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Suprisingly enough, I never really played this game until a few days ago. My dad purchased it when it first came out, and he loved it, but I was too young to really get a grasp of the game,so it didnt seem all that cool to me.

Now though, when I really am into hardcore gaming, and now that I love stories that enthrawl you, this game really seems like it will kick my ass. It seems like a masterpiece already and I am just near the beginning. It also seems very hard though, so I am wondering if any of yo ucan give me pointers on the game.

what did you guys think of it? it seems extermely brilliant to me, and to think when it was made too! The graphics for their time were awesome, and still are beautiful to this day. I just really get a kick out of this game, and am already loving it!

any tips, pointers, or suggestions? if so please post. Also if you want to comment on the game itself, I would love to hear the ideas you have on this game. :)

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A beautiful game; one of my all-time favourites.  The graphics are beautiful and picturesque, if a little dated, though they made a "Masterpiece Edition" which uses 24-bit colour and crisper movies, as well as a fully 3D version called RealMyst.  I bought the Masterpiece Edition, despite having the original, and might try Ebay sometime for a cheap copy of RealMyst (which is even hooked up to your PC's clock, so you can see a sunset on Channelwood, or a Selentic twilight.  The Music is perhaps the best aspect, as it REALLY adds to the atmosphere (and to think they almost didn't put music in the game!).  The storyline is very interesting, and the game is full of many small details that you really have to look for.

I also recommend its sequels (Riven, Exile, and though I haven't played it yet, Revelations; and the 'sipn-off' game, Uru), as well as the trilogy of books, by the creators of the game.  The books are just as haunting and beautiful as the games, and are very well written.

I'm glad you've tried this game, TMA.  My only advice is to read everything (esp. the unburned books in the library on Myst), and if you find yourself in doubt, check the Tower).

I'm curious:  What do you think of the brothers, Sirrus (Red) and Achenar (Blue)?

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I get the feeling that Achenar must be pretty mad. I have only played the game about maybe an hour a day, which is all I have had time for lately, but I have accomplished a lot!

*Warning!* potential spoilers

This is kinda badass vanguard. I have played in total about maybe 3 hours, and I already have gotten into two ages. I figured out the 8 switches, that was simple as heck. I then checked out the room by the docks, and put "08" into the code behind the code paper, and got a message. obviously I went into the library and read the books, as well as putting the blue paper in the blue book, and the red paper in the red book. I am suspicious of Achenar, he seems completely out of his mind, and I suspect him more than anybody after recieving that message I just mentioned in that room by the dock. Out of the two sons, I think he must have been the one who messed with the world.

Anyways after that I went back to the library, and then looked at the map and moved the tower, got all the info, and am already working on one of the two ages I have figured out. It is the water world with the small boardwalks, you know what I am talking about right? Anyways for about 3 hours of game play, I figured being pretty far into one of the ages is pretty damn good! :)

I am so into this game, that I have been inspired to write a journal, written like I am actually the main character. It is going along quite well! I read it last night, and it scared the crap out of me because it was so haunting, in fact, the whole game is haunting. I would say it is one of the coolest pieces of writing ever. Woudl you like to read waht I have so far sometime vanguard?

Oh, and another neat side note. That friend of mine, Sam, he let me borrow the books. it is kinda funny you mentioned them because he says they have some amazing details about them. He wont tell me much, but I begged him to let me know a little (because unlike many people, knowing about key themes to books before reading them does not hinder the enjoyment of the reading).

He told me something that is really cool. Basically he said something along the lines that in the books, you realize that oen of the main ideas is basically that there are infinite realities, and that when you write a book with the right paper and ink, you can tap into that reality and basically go into another dimension. I thought this was damn cool. He was really excited and wanted to say more, but he stopped himself, so I am really excited to start them now, especially since you give a thumbs up! :)

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I tried this game once. Like TMA, I was to young to understand it. And now I don't know where to get it from.

Another game I would like to play, and never had the chance: The Longest Journey.

The Masterpiece Edition should be  available at places like Radio Shack for ten bucks or so.  I got my copy from a computer refurbisher's for $12 CAD.  And I've been meaning to try The Longest Journey as well.  Never read the books, but the game sounds interesting, and I'm a sucker for the Unreal Engine.

I get the feeling that Achenar must be pretty mad.

True, but who knows how long he's been trapped in his prison book.  After, say, three hundred years in a timeless prison, surrounded by blue static and radio ghosts, you'd probably go mad too!  Just something to think about.  ;)

It is the water world with the small boardwalks, you know what I am talking about right?

That Age is commonly (and aptly) referrred to as the Stoneship Age.  There's a really wild implication in that Age, that very few people get.  I won't tell you what it is until you've finished the game, but if you figure it out, let me know, and I'll owe you a beer.  :D

I am so into this game, that I have been inspired to write a journal, written like I am actually the main character. It is going along quite well! I read it last night, and it scared the crap out of me because it was so haunting, in fact, the whole game is haunting. I would say it is one of the coolest pieces of writing ever. Woudl you like to read waht I have so far sometime vanguard?

I never used my journal (I don't know about you, but my original copy actually came with a notebook with sepia-stained pages), because I didn't want to ruin it.  It sits blank to this day in my bookshelf.  My friend's father, who introduced me to the game when I was a wee lad was very artistic, and his journal was loaded with sketches.  It literally looked like the journals in the Library on Myst!

But yes, I would definately like to read your journal.  As Davidu suggested, you might even want to post it in Fanfic.

That friend of mine, Sam, he let me borrow the books...

Excellent!  Be sure to read them in the proper order (Book of Atrus; Book of Ti'Ana; Book of D'Ni).  BoT is my personal favourite, but they're all very good.  BoA really gets into that "infinite realities" stuff, and an interesting dilemma regarding madmen who Write.  But your friend is right not to tell you any more.  You should finish Myst before reading the books (and playing Riven, of course).  And it shouldn't take long to read the books; although they're beautifully detailed and engrossing, they're fairly light reads.

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