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Now I know all the titans took there names after Greek heros nad such, and the Neo-Cymeks took there names from other mythologies (ie. Beowulf) but why did Erasmus, a robot, name himself Erasmus? What possible connection is there between ERasmus of legends of Dune, and Erasmus of history?

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I think that the 'authors' just thought it sounds like a nice name. I mean Dante doesn't seem to have much connection to his namesake (no poetry, lack of inferno), and neither did Hecate. Erasmus could possibly have taken the name through being a thinker compared to his machine counterparts, as (the) Erasmus was a philosopher, I think. But more likely it was just a case of "Ooo, pretty word, find a character we can use this word on."

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erasmus was a philosepher ( and a dutch one I might add)

I think Dante is right, Erasmus always tried to understand human nature and The philosepher erasmus has had his interests in that as well, although the connections might be small and trivial, I think the character's in the books chose thre names not out of the bleu ( or however you say that)

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Well, I can say that we've not had any cymek connections here at Queens' - although the Erasmus building across from me looks particularly mechanical and evil.

(NB: 1506- First visit of Erasmus. 1510-15?- Second visit of Erasmus. http://www.quns.cam.ac.uk/Queens/Misc/chronology.html)

But yes, I think it may just have been authorial inconsistency.

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Hecate was a witch from Greek mythology, so there is some correlation there.  Don't forget Dante wrote the Inferno partly as a way to condemn his political enemies in a subtle way.

As for Erasmus, his character is probably the best thing to come out of the prequels, but apart from the philosopher from history, can't really think of a strong connection.

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