got around it by disabling then re-enabling my net adapter

this only happened when i was using the net shared from another computer by the way


Another guy I know has this problem, and unfortunately he now doesnt play as it stopped him from playing continuously.

He hasnt tried RAs but tried XWIS and WOL and both were same.

Hopefully we can work out your problems. A reinstall is a good start, I suppose.

Keep us informed, as I am shure you will.  :)


THx for replying !

I am the only one using the connection and are connected directly I think through my ASDL connector on the wall beside me or is it over my h


No, I am sure no one has hacked in to your connection :P.

I would like to find out how your connection dies at the end of a game. Did you get a change to try out the IP addresses I gave you, after a game ?

I cannot remember if you told me you had a software firewall or not, on messenger. Although I am not sure how much difference that would make in this situation, its good info to have, might turn out to be relevent.

Also, when your connection does die, dont restart, instead go to the Start Menu, go the the Run command, and type "cmd". Then type ping www.google.com.

Let me know what it comes back as, especially the line that says Packets: Sent=4... Its 3 from the bottom


The IP aadress did`nt work out (sendt in a e-mail 2 u)Yeah I have a firewall (at my internet provider) but it hasn`t caused any trouble before. I have anti virus running but it also appears when it is turned off.

I reply back with the cmd result when I have it.




The IP aadress did`nt work out (sendt in a e-mail 2 u)Yeah I have a firewall (at my internet provider) but it hasn`t caused any trouble before. I have anti virus running but it also appears when it is turned off.

I reply back with the cmd result when I have it.



Is that the google bookmark you made ? Cool.

The other games more then likely will use different ports, for one thing. Just becuase one game works, it doesnt mean others will, as you are seeing now.

Instead of restarting, can you find the icon for your network connection down in the bottom right corner near the time, it should look like two small monitors, and usually is called "Local Area Network Connection 1" or some other number...

If you can find it, right click on it and choose "Repair". That should get your internet back, without restarting.

POst back any results you can.


hi nun! ::)

well I don`t have the Icon beside my watch.only the globe our world hehe :-X

I did reistall my internet card with drivers but no help there. (PCI one, not the intergrated, Should I try to reinstall the intergrated ? )

What if I did a " repair " on windows ? could that help ?

The cmd resulted in " could`nt find the www...... site you know "

so no send= 4 and stuff.

Can it be some of my internet settings that are out of tune.?



When you play Emperor, do you do it on WW servers or custom servers. And if you are on custom servers, you are using a 3th party programm to make that connection to the server if I am correct ?


first guess, windows uses the gateway settings from xwis for it's own use and not just emperor.

Can you do a ping www.dune2k.com and tracert www.dune2k.com in DOS and see what it does afther you played emperor ?


The XWIS connection tool simply adds a line in the hosts file redirecting any calls to servserv.westwood.com to either ra's server, xwis or WOL depending on what server you want, of course. It doesnt fiddle with any of the network connection settings.

It is also a permenant change, so if Cybo can surf before playing the game, and not after, it will not be becuase of the connectino tool (it will not even be running).

I was trying to see if the DNS was going wobbly, which it doesnt seem to (pinging ip addresses for google fails) so it seems like the whole connection goes down. Next up would be to check if he can connect to his modems web config page.

Cybodude, see if you can go to Start menu > Run the type cmd. Then enter ipconfig in to the new window. For Defualt gateway, find that number and now type ping <Default gateway number> putting your default gateway there. So I would try pinging

Also, failing all else, see if restarting your modem doesnt help, rather then restarting your computer, as the other person I knew with this issue used to reset the modem, not his computer, although both seemed effective.


I thought so to, (the xwis settings having no effect on anything else).

Although just a thought as Emperor is the only thing being effected by it. :)


Yeah, the hosts file is pretty much transparent as far as the app is concerned. Its at the OS level so Emp doesnt even realise its not on WOL (actaully, it can only handle WOL, which is why ra's and XWIS emulate WOL). So yeah, pretty shure its nowt to do with that side of things.


I found my deafault number, pinged it and then pinged the other number but it said <request timed outx3, then packets sent=4,recieved=0,loss=4 100%loss> this check was done without playing emperor.



ok here is what happend after a game of Emperor :

PIng: request timed out X 4

    sent=4,recieved=0,loss=4 100% loss

Tracert: Unable to resolve target system name dune2k.com

I have forgotten to tell that I have been playing before and have had a few freezers before it got all wrong.


  • 5 weeks later...

hi there!

Well it seams that I have found a solution to my problem. ::)

I have tried many things but when I installed Omegas driverand re booted my modem, woopsy there it was.

I have tried with Nvidias own drivers but didn`t work. So if anyv one having the same problem change to Omega.

Thanks for all the effort all of you did to try to help me.



P.S hope it work nest time too......

P.S II I dint get a chance to try to play after rebooting my modem and installing the drivers soo....

witch one of them solved the problem..... ::)


:) Excellent news :)

I thought you had rebooted your modem many times, if so, it wouldnt have made the difference this time.

As for Omega drivers...Woah, thats a freaky thing...

But glad you have got it sorted, we need some fresh bright red blood  8)

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